Pandemonium Con 1 – Welcoming Party – Quote Guessing Game

We were lucky enough to attend the Welcoming Party on Saturday morning, to kick off Pandemonium Con and after a crazy game of Jenga, the boys tried to tidy up the fallen pieces, however failed miserably and just threw all the bricks into a box.
Matt: “What tremendous fun that was! What’s the next game? Have you ever played Code Names before? That’s a great game, we should play that next!!”
Host: “So we have some lines here from the show, we read them out, you’re gonna have to guess who said it.”
Dom: “They have to guess?”
Host: “Yes, you read it out for them, they guess.”
Dom: “Oh, thank god. That’s alright then!”
Host: “You get it right, you go over there and you get a prize”
Matt: “What’s the price??”
Host isn’t entirely sure. Turns out to be notebooks they were selling in the merch store, which were super cute!
Isaiah: “I’m gonna do it in the character… (soft British accent) ‘There it is. The famous Morgenstern swagger. Wayland. Herondale. Lightwood. It’s hard to keep track..’”
After everyone stops laughing, Will and Matt conclude that the accent and voice was indeed very good, and Matt guesses Isabelle for laughs.
Fan: “Sebastian”
Dom is up next. He looks confused. Dom shows his quote to Matt.
Matt: “That isn’t on the show! That’s ridiculous!”
Dom: “This hasn’t been said EVER!”
Matt: “I don’t think so.. (gleeful) let’s find out!”
Dom: “First rule of Shadowhunting: When something explodes just keep walking. Never think twice. Never look away. PS: Never been said on the show!”
Fan: “Alec.”
Dom: “No.”
Fan: “Dominic?”
Dom: “Who uis Jace, yes. Never been said.”
Discussion over explosions and walking starts. Matt takes the card from Dom and debates the quote. He is very unhappy about the logic, saying it makes no sense to not look away AND to keep walking. Dom explains that you’re walking away from the explosion. Matt says “But never think twice, don’t look away… if I don’t look away, and keep walking..”
Matt gets up to act it out, looking behind himself at the explosion and walking forwards, promptly tripping off the stage, but smoothly catches himself and continues as if nothing happened “That’s a bad first rule…”
Dom: “There were so many first rules…”
Will starts a quote, in a soft, female voice, but before he gets more than two words in, everyone laughs. Dom interrupts, saying “Don’t do that!”
Will starts again, everyone laughs.
Will starts again. “It’s like my brain is telling me to do one thing and my heart another.”
Fan: “Clary.”
Matt is up.
Matt: “Whoever puts their hand up first I’m pointing at you. Impossible just means try again.”
Fan: “Alec”
Matt: “Boom there we go. What are the odds? That’s the one that people actually ask me to write down all the time.”
Isaiah is up.
Isaiah: “Together we can restore my family name and keep the institute.”
Dom: “I don’t remember this one either!”
Matt: (pouting) “I’m not reading that quote.”
Matt gives his card to Dom
Dom: “I see Isabelle is the smart one in the family..”
Fan: “Magnus?”
Dom: “Nope”
Fan: “Alec?”
Dom: “Nope”
Matt: (catching on to what the fan just said) “Why would Alec say this??”
Fan: “Meliorn!”
Dom: “Yes!”
Will: “If I listened to my heart, I would never be able to do my job.”
Clary. Nope.
Alec. Nope.
Matt: (pointing at fan who’s out of her chair, waving) “Ok, you seem super enthusiastic!!”
Fan: “Magnus”
Dom: “Nope”
Fan: “Jace.”
Isaiah: “Emotions are nothing but a distraction, You are ruled by them.”
Fan: “Alec”
Matt: “Yes! That’s a perfect Alec line…” (pauses, then mumbling) “He is such a dumb dumb.”
Dom doesn’t remember another line.
Matt: “Don’t worry. It was early on. And this isn’t your line..”
Dom: “Yeah but… They still gave me all the scripts, right?”
Dom: “Emotions are never black and white, they are more like a symptom”
Fan: (instantly) “Magnus!”
Isaiah: “Ok, from now we will need episode number and name…”
Will (in an urgent, British Aristocrat voice) “Save your worries for the mundanes! Everybody has a sad song!” continuing “And that’s how it was delivered as well.”
Fan: “Jace in the City of Bones”
Dom: “Yes. Wow. Well done. I am sure that’s not in the show! Especially if I delivered it like that!” (laughter) “In that British accent you always do, (‘fake’ British) ‘Everybody has a sad song’ rather than just talk the way I actually talk.”
Matt does the last card.
Dom: “Oh, I actually remember this one!!!”
(everybody cheers!)
Matt: “Let’s just keep playing games! All weekend long!”
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14th December 2018 @ 8:24 pm
This made me laugh all over again. 😂
14th December 2018 @ 9:07 pm
I miss them!!!
14th December 2018 @ 2:37 pm
I had actually completely forgotten this happened! HOW!?!??! THANKS SO MUCH FOR DOING THIS! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!
14th December 2018 @ 9:08 pm
My obsessive need to document everything sometimes comes in handy haha