Pilots: iZombie
In the mood for an American Supernatural Procedural Crime Drama Television Series?
Yeah, us too, so let’s chat about the iZombie pilot!
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18th April 2023 @ 10:23 pm
Hey! I just listened to this episode and wanted to recommend ‘in the flesh’ which is on bbc iplayer – it’s probably my favourite zombie show because it’s about a post zombie apocalypse world where they’ve found a cure and are re-integrating zombies into society so it’s more about tackling prejudice than horror and gore. I’m not a huge zombie fan either but I really enjoyed this show 🙂 xx
21st September 2023 @ 12:26 pm
argh! this is STILL on my ‘To Watch’ list!!!! One day. One day it will happen 🙁 🙁 🙁
M Xx
17th August 2022 @ 2:11 pm
I totally agree with the hair comment -I find UK drama tends to have characters with a more natural/job-appropriate look. Overall this was a fun idea, but I’ve never been into procedurals. So yeah, I’m one of those ‘watched iZombie for the Lowell season’ people. : ) But yeah Ravi is awesome and Liv is definitely a likeable lead. My one issue was that we never really get to know Liv -she seems to be the brain-of-the-week each episode. I also agree that her pre-zombie life is surface level for us to care, including Major and their relationship.
This is glaring once Lowell turns up. I mean the man makes snarky comments about being shirtless, if I recall correctly! But we’re told Liv is in love with Major so she certainly should have had an internal war about going out with Lowell. This is only briefly mentioned, and the fact that Lowell is able to ‘distract’ her from her hesitation real quick just shows Lowell’s powers of seduction -I meant- shows we never invested enough in Liv’s relationship with Major or Major as a nuanced character. So definitely a fun little show, gave us one of the most humanised ‘side love interests’ but could have invested a bit more in the main characters in season 1. Also I’m watching the US version of Ghosts at the moment with Rose McIver. She’s great in this too, as is the husband character and the overall comedy/cast of ghosts.
23rd August 2022 @ 6:11 pm
that’s a totally fair point about Lowell and how easy it was for him to distract Liv from the love of her life and all that… which is so not necessary because the struggle is right there. Liv cannot be with Major right now, and even if Ravi managed to sort out a cure, it could take DECADES, and she cannot ask Major to wait. hell, she can’t even explain to him why he should wait, and what he is waiting for. So show us that struggle and the really tough decision she makes in maybe considering Lowell as an option for a love interest.
And then separatetly, but additionally, rely on bradley james to sell the attractiveness of Lowell. Which, let’s all be honest, he does with one arm tied behind his back. Like, that whole cocktail making bit? INCREDIBLY ATTRACTIVE. I didn’t struggle for one second in believing that she might fancy the guy…. haha
M xx