Merlin Canon Fic Recs – The List

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We failed to mention this in the podcast episode, however, as per a write in request Iris recommended this fic about Arthur, Merlin, Tristan & Isolde: Refined – almostwhimsical. Thank you.

Ivy and Amaranth – Thursday_Next
Explicit, 41000 words
While clearing out Morgana’s old rooms, Merlin discovers a pair of unusual magical bracelets. Arthur wants to destroy them, of course, and so begins a quest that will take them over snowy mountains and through rain-soaked forests, dealing with Druids, bandits and inns of questionable repute. With the future of magic itself hanging in the balance and matters complicated by the changing nature of their relationship, Merlin discovers that destiny comes at a price.

Strange and Fearless – wangler
Teen and Up, h/c, Post 3×13, 1600 words
Merlin soaks his bruised ribs in Arthur’s big bath.

there are only walls to hold me here – little_giddy
PG13, 3200 words, post 1×13
Merlin felt his stomach lurch when he carefully and deliberately said, “Lad, I don’t think I can save the arm.”

Carried in the Stillnesss – wangler
Gen, 2400 words
Leon observes his fellow knights in the aftermath of a battle against Mercia.

Honour in one eye and death in the other – push dragon
PG, mostly Gen, 5000 words
A tribute to the shiny new Arthur of season 4, and his relationship with Merlin that seems to have evolved over the break. Sometimes it’s little things, in all the mortal peril, that turn a friendship on a new path. This is one way it might have happened, and it starts with Arthur breaking his leg.

The Beltane Cycle Series – Astolat
Mostly Gen – last part mature for sexy times, 27,727 words – 4 parts
Merlin discovers he’s the son of Herne the hunter. His magic is ultimately exposed. Highjinks ensue.

Instructions to Make it Perfect – kickflaw
Explicit, 4800 words
Written for the KinkMeMerlin prompt: Arthur thinks that he is a sex GOD. Merlin is dubious and not impressed. Chaos ensues. Reserve.

Though You Were Only Sparring – Emjayelle
Explicit, 2200 words
They do not touch. They never touch. That’s the Rule.

Explicit, 8600 words
He only meant to complain; you didn’t take serving girls on hunting trips, and the alternative interpretation didn’t even occur to him until Merlin said indignantly, “I’m not going to do that!”

Explicit, 6200 words
Deep in the woods in the frozen heart of winter, a careless comment leads to a redefinition of Arthur’s relationship with his manservant.

By the Pricking of My Thumbs – Fee_Folay
Explicit, 58000 words
Warnings: Graphic violence, sexual assault, Hurt, very little comfort
It is Arthur Pendragon’s destiny to unite all of Albion, but a reign of such power will not be won without sacrifice and bloodshed. When Morgana uses dark magic to lay a trap for Merlin, she unwittingly aids Merlin in becoming the weapon Arthur needs to defeat his enemies. With Arthur, and all of Camelot, at his mercy, Merlin struggles not to become that which he fears most – a dark sorcerer.
Will Arthur be drawn into a deadly battle with his friend and lover?
Will Merlin ultimately be destroyed by the malice lurking within his soul?
Will Camelot fall to the evil that Morgana has unleashed upon them all?

Making Apologies – marguerite_26
Mature, 5000 words, h/c, flogging (aftermaths & aftercare only)
When Arthur returns from an impromptu hunting trip to find the stocks empty, he’s surprised by Uther’s leniency. But Merlin doesn’t get away with making Arthur’s excuses so easily this time.

Gen, 9,708 words, established relationship
Merlin gets his first taste of war when he helps Camelot’s army fight magical beasts.

Gen, 5800 words
It’s not that Arthur won’t share his toys, just that he expects to get them back undamaged.

The Coming of Spring – ingberry
Explicit, 9,700 words
Kings, even new ones, were not supposed to long for their menservants. They shouldn’t let their eyes linger on their wrists, the plump of their lips, or the shape of their thighs. Arthur knew this, but he still wanted. There was nothing about Merlin he didn’t want.

PG13, 3650 words, Set after 1×13
So this is what it felt like to be normal. Merlin opens his eyes to the cool, shining metal of Arthur’s unsheathed blade. “Sorcerer,” Arthur spits.

