South Side Rules Ep. 1 – S01xE01
Join us as we launch into South Side Rules by discussing Season 1, Episode 1 of Shameless – Pilot
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28th February 2023 @ 5:26 pm
Aaah, a podcast about Shameless! How could I not listen to this? I look forward to going through all the eps with you girls. All the ups and downs and characters that annoy me to no end! 😁 There are characters I really enjoyed in the beginning and ended up disliking very much later on so it will be interesting to see if you feel at all the same way. I look forward to episode 2!
9th March 2023 @ 12:11 pm
Hi boo!!
Let’s be honest… the entire purpose of us committing to making a podcasting about 11 years of Shameless was to coax you back into listening to us! hahahaha
I could make you a very straight forward list right now of characters I loved and ended up hating, and characters I hated and ended up loving, and the characters that went from ‘urgh, who cares’ to ‘omg I hope you’re happy always!!!’ – – but I’m also super looking forward to not just experiencing this, but getting to discuss it, as we go through the seasons, and trying to pinpoint where those shifts happen and why they happen. So yeah, it’s a scarily huge endeavour, but I’m super excited about it! and so happy to have you listening along, as a long time shameless fan!!
M Xx