We have Thinky Thoughts about Leverage.
The original 5 seasons, NOT Leverage: Redemption….
At least not yet 🙂
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26th November 2022 @ 3:15 am
I found this podcast through Destiny and Chicken and then ended up getting into shadowhunters through the descent is easy and finally got around to listening to this episode.
It was really interesting to see the perspective of leverage fans that was coming from a completely different perspective of my own. I mean I love Nate’s character and everything he brings to the show and his mastermind role really worked for me so it was fascinating to see the completely opposite point of view. So I’ve listened to a lot of director’s commentary tracks for leverage and the general impression that I got was that Nate was Like That by design and a lot of his character is based on stuff from John Rogers’ life and personality. One of the things that I think Nate brought to the show was anger, this burning desire for vengeance and justice that drives everything and you really notice it when it’s gone in season 5. Also I just like characters who are terrible despite not being evil.
Another interesting point was you guys bringing up the plausibility of a lot of these cons and clients. That never bothered me but I see why it would take someone out of the show. I kind of saw this show as a superhero story where characters aren’t just random really skilled people but the best of the best to the point of being mythical. They’re avenging angels and Robin hoods and also real people and I think the show balances that really well.
I really like your insights into character development on the show and you really managed to articulate how this show manages to develop its characters so well while working within the monster of the week format. Also I love your analysis of Parker, Hardison, and Eliot, they are indeed the best and I love them.
Overall based on your thoughts about leverage I feel like you’ll really enjoy leverage redemption and I’m really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on redemption!
9th February 2023 @ 10:51 am
Hi Div!
How are you getting on with Shadowhunters? 👀
–One of the things that I think Nate brought to the show was anger, this burning desire for vengeance and justice that drives everything and you really notice it when it’s gone in season 5. Also I just like characters who are terrible despite not being evil.–
I think that’s very very fair, and yes, until they all become a family and fall in love with being a family, you do need a reason and an instigator that keeps them all together, and that can’t just be ‘money’ and it can’t just be ‘this is fun and we’re good at it’ – because they all manage to make a tonne of money by themselves, and they have fun and are good at stuff by themselves, also, and as doing things by yourself comes without liability they would bail at the smallest issue, so yeah, you do need someone who is driven by something stronger, and unrelated, to keep them on track and keep them working. totally a solid reason to have Nate.
— Parker, Hardison, and Eliot, they are indeed the best and I love them.–
THE BEST!!!! and yes, I LOVE THEM!!!!!
You reminded me of leverage redemption, thank you! we did watch it all, but I’ve just suddenly realised that I have completely lost track of any leverage redemotion updates, and now i’ve just goggle it and look, season 2!!! so that’s going on the ‘to watch’ list. thank you!!
14th August 2022 @ 8:47 am
Hi there!
Currently making my way through your Merlin podcast (or, binging the first two seasons and then struggling with the fact i dropped the show and actually need to watch the episodes🥲), so it was lovely to see you also have a leverage episode! I discovered the show back in 2020 and fell in love.
I really liked your thoughts on the cast dynamics, as of course, that’s the heart of the show, and also since it gave words to a lot of things I felt but couldn’t really articulate clearly.
I’m not a big fan of Nate, and he is definitely my least favorite of the group, but not to the point where it would make the show not work for me, thankfully.
I’m also happy to see autistic!Parker acknowledged, since it’s such a good read on her character and as someone on the spectrum myself, it’s quite validating seeing how well the show handles it (with very few stumbles), especially considering it’s an older show.
I’d love to see you discuss more of the other aspects of the show as well as the way the show draws from real world (i think the attitudes especially are quite