Everything, Always – dreamdustmama
Explicit, 6500 words
Arthur discovers Merlin’s magic, but no matter how hard he tries he can’t tell him that he knows – even when he starts having nightmares about Merlin’s death.

Lost a Gesture and a Pose – mad_poetics
PG, Gen, Set after 2×13, 9,300 words
Deprived by circumstances of anything else to do, Arthur asks a great deal of questions. Eventually, Merlin answers.

The Sorcerer and the King – winterhill
Explicit, 85000 words
Merlin’s death is only the beginning; with no-one to protect the kingdom, Camelot falls to an enemy sorcerer and Arthur is forced to serve in the court that he once ruled. When an escape attempt goes horribly wrong, Arthur is rescued by someone he never expected to see again — and it’s their destiny to put things right.

I’m Colourblind, Kid – brbsoulnomming
Teen and Up, 14000 words
“It figures that even as a dog, you’d be a prat.” Arthur gets turned into a dog, and is the worst pet Merlin’s ever had, despite being completely adorable.

Teen, 39,504 words, Non explicit Merlin burned at the stake.
Eight years have passed since Merlin fled Camelot after revealing his magic, leaving behind a home and a budding relationship with Arthur. Now, with his kingdom crumbling beneath a mysterious magical attack, Arthur reaches out to sorcerers throughout the land in search of a solution–and gets one sorcerer in particular he never expected. After so much time apart, Merlin and Arthur have to learn how to fit each other all over again, and all the while sinister forces bent on the destruction of Camelot threaten everything they have ever believed in.

Mature, 15800 words
Arthur didn’t speak to him for a week after he found out.

A Heavy Heart to Carry – Thursday_Next
Mature, 12000 words, Set between s3 & s4
When Merlin is captured and injured, Arthur must face up to his own feelings for his manservant as well as the many secrets he discovers are being kept from him.

Teen and Up, 6500 words
Obviously, it was not just any sort of egg.

In Joy and Woe, as in a Doubtful Ease – AngelQueen
Gen, Canon Pairings, Teen and Up, 49000 words
Morgana’s second occupation has wrought extensive damage and in the weeks following his restoration, Arthur struggles to help Camelot recover its former strength. With starvation a looming threat to his people, he seeks the aid of his foreign allies. However, a helping hand comes from an unexpected source – the kingdom of Cornwall, which has been closed and silent to Camelot for decades. After accepting an invitation to visit the mysterious kingdom and its equally mysterious ruler, Arthur finds himself thrust into a web of secrets kept from him his entire life.

So Are They All, All Honourable Men – seperis
Explicit, 18199 words
Considering Arthur’s future wife will be chosen less for compatibility than for her political value, Merlin may be the only marriage he’ll have that won’t end in bloodshed or a great deal of fortifying wine.

The Tournament of All Magicks – Cori Lannam
Explicit, 41300 words
Merlin was flattered to be invited to compete in a magical tournament to crown the sorcery champion of Albion. Accepting the invitation probably wasn’t his brightest idea.

Explicit, 33500 words
Arthur wakes up somewhere he doesn’t recognise, but where he clearly belongs.

The Crown of the Summer Court – astolat
Explicit, 24300 words (warning: drunk on magic (dub con) sex scene, and magic flogging M/A)
“The king sent me to get you,” Merlin said, with a tone that implied strongly that he wasn’t rolling his eyes where Arthur could see, but just wait until his back was turned. “He said you’re to get changed into formal clothes and meet him in the Great Hall, there’s a delegation coming from the Summer Court.”

Nothing Ever Promised – caitcupcak
PG13 (with NC17 epilogue), 69000 words, Post S3, canon era fic
Between the trees of Cenred’s ruined kingdom, a heartbroken Arthur and an orphaned Merlin discover new feelings for each other, but quickly learn that nothing is promised, and no lie can stay hidden forever.

Explicit, slavery, rape (non graphic), 75000 words
Uther died long before Merlin came to Camelot, Arthur suffers from bouts of insanity, and Agravaine has taken over the throne, and turned Camelot into something unrecognisable.

