Merlin Mad Libs 2
We are playing Merlin Fanfic Mad Libs, AGAIN – Definitely DO try this at home!
Check out The List of Destiny to see where we ranked all Merlin episodes so far and write in for our Lessons Learnt game by Sunday midnight, the week after the episode airs.
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8th October 2021 @ 8:36 pm
That was hilarious!
9th October 2021 @ 11:58 am
Glad you enjoyed it 🙂
24th September 2021 @ 1:59 pm
Oh my god I started listening to this in the cafeteria which was such a mistake. I was trying so hard not to burst out laughing. I will have to listen to this in the privacy of my room xD
27th September 2021 @ 6:46 pm
I’m very sorry people thought you were mad, but very happy that the game is still amusing 😀 😀