Queer as folk

We are having Thinky Thoughts about Queer as Folk.
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1st December 2020 @ 7:59 am
Hosted by michellemisfit rutherinahobbit – The Descent is Easy; Thinky Thoughts; Destiny ve been listening to your Hogwarts sorting episodes recently and was wondering wether you re familiar with the MBTI personality types? If not, I highly recommend reading up on them, it s extremely interesting and also enlightening. If you do know them, would you ever consider making an episode in which you assign types to characters? I d love to hear your thoughts!
7th December 2020 @ 10:40 pm
I know of the system, though have not read into it in any detail. I believe there’s a large variety of online questionnaired you can fill in to help you work out your own type (though I am sure with greater or lesser success, depending on which one you use), but to be comfortable talking and assigning people a personality type, I would need to know way more about it I’m afraid.
M Xx