Explicit – 44000 words, Established relationship. (Mention of the rape and murder of a female OC, who would be under-age in the 21st Century)
Arthur has come to the throne. He needs to establish himself and demonstrate his difference from his father. Too soon, a murder changes everything and Arthur has to go to war.

Explicit, 43200 words
When Merlin first hears that Arthur has been betrothed, his ribs pull inwards with an odd little hitch, and he only allows himself a second—which he needs in order to coordinate spinning in place without falling on his face—before he’s running to Arthur’s chambers.

4th July 2021 @ 10:41 pm
Alright, I have also gone through my very long list of links of Merlin Canon/ Canon AU fanfiction I have read and will read and will definitely re-read and probably will never look at again but have kept the link anyway for hoarding purposes. 😊
These are definitely my top choices, the ones I will ALWAYS go back to and love. I am a fan of quest, adventure or coming-of-age stories so I think you’ll probably see a bit of a pattern with the kind of stories that are my favourites. Enjoy!
The Albion Cycle by Antares8
This is the first Merlin fanfiction I ever read and it is still probably my favourite one because of the character and relationship development, especially Merlin. He is so fun and lovely in this! The Cycle is currently comprised of four books, three completed and the fourth regularly updated every 3 weeks. All of them are Teen and Up and each of the books is between 90.000 and 130.000 words – except the one that is still being written.
Summary for the first book (The Warlock’s Quickening): Merlin might have come to Camelot to master his magic, not to end the Purge, but he’s not going to sit idly by while his kin suffer. Oh no. Whether it’s releasing a chained dragon, smuggling sorcerers out of the city, or trying to change Arthur’s mind, he’s fighting back. Now. Series rewrite beginning after 1X02 featuring Proactive!Merlin. AU.
Familiar Eyes by Dewdrop1999
This is a WIP but it is still being regularly updated and is extremely intriguing and well-written.
Gen, Currently 273636 words, WARNING for graphic depiction of violence
Summary: Merlin is captured by slavers without a trace, and is gone for over a decade. Arthur has almost given up hope, until one day he spots a boy with a familiar pair of blue eyes. Together, they scour Albion to reunite Merlin’s son with his family- and Arthur, with his oldest and dearest friend.
Last Day in the Stocks by Charis77
4k+ words, PG-13, Contains flogging but it is kept fairly non-graphic and it is integral to the story, not just included gratuitously.
Summary: When Merlin agrees to cover for Arthur yet again, neither the prince nor the servant expected it would be the last time. Set in Series 1, sometime after “The Gates of Avalon.”
A Simple Soldier by Charis77 (Takes beloved OC character from Last Day in the Stocks as a filter to tell the pre-canon, canon and post-canon story.)
PG-13, 35k+ words
Summary: A series of vignettes about a simple soldier and his interaction with the more well known faces of Camelot.
Broken and Mended by Charis77 (i.e. Merlin witnesses animal mistreatment and tries to save a horse.)
PG-13, 2k+ words
Summary: Arthur is awakened before dawn to deal with an angry lord’s accusations against his manservant. What trouble has his friend managed to get into this time? Set between series 4 and series 5.
A Boy’s Destiny by Charis77
This one! This one is so long and so awesome. It was worth every minute I spent reading it and the author replies to comments and questions quite promptly too!
PG-13, 605k+ words
Summary: In a land of myth, and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy. A twelve year old boy, to be exact. When Arthur attacks a Druid camp and is saved by a young boy, he has no idea the destiny that has drawn them together, nor how much the boy Merlin will come to mean to him. AU.
A Warlock’s Wish by vividpast
It’s a WIP but still sometimes gets updated and, in my opinion, got to a fairly good point in the story so it’s not too frustrating. It’s a really engaging story though! And there is fanart too!
Link to artwork:
Teen and Up, 177173 words
