Merlin: Enneagram – First Try
We use the tried and tested method of online personality quizzes to get to the bottom of Merlin and Arthur.
This week: Merlin- First Try.
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6th March 2022 @ 9:08 am
I’m finding that Merlin has a clearer arc in the 5 seasons than Arthur, going from idealistic and innocent to somewhat cunning and brooding between season 1 to 5. Whereas Arthur seems to have his whole arc or different characteristics all in season 1 then repeats variations on it later. And he somewhat becomes dormant as a character as the seasons go by. So I guess for Merlin, there’s almost two sets of answers for him: one in the start and in the end.
Also, I started writing that lockdown fanfic I was talking about 😊 Which can be found here:
There’s also Quarantinelot by Maryluis if you’re into comics.
8th March 2022 @ 6:14 pm
oooh, lockdown fic! The notion of wattpad scares me, but I may just brave it, to enjoy lockdown fic! thank you 😀
M Xx