Looking Forward to 3b

This episode does exactly what it says on the tin. We are looking forward to the return of Shadowhunters for Season 3b! Join us!
And in case you didn’t catch it in the podcast, we are running a give away that will include anyone signing up to become one of our Patreon Members before the 10th March, for the chance to win a tDiE notebook, signed by Matthew Daddario.
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25th February 2019 @ 9:03 pm
i feel so bad cos one or two people came up to me and were like SHADOWHUNTERS IS BACK TODAY and i was like, i wish, but it isnt and we have to wait till tomorow im so sorry to crush your dreams
20th February 2019 @ 9:14 pm
i just realised something- the cover doesnt say forward. its just looking to 3b lol michelle HOW ARE YOU GETTING THE EPS IN ADVANCE PLEASE TEACH ME XD
20th February 2019 @ 12:17 pm
see, helen is cool and all, but like, she does next to nothing in tmi. which is fine. but it keeps me from basically any excitement.
you know, i remember, like, years ago, when i would come home and watch 3b and groan because i had to wait another week for the next one and i needed it now. i- i think, maybe, if we’re lucky, that might happen again. possibly. maybe. theres a chance of it happening.
what was the date again? i cant remember. 🙂
also, i am in love with the cover of this episode.
20th February 2019 @ 1:18 pm
Yeah, I just really hope that people who are super excited and super looking forward to helen and aline are not going to be majorly disappointed!!
it’s the 10th of march. march 10th. one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, TENTH OF MARCH 😀 😀 😀
aw, thanks! it’s a total cheat this cover, as it’s just an inversion of the looking forward to 3a cover, but I’m glad it works for you!!
20th February 2019 @ 9:13 pm
🙂 🙂
oh, i know. thats why i love it- ITS ALL MATCHY MATCH (i know words, i swear)
20th February 2019 @ 1:36 am
I’m sorry this is gonna be a slight spoiler for the books and show because I don’t know how else to say my opinion on this without it!! Sorry!!
About the excitement over Helen. I personally think that the excitement is less about any of her actual story lines in the books and more about her relationship with Aline in general. And while I am excited about about their relationship, I am also looking forward to seeing what they do with her character in the show considering they have limited content they can actually use. However, I don’t think she is gonna play a huge role in 3B and I’m okay with that, but I hope that other fans aren’t getting their hopes too high for a whole bunch of this Helen/Aline content.
Also, still agree with you about Sizzy👏
20th February 2019 @ 1:16 pm
yeah, it does seem mostly about the relationship, which is cool, but I do think this is going to be a cute book nudge nudge kind of cameo, not the epic saphic love story people seem to be hoping for and expecting… i really hope fans won’t be too upset!!!
and hey, maybe we are totally and utterly wrong, and half of 3b is going to be about them getting together!! (it could happen, right? hahaha)
21st February 2019 @ 3:44 am
I honestly think that if the show hadn’t been cancelled we probably would have seen more of them, but I feel like all they’re gonna get in 3B is kind of an intro, which will probably include a few cute moments, but I don’t see them being in more than 2 maybe 3 episodes.
And I feel like I’m gonna be wrong about at least half of what I’m thinking is gonna happen in 3B so it is definitely possible😂