Merlin Season 1 Round Up

Join us for the Season 1 Round up, as we discuss all things Merlin Season 1 and reveal the winners of our various competitions!
Check out The List of Destiny to see where we ranked all Merlin episodes so far!
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5th December 2021 @ 10:23 am
I got through series 1 and wow, as someone who will rewatch the show alot I was surprised with your opinions on Gaius but once I rewatched it this time round I get your points but I also love Gaius and Merlin stuff. Wonder if the opinion will improve in later seasons.
Loving the podcast it’s getting me through comutes and travel days 🙂 x
5th December 2021 @ 11:28 am
For me, this completely depends on my age on first watching a show with a difficult parental figure. I don’t know whether you watch Buffy, but I watched it live when I was a pre-teen/teen, and Joyce (Buffy’s mother) was just this exasperated parent that was annoyed when Buffy snuck out of the house and got into trouble, because she can’t know that Buffy is THE ONE GIRL IN ALL THE WORLD TO STOP THE VAMPIRES.
So as a teen watching it I was annoyed by Joyce making things hard, but also understood that Buffy had this huge secret she couldn’t tell her own mother, which made their relationship difficult, and because you’re watching it all from Buffy’s side, I sort of understood when Joyce got fed up with it all… Watching it post being a teenager, and with every re-watch I do, the older I get, I am more and more appalled at what a horrible mother Joyce is to Buffy, to a point where I often just watch Buffy like O_O, because I can’t believe the things that come out of Joyce’s mouth (especially in early seasons).
Sorry, that was a lot about Buffy haha but yeah, I feel that there is a lot of similarities with parental figures in teen shows, and only a couple of different cateogries the parental figures fall into: 1) confidant and supportive, 2) neutral and absent, and 3) actively antagonistic. Merlin the show definitely thinks that Gaius is hugely supportive, and there’s only two (I believe) straight up disagreements/fights Merlin and Gaius have, in which the characters acknowledge that one of them did a BAD THING, otherwise I do believe the show wants the viewers to love their relationship, so absolutely nothing wrong with doing so!
Glad we’re keeping you busy on your travels <3
M Xx
18th December 2019 @ 2:39 pm
Glad to hear you’re enjoying the podcast, thank you for letting us know!
The Bradley enthusiasm is a) very very real and b) becoming a bit of a shtick for the podcast and c) very VERY real haha
Super intersting to see your list! Bradley would be even crosser with you than he was with us, with how low the Poisoned Chalice is on your list haha
15th December 2019 @ 6:25 pm
I’ve enjoyed the episodes I’ve listened to so far. Love your analysis of things I might have missed even though I’ve seen the show so many times I’ve lost count. I do have to smile at your enthusiasm for Bradley. He’s really gorgeous in the show although he’s more ordinary-looking in real life but still a great person. Colin, on the other hand, is even more handsome in person which I can’t understand since I think he’s gorgeous in the show, too.
Very interesting to see your favorites list. My favorite episodes are (in order):
Moment of Truth
Dragon’s Call
Labyrinth of Gedref
Poisoned Chalice
Le mort’Arthur
Gates of Avalon
Mark of Nimueh
To Kill the King
Beginning of the End
Remedy to Cure all Ills
Anyway, keep up the great work!