Series Round Up of Shadowhunters

All good things…
So we’ve finally arrived at the end of this particular chapter of our journey. We’ve had an absolute ball. Thank you to everyone who’s written in, tweeted, commented, or hash tagged over the past 2 years, because while The Descent is Easy is not going anywhere, this is our last official episode (famous last words…)about the TV show Shadowhunters. Best bits, MVPs, and best episodes – hold onto your hats.
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8th August 2019 @ 10:27 pm
also literally how dare you end (even for a bit)(also you should probably try to get through tid before cohf)(also also also unless you want a MAJOR qooad spoiler, you need to read every book out right now, except for gotsm to read rsom)(seriously you are not allowed a break ever ever ever haha)(i really hope it stays a weekly podcast)
13th August 2019 @ 9:46 am
i have absolutely no idea what any of these acronyms mean hahahaha I mean, I realise they are probably all shaodwhunter books but yeo, got nothing lol
13th August 2019 @ 10:47 pm
haha, okay so:
tid-the infernal devices (the will/jem/tessa trilogy)
cohf-city of heavenly fire (last book of the mortal instruments)
qoaad- queen of air and darkness (last book of the dark artifices trilogy, the series about the blackthorns, yes, blackthorn as in helen blackthorn)
gotsm- ghosts of the shadowmarket (novellas about brother Zachariah)
rsom- red scrolls of magic (the first book in the eldest curses trilogy, which you call the magnus series haha)
i think thats it?
14th August 2019 @ 11:56 am
and just to see whether i’ve got this right… TMI is all 6 books, isn’t it? the second trilogy didn’t get a different name?
TID is the one set in victorian london?
dark artifices is… the los angeles one? in “current” time?
i hadn’t ever even hear about the ghosts one, tough we have just met snackariah in city of fallen angels, so I’ll see how much I end up liking him.
and yes, the magnus series. that one i’m down with. mostly. i think. whenever I actually get to read it haha
14th August 2019 @ 10:52 pm
yes (yes as in its all 6 books)
yes, but theres some tmi characters like magnus and camille
yes, but it’s not exactly current anymore cos its a year or so behind i think
ghosts is a spin of and was released in june, i havent read it either
the magnus series is….like, i love it, and i preordered it and got in on the day, but it’s definitely not her snappiest work. like a+ shipper content though haha
8th August 2019 @ 10:23 pm
ig i tortured myself for a best bit for no reason then😔
also, im surprised maryse doesnt have more mvps (and yes, the weather is a mess right now. reminds me of last year when we had snowstorms in march and then a goddamn heatwave in april)(though this is kinda worse)
13th August 2019 @ 9:49 am
because everyone else chose a dozen best bits? yeah, they all cheat lol
maryse i think mostly just didn’t have enough screen time, to allow her to get more MVPs. but yes, she should have more. boo!!
13th August 2019 @ 10:48 pm
like yes but actually no
fair. nicola deserves better (and so does maryse haha- but the dissonance between the books and the show throws me about that, but thats a different matter)