Summary: In the midst of capturing a magical creature, Merlin is transported to a world where Camelot is home to thousands of magic-users. King Uther is nowhere to be found, Arthur is a prince again, and Queen Ygraine sits on the throne. Merlin plans to get back to his own reality, to his own Camelot. To do that, however, he must have access to information that is inside a shielded castle protected by powerful sorcerers. The only way in is to participate in the Apprentice Exam and be an apprentice to a magic-user included in Camelot’s court. Should be easy . . . right? Conspiracies are afoot and Merlin just knows that, somehow, he is or will be involved. Just his luck.
Your Cousin is Evil by Charged Lightning
PG, 2212 words
Summary: Sir Leon can’t help but notice the uncomfortable exchanges between the new visitor and Merlin. It is time to bring this to Arthur’s attention. Post season 4. Crack. One-shot.
Refined by Fire by wryter501
PG-13, 155k+ words, WARNINGS for fairly graphic torture scene.
Summary: It began, as any shift in destiny did, with a choice – run and hide, or stay and fight. And because Merlin chose to stand still, his destiny and Arthur’s – and others’ – took a sharp right turn. Discovered by the knights, arrested by Arthur, Merlin faces Uther’s questioner and judgment… Gold is, after all, refined in the flames… Mid-season 3 in-canon reveal.
Released by Truth by wryter501 (Sequel to Refined by Fire)
PG-13, 131k+ words
Summary: Merlin’s place is with Arthur, that much is certain – but there are still the laws of Camelot to consider, even after Uther’s death. Can newly-crowned King Arthur guide his kingdom through a journey he’s not sure he’s finished with – adjusting to the reality of magic in Camelot – without losing himself… or Merlin?
Renewed by Love by wryter501 (Sequel to Refined by Fire and Released by Truth)
PG-13, 150k+ words
Summary: Arthur knows and welcomes and appreciates Merlin as his personal sorcerer – and under his reign, Camelot has slowly come to accept the inevitable return of magic. But how will the other kings of Albion react to Camelot’s change of policy? – Alined, Odin, Caerleon…
Past and Present Danger by laurajslr
PG, 126k+ words
Summary: Unable to match Merlin’s power, Morgana tries to take her revenge by killing Arthur and Merlin as children. But when her plan goes awry, King and Warlock must find a way of correcting time before their past, and present, disappear altogether.
Beyond Recall by laurajslr
PG, 136k+ words
Summary: After a terrible accident, Merlin is left with no memory of his time in Camelot. Separated from Arthur and all who could tell him who he is, Merlin tries to piece together his life and his loyalties. But loyalties can be influenced; lives can take very different paths to the ones they were destined for. And a lost sorcerer is a very powerful and useful weapon to have.
Hidden Motives by laurajslr
PG-13, 103.354 words
Summary: On waking with no memory of the previous night, Merlin finds himself accused of Arthur’s attempted murder. With all evidence pointing to him and no way to disprove it, Merlin must face the possibility that he is now a threat to the Once and Future King.
Clumsy Only Goes So Far by Dragonstorm
Gen, 2771 words
Summary: The other servants see how Merlin’s constantly injured. They jump to the natural conclusion.
You Can’t Hide Forever (But You Can Certainly Try) by Dragonstorm
Gen, 3044 words
Summary: After yet another attack on Camelot, Arthur’s investigating everyone’s rooms for traces of magic to reassure the populace. Gwaine’s got nothing better to do, so he follows along. Everything’s fine . . . Until they get to Merlin’s room. It’s not evidence of magic. It’s a good deal more problematic than that.
Legacy (You Can’t Hide Forever (But You Can Certainly Try) Remix) by StarlightInHerEyes22
It’s a fanfiction inspired by the fanfiction You Can’t Hide Forever (But You Can Certainly Try) by Dragonstorm.
Teen and Up, 3058 words
Summary: Since the death of her mother, Hana’s whole world has consisted of the rooms at the top of the stairs; and of her Daddy, his stories, and his magic. When the monsters come looking, Hana hides. But you can’t hide forever (though you can certainly try).
Leon and the Servant by Smcstrav
I like this one as it delves into the realities of castle life and the power hierarchy as well as the unusual pov of Sir Leon.
Teen and Up, 63876 words, WARNING for physical abuse
Summary: As he watches Merlin go through a difficult time, Leon is forced to question everything he knows about duty and responsibility and the places of servants and nobles in society. Set very early in season 1 canon.
