When Albion’s Need Is Greatest – Fic Recs
In this episode we recommend some of our favourite Merlin fanfic set post The Diamond of the Day – Part 2. (and some others, because Michelle is bad at sticking to theme!)
Please remember to leave kudos and comments for anything you read and like. Fanfic writers are the backbone of fandom.
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28th April 2022 @ 3:45 pm
Ah yes, thank you two for the continued episodes and recs!! I’m so excited to be reading these. (So sorry to be MIA! Started a new job!).
So, kinda along the lines of fanfic, I made an extended fanmix soundtrack for everyone for writing/studying! By no means am I musically gifted, but I tried to pick tracks that had similar musical elements and blended well with the original score. So, let me know what you think and if you have any tracks you would suggest adding!
It’s called His Name: Merlin. Here is the link for the Youtube playlist (It is also on Spotify under the same name):
13th April 2022 @ 11:52 pm
Excited to read all of these! Lots of fics that I don’t think I’ve ever read, which is surprising. Thanks for the shout, always fun to hear my name in the podcast 😄 Ruth when you said you haven’t read ‘And like the cycle of the year, we begin again’ my jaw literally dropped! I guess I forget how relatively recent it was written (2016) because it feels like an instant fandom classic to me. Its definitely my favorite Merthur fic, I’ve read it at least three times. I hope you like it when you get around to it! I’m not sure if you’re doing anymore extras for D&C, but I’m definitely following you guys to Thinky Thoughts and any other endeavors regardless 😁
1st April 2022 @ 3:46 pm
I haven’t listened yet, but yesssss I’ve been waiting for this!
31st March 2022 @ 7:37 pm
I’m really on board with your explanation for why the fic in the Merlin fandom is so good! That makes total sense.
And BTW Glompfest is still alive and kicking! (sincerely from a person who might have written 2 fics for it 😀 )
A lot of fandom these days seems to be on Discord as well as Tumblr. It took me some time to find the communities, but once I did, it’s very cozy <3