Pandemonium Con 2 –Dominic Sherwood Panel

We missed some of the panel, as we were talking to Kat, so walked into the room halfway through Dominic pondering what he would do when asked to Snog, Marry, Avoid – Clary, Magnus, Izzy

Dom: Well, *I* can’t marry Magnus, because of Alec, but I don’t want to avoid him either. But then I also don’t want to marry Izzy, do I? I’ve already been through that. So yeah, I’ll avoid Izzy! Which is an easy answer, because Emeraude’s not here, so I can say whatever! By the way, this is why you’re not allowed to film as otherwise I’d get texts from Emeraude just saying WHAT!?! – – And then I’d marry Magnus!

Fan dressed as Clary steps up to the microphone
Dom: You’re Clary! That’s amazing!! I remember that dress. That’s fantastic.
Host interrupts to announce VIP photos with Kat
Dom: (threateningly) If any of you move… the convention is over!
Host: Who’s the boss in this room?
Everyone in the audience points at Dom. Host tells them they have to go, anyway. People start to get up and move, while Dom counts the number of people leaving
One, two, three, four, five, six… none of you are my friends anymore. But the people still here… I love you.

Fan tries to ask question, but it’s super loud in the room
Dom: On a serious note though, if any of you have to leave the auditorium at any point, try and keep it quiet, so we can hear the question.
Everyone whoops and cheers
Dom: What did we *just* talk about??

Fan: Do you think Clace deserved better and what ending would you have preferred?
Dom: Do I think they deserve better.. than the incest and death and all of that? Well, yeah…

Dom: And about the ending. I actually think it’s nice. And I will tell you for why. Because they pay me to say that! No, seriously, I think the ending leaves scope for the future of this relationship. The relationship isn’t over and can turn into what it once was and maybe something even more beautiful in the future. The purpose of the ending is that it’s left up to the audience’s interpretation of what they envisage Clace to be in the future, which is a bit of a cop out, but that’s what they did.
Fan: How are you today? Are you happy with where you are in life right now?
Dom: Am I happy with where I am in life right now?? Are you my therapist?

Fan: And also, are you cheering for anyone right now? Any sports?
Dom: Who’s my soccer team?
Audience: Football team!
Dom: Yes, football, sorry! My football team is Burnley because that’s where my mother is from. Which is great… It’s not!
And am I doing okay in life? Ecunimically am I fine, with where I am? The choices I’ve made over the course of my 29 years on this planet?
…sure! I’ve got a puppy!

Host interrupts again, to ask more people to go to the Kat photograph
Dom: Don’t!
Host: Also this is the last question, I’m sorry. But he’s coming back later.
Dom: (shrugging) Apparently. If I could get a little glance at the schedule at some point, that’d be great… (turns to fan) You good? Yeah? Come up here, come and sit next to me!
Fan comes on stage to ask her question, sits on (wobbly) bar stool
Dom: Try not to fall or I’ll get sued!

Fan: What’s your favourite show on Netflix right now? And have you watched Raising Dion yet?
Dom: I haven’t watched Raising Dion yet, no. (In Dom’s defence, it had come out 12 hours before the con started). Though my favourite show on Netflix…
Audience: Shadowhunters!
Dom: (bemused) We don’t have that on Netflix in the states
Audience: It’s on HULU!!
Dom: (slightly puzzled by now) Yes, yes it is. Anyway… What’s my favourite show on Netflix? The show I last watched is Friends, which I watch a lot when I’m doing housework, so I guess Friends.

Fan: Favourite movie?
Dom: The Avengers.
Dom helps fan off the barstool
Dom: Thank you for sharing the stage with me!

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