A Servant in Camelot by kingdomchild (It’s a fanfiction based on the fanfiction Leon and the Servant)
I guess it’s kind of unusual to rec a fanfiction of a fanfiction but I thought this is another one that was very good although warnings again for graphic depictions of violence. It’s Hurt/Comfort and there is a lot of hurt before the comfort. But then the comfort is very satisfying.
Teen and Up, 62171 words, WARNING for graphic depictions of violence and physical abuse
Summary: Merlin has been Arthur’s manservant for only three weeks but the demands on him and his masters’ heartless treatment of the boy have already caused him to reach breaking point. This story picks up and extends the fanfiction ‘Leon and the Servant’ by Smcstrav.
Good King by Gandalf3213
It’s a Christmas Ghost story and less morbid than the summary suggests
PG, 3k+ words
Summary: On the night Merlin died, Arthur saw the ghost of the Good King from his bedroom window. This night also happened to be Christmas Eve.
In Darkness by KnightOwl17
PG-13, 78k+ words, WARNINGS for some distressing Merlin Whump!
Summary: Merlin was right to feel uneasy about the arrival of another royal family in Camelot. Something always seemed to happen when visitors came. But Merlin never could have guessed that the consequences of this particular visit would be so severe. How on earth will he be able to fulfill his destiny now?
The Perfect Scry by DisaLanglois
Teen and Up, 50728 words
Summary: The world is falling into winter. Camelot is falling into war. Arthur will do anything he can to keep his kingdom safe, and he will use whatever weapons are at hand – but, to his horror, his decisions turn out to have severe consequences for Merlin. Naturally, Arthur decides that it is his duty to protect his loyal servant from the shocking truth…
“Let me see if I’ve got this straight,” Lancelot said, beginning to grin. “You want to teach Merlin to use magic – without letting him notice that he’s using magic?”
“He must not find out. If he finds out he has magic, he’ll – why are you laughing? This is no laughing matter, Lancelot!”
Set soon after Season 3.
The best-laid plans by DisaLanglois
Gen, 56614 words
Summary: The best-laid plans of mercenaries and magicians…
In the aftermath of the rout at Ealdor, a mercenary leader tries to hold his small band of survivors together and extricate them from the mess he got them into. He thinks he’s come up with a simple plan to save them all, but things soon stop going according to the script. And then they meet with a group of knights, led by a knight who calls himself Sir Andrew of Dollop Head.
Arthur decides, for who-knows what reason, that he wants to spend his honeymoon chasing a gryphon all over Camelot. Merlin, as ever, is tagging along behind Arthur, but his usual plan of pretending to be a simple servant isn’t working. Arthur has been behaving strangely ever since their return from Ealdor, and Merlin is worried. On the road, they meet with a small band of riders who insist that they are also Knights of Camelot, and Arthur comes up with a strange new plan all of his own…
Waiting in the Dark by kyriadydragon
Teen and Up, 8623 words
WAWRNING for emotional and psychological trauma, PTSD; it’s really quite dark
Summary: After Arthur finds out about Merlin’s magic, he orders him to be confined in the deepest darkest dungeon. And Merlin promised to stay where Arthur put him.
Finding the Light by kyriadydragon (Sequel to Waiting in the Dark)
Teen and Up, 29915 words
Summary: A potential threat making its way to Camelot brings Arthur to Ealdor, but will what happened in the past stand in the way of Merlin and Arthur defeating this new danger?
Letters to Ealdor by Trexi
Gen, 10062 words
Summary: Some of the letters sent to Ealdor throughout the series. (Perfectly canon-compliant so ready the tissues at the end!)
Back to the Start by Mischel
Teen and Up, 87799 words
Summary: There’s a new witchfinder in Camelot. He’s younger but smarter, more dangerous and hell-bent on hunting down a sorcerer called Emrys. Fearing the worst, Merlin flees and leaves Arthur only with a letter. But Arthur, being as stubborn as ever and not liking the idea of Merlin out there alone, sets off after him, finding out more about his servant and friend than he’d ever wanted to as a result. Not only must Merlin and Arthur learn how to be friends again, but also how to work together and get rid of the witchfinder, who’s meant to stay by the king’s side forever. Especially after he finds out who Emrys is and where he’s hiding.
Refraction by Kiva Taliana
PG-13, 133k+, WARNING for mentions and after-effects of child abuse, neglect and rape
Summary: AU story using the ‘what if’ premise. Accidental changes to fate happen, so when Merlin’s destiny is tampered with, events slowly start to put things back on track. (i.e. Merlin is abducted as a child by Jarl and, during an escape attempt, happens to hide in a cave where he meets a strange man called Balinor…)
Golden Prince by Kiva Taliana
PG13, 103k+ words, WARNING for mentions and after-effects of child abuse, neglect and rape; there are some non-graphic scenes implying graphic violence and sexual abuse
Summary: AU story. Arthur Pendragon knew nothing but the life of a slave, passed around the kings and nobles of the land at their whims, until he is claimed by a Dragonlord, Merlin, and something simple slowly gets increasingly complicated.
Rend and Rebuild by PeaceHeather
Teen and Up, 103598 words
Summary: One wrong move in the heat of battle changes everything. Merlin is a sorcerer, and Arthur has stabbed him. (It really is much more epic than the summary makes it sound and the reconciliation between Arthur and Merlin is believable and slow.)
Another’s Favor by ebhg
PG-13, 171k+ words
Summary: To fortify their ties after his rescue, Rodor offers Mithian’s hand to the one Arthur respects above all others. For power comes not with rank, but from one’s connections. AU immediately following Arthur’s duel with King Odin in Another’s Sorrow.
3rd July 2021 @ 6:49 pm
Thank you, thank you, thank you, I love this so much. Basically I don’t do anything else than working and reading Merlin Fanfic for month now and there is no end in sight! And as far as I’m concerned, I could do this for the rest of my life 😀
So, to give something back and share the love, I searched my own files for the canon (au) fics I liked best (and are not on your list) and decided to stop at number 10. Hopefully, there is some stuff not everybody knows already, and I say, go, read it, even if canon is not your first preference 😉
How to Untrain Your Dragon by Teumessian,
in which Merlin is a dragon changeling and Arthur is very helpful.
Canon AU, Explicit, 34,375 words
The Ivy Crown by dayari (derryday),
in which Arthur is very cross with Merlin because of his magic, Gwaine has some serious business with the Green Knight and together they are very busy investigating the murders of various noblemen.
Canon/Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Crossover, Explicit, 252,245 words
All The King’s Horses And All The King’s Men by QueenMegaera,
in which Arthur is King, Guinevere Queen and Merlin still a sorcerer in the closet until some rumours push all of it on a path of destruction.
Canon, Mature, 146,615 words
Harmonia Mundi by pen_rabbit,
in which everything and everyone has it’s own music and Merlin can hear it.
Canon, Teen and Up, 43,024 words
Treaty Negotiations by marguerite_26,
in which Arthur turns to the druids for a treaty and Merlin is part of their negotiation party.
Canon AU, Explicit, 10,559 words
(Great Podfic by erica_schall:
Practical Adventures and Auspicious Pursuits by stillane,
in which Arthur is sent to investigate the mysterious dead of several goats. A classic episode-like magic reveal, including some arachnids.
Canon, Teen and Up, 3,966 words
(Also great Podfic by erica_schall:
Three Tasks by syllic,
in which Arthur is the Royal Arbiter for Suitable Suitors’ Disputes and gets to decide who is fit to woo Merlin.
Canon, Mature, 30,882 words
Stars Above, Stones Below by Destina,
in which Arthurs doesn’t want to look for a wife anymore and Merlin is offering himself as an uncomplicated bedwarmer. Of course, “uncomplicated” is not the right description in the end.
Canon, Explicit, 46,834 words
Fools of Us All by adelagia,
in which Court Sorcerer Merlin has an accident with a quite strong love potion and everybody and their dog in Camelot is getting really excited about him. Everybody except Arthur.
Canon, Explicit, 11,141 words
The Impersonated Self by fourleggedfish,
in which Arthur gives a different answer to the Disir and the aftermath spins out nothing like Season 5. Quite grim, with lots of angst and trauma in all shapes. (There is a second part, which is a WIP, but it is updated as we speak.)
Canon AU, Mature, 234,846 words
And now I’m off to munch through your list! Thank you so much again!
3rd July 2021 @ 2:45 pm
Yay! Thank you so much for this bonus episode, I can’t wait to read all of these. I loved all of your recommendations last time, as well, and the level of creativity in this fandom continues to impress me.
Two cannon/cannon AU’s I read recently that I thought were amazing are these:
Crave the Brush of Spring by elissastillstands:
Long, complex, beautifully written, Gwen-centric Morgwen! What more(gwen) ((sorry, couldn’t resist)) could you ask for? I think theirs is a ship that is full of potential, but also hard to write considering how incredibly dark Morgana’s character becomes in the show. This fic manages to deal with the fallout and still make their relationship feel believable, which is impressive.
Rheged by McShame:
This one is really angsty and dark (maybe Ruth and I have similar tastes in fic 😂) so definitely read those tags and warnings before jumping in. In all, though, I think this one is really well done. I found it while searching for Gwaine/Merlin fic and while the story is more about Merlin and Arthur’s relationship, there’s a lot of lovely and realistic feeling Gwaine/Merlin content.
Hooray fanfic!
3rd July 2021 @ 1:32 pm
I have some recs!! I’m a big fan of hurt/comfort and particularly hurt!Merlin so these are all kind of skewed that way.
Breathe by kriadydragon
Probably one of my fav hurt Merlin stories. Merlin saves the day yet again when all the knights and Arthur are injured on a quest but gets mistreated when they seek shelter with a noble. Arthur’s protectiveness in this one even while injured makes me so happy, and there’s some nice stuff with Merlin and Gwaine. It’s 9,600 words and gen.
Daughter of Erebus by Tipper
Politics! Greek mythology! Kidnapping! This one’s been a favourite of mine for years. It’s set in the gap between seasons 4 and 5 (much closer to 4 though) when everyone is still finding their feet in Arthur’s reign. Gwen is particularly awesome in it… I couldn’t recommend this story highly enough. 47,000 words, teen rating, and gen.
The Water Witch and the Black Dogs by Tipper
Tipper only has two stories in the Merlin fandom but they’re so good I have to rec them both. This one is a great action/adventure story with a focus on Gwaine. He and Merlin are separated from the rest of the group for a good portion of it so it’s a lovely look at their friendship! 65,000 words, teen, and gen.
Touch My Skin to Keep Me Whole by Skitz_phenom
This one’s a Merthur story and explicit, though the sex is only at the end. Political reasons mean that Arthur has to let Merlin be flogged and left in the stocks for several days while they are visiting the new king of Essetir. There’s graphic depictions of the flogging but lots of comfort too! It’s canon divergent after season 4 as Gwen never came back to Camelot. 64,000 words.
Dower the Stars by RurouniHime
I’ve been on a Court Sorcerer!Merlin kick just recently and this one’s one of the best I’ve come across. It features the golden age I so wish we’d actually got and Arthur getting jealous when Merlin gets kissed a lot and it’s not him doing the kissing. I like the worldbuilding in this one; it seems the author was quite influenced by Arthurian Legend when writing so it really has that feel to it. It’s 40,000 words and explicit.
I’ve always wanted to make a rec list and, though that was short, it was extremely satisfying. 🙂
2nd July 2021 @ 10:45 pm
Hooray! Thank you so much for another bonus episode! I’m very much looking forward to reading all of these, especially the long, dark ones 😆 I guess Ruth and I have similar tastes in fanfic.
Here are two cannon/cannon AU fics I read recently that I LOVED so much:
Crave the Brush of Spring by elissastillstands:
It’s long, beautifully written, Gwen centric, Morgwen 😍 What more(Gwen) ((sorry, couldn’t resist)) could you want?
Rheged by McShame:
Angst ahoy, and read those tags! This one is dark, very dark, but I found it on a search for some Merlin/Gwaine fic – why does that feel hard to find?? – and while this is definitely Merlin/Arthur, there’s a lot of lovely and realistic Merlin/Gwaine as well.
Yaaaay fanfic.
2nd July 2021 @ 3:35 pm
I also like Astolat’s Emblazoning ( Maybe because it is from the same author, I always mistaken this one as an alternative path after mid That Shall Achieve The Sword. Onfindan is one of my favorites from Astolat’s works.