Merlin Canon Fic Recs
In this Patreon Reward episode for GirlFromNowhere, we recommend some of our favourite Merlin Canon Fic.
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10th June 2022 @ 3:50 pm
I will now proceed to read every last one of them.
5th July 2022 @ 3:42 pm
How you doing on working your way through the list? 🙂
2nd July 2021 @ 4:38 pm
I just finished listening – and thank you for so much goodness! <3 I must say, I'm really tempted to read those dark stories, because they sound like something incredibly written, but I'm also afraid… I guess I'll have to wait for some peaceful evening!
As to the fandom/ship wars you mentioned in the podcast – I'm sad to say that it does exist there somewhere, and I encountered it on tumblr (I may have been "called out" for saying Arthur's upbringing isn't his fault, and instead of ignoring it, I interacted like a hothead I am, which resulted in a lengthy – and a bit aggresive – discussion about magic, LGBT, coming out, changing views etc. – and now, it mostly makes me laugh). I'm sure it's much less present than in other fandoms – though I'm not on Twitter, and everything always seems more scream-y on Twitter 😛
On to my couple of canon recs, since you asked 🙂 I might have already recced some of those in the comments to some episodes, but I'm throwing them out here again, so they're easier to find 🙂
I divide my recs by relationships, since my shippy experience in the Merlin fandom is 80% Merthur, 20% shipping Merlin with anyone else 😀
that light in your eyes by TheDragon (3k), explicit:
In which there is magic reveal, and Arthur might just possibly be very turned on by Merlin's magic. Sexy times ensue.
Within Reach by foxy_mulder (10k), explicit:
Nobody touches Arthur. Merlin realizes it slowly, and when he does, he wants to kick himself for not seeing sooner. (Or, Arthur and Merlin's relationship with touch over time.)
There is some slight mention of abuse in this fic, but as far as I remember, not very explicit. More so, this is an excellent character study of Arthur and his emotional stunt-ness from Merlin's POV.
Always Be Enough by MidnightLeFay (4k), explicit:
This is a fix-it fic for The Servant of Two Masters! Basically, Gwaine mentions flippantly that Arthur hugged Merlin when they found him in the woods – but Merlin doesn't remember that! There's lots of hurt/comfort, Merlin feels very lonely, but all ends well (and with shagging) 🙂
Without His Daily Remedy by DollopheadMerlin (4k), Gen:
Another fic based on Servant of Two Masters, this time: what if Merlin and Gaius didn't manage to take the fomorroh out of Merlin's neck? In which Merlin has to take a medicine daily in order for the snek to remain dormant. And then, Merlin and Arthur get trapped in a cave and Merlin doesn't have his remedy with him…
It's a bit angsty, but not that much. It's also a lot about Arthur learning about Merlin's magic and accepting it, paradoxically, because of the fomorroh.
8x12x8 by skellerbvvt (55k), Teen and up:
Okay, so this one, despite the Teen rating, is REALLY DARK in my opinion. There's no explicit violence scenes, Merthur for the most part of the fic is a friendship, there's no sex, but…
Basically, per the summary: When Arthur was small his Majesty locked him away because Arthur is a monster. Now Merlin wants to let Arthur out to prove that he is not.
There's A LOT of psychological trauma. Arthur has been locked away in a dark prison as a child because Uther believes he killed Igraine by being born. So. This is dark. But I think it's worth it. Psychologically, it's genius.
There's also a podfic, if you prefer listening to reading.
How To Love a Living Thing by Polomonkey (READ EVERYTHING BY POLOMONKEY! SERIOUSLY!) (17k), Mature:
Guilt ridden and lonely after his confrontation with Nimueh, Merlin slowly begins to isolate himself from Arthur. When two knights take it upon themselves to teach him his place, Merlin finds himself with nowhere to turn. Will he be able to reach out to his prince before it's too late?
Also a lot of psychological damage in this one, some hurt/comfort, beautifully written. TW for sexual harassment.
All Things Bright and Beautiful by Skitz_phenom (15k), Mature:
Merlin is struck by a spell meant for Arthur. It gives him a power to shapeshift, but he can't revert to his human form. It's very heartfelt and lovely 🙂 Mature for sexy times at the end, when Merlin is back to being human, I promise 😀
Just Like You Like (orphaned) (1k), explicit:
Arthur has a thing for Merlin's hands. That's it, that's the fic. Sexy times.
Scenes from a Summer by vensre (2k), Teen and up:
If Merlin had Asperger Syndrome on top of being magical, his life might be something like this.
Obviously, Merlin's autism isn't named here, since it's a canon fic – but is so beautifully described, AND combined with Merlin's magic. Basically, it's a journey through Merlin's day, from his POV.
The Eternal Silence of These Infinite Spaces by aoigensou (26k), Teen and up:
After a spat with Arthur, Merlin retreats for some quiet in the Darkling Woods. What happens there takes away his voice, and forces Merlin to figure out how to exist in a world where communication doesn't come easily.
Angst with a happy ending.
Simple Math by lady_ragnell (4k), Teen and up:
After Gwen and Lancelot leave, Arthur and Merlin learn to take care of each other. Set in an alternate canon where Arthur knows about Merlin's magic. No explicit sex, but everything is basically leading there.
Tales of a Dragon and His Prince by ohHeyThereBigBadWolf –
A series of 13 shorts so far (2-3k each), from Gen to Explicit. You don't have to read in order necessarily, they are more like short stories from the same universe. And what an universe this is!
Merlin is a dragon. He shapeshifts, of course, but that's basically it. I LOVE THIS SERIES (because I also love this trope). Some of them, it's just Arthur flying on Merlin's dragon back. Some of them are sexy times (a bit kinky!). There's one which is a lovely description of Merlin and Arthur's relationship from Aithusa's POV. Just pure LOVE. Can't recommend enough!
The Frog Prince by Clea2011 (58k), Teen and up:
Canon era AU. A teenage Arthur is hit by a mutation spell intended for Uther. Unable to speak and hidden away by his father because of his appearance, Arthur is left lonely and isolated. A few years later Gaius takes on a new apprentice, someone who can understand Arthur and see through the enchantment. Someone with magic. But breaking the spell was never going to be easy.
Hurt/comfort, not very dark despite the subject matter.
the lonely man & the emrys king by high_queen (8k), Gen:
It's been five years since Merlin died at the hands of Morgana. Five years since Arthur killed his own sister in order to protect Camelot. He has given up all hope of being happy. Then a strange woman interrupts the feast of the Pentecost with a strange request: go and meet with the Emrys king. Canon divergent end of season three.
Angst with a hopeful ending. Beautifully written. Reads a bit like a melancholic fairy tale. I loved the atmosphere.
Merlin & Arthur (friendship):
Gentle, Gentle by Polomonkey (have I mentioned to go read everything by Polomonkey?) (6k), Gen:
Merlin's fed up and Arthur accidentally de-aging himself to an eleven year old is the last straw. But Arthur as a child turns out to be a much more vulnerable prospect than Merlin could have imagined…
Basically, Merlin learns about Arthur having been abused by Uther as a child, so don't be fooled by the Gen – though there are no abuse scenes. This is such a beautiful hurt/comfort fic!
Okay, on to other ships!
A Royal Wedding by mollarch13 (37k), explicit:
A very classic romance story, in which Mithian finds solace, and then love with Merlin after being rejected by Arthur. Non-explicit for the most part, explicit in the last scene.
To Court a Lady by OwlsWithFins (7k), Teen and up:
After Gwen is banished from Camelot, Merlin tries to support her from afar by sabotaging Arthur's courting efforts–a feat that proves far more complicated than he anticipated for a few key reasons: 1) To Merlin's bewilderment, he seems to be the one doing all of the courting. Again. 2) Mithian is perfect. Absolutely perfect. Which makes it very hard to sabotage her. 3) There's the slightest chance that Merlin is falling in love with her. Maybe. Possibly. It's probably nothing.
It's funny AND romantic and I love it!
An Unlikely Bond by Impala_Cherry_Trickster (4k), explicit:
Mithian has come to Camelot because her Father intends to marry her off. Luckily, she finds a friend in Merlin.
Sexy times, mostly.
I, I was the only one to know by fiercynn (3k), explicit:
for the kinkme_merlin prompt: [spoilers for 3.02] Merlin/Morgana. After they leave the throne room, Merlin tells Morgana he's going to stop her. Hate!sex ensues.
Yep, that's it. TW for dubious consent.
Strike by kaizoku (802 words!), explicit:
What makes Morgana so dangerous? And why does Merlin keep going to her?
Somehow, in 802 words, this fic manages to convey a complexity of a toxic relationship in which Merlin spies on Camelot for Morgana. It's incredible. And dark, obviously. And sexy.
Choose and Choose and Choose by fleete (11k), explicit:
Arthur and Gwen make a sexy addition to their fantasy life in the form of a big-eared manservant. Neither of them actually intends to turn said fantasy into reality. That part happens by accident.
So, this is a great exploration of a poly scenario in a more or less historically accurate setting. Gwen's, Arthur's, and Merlin's feelings are very well explored and their motivations seem realistic. It all starts with Gwen sharing with Arthur that her first kiss was Merlin. And it goes from there. Can't recommend enough 🙂
Taking a Chance by cordeliadelayne (2k), explicit:
Set in some nebulous time after s3 finale. Merlin doesn't want to let himself have something of his own, Lancelot is stupidly noble, but they're perfect for each other.
Gwen&Merlin friendship, nonbinary!Merlin (I mentioned this one in the Lamia discussion already):
'All of her victims have been men' by donttouchtheneednoggle (1k), Gen:
In which the famed conversation between Gwen and Merlin is allowed to go on for a bit longer, and Gwen learns something very important about Merlin's gender. And is THE BEST supporter.
Also related to the Lamia discussion, I re-rec the rarepair of Lamia/Elena, honestly, this is such a great subversion!
Peculiar Tastes by OwlsWithFins (2k), mature:
“I devour the souls of men.”
Elena blinked at her. She leaned away for a moment, head tilted to the side, and then said, “I eat frogs sometimes.”
Whatever Lamia had expected in response, it wasn’t that.
And it only gets better from there 🙂
Oof, I think that's all from me! Sorry for the loong comment and dumping your own list! Have a great rest of the hiatus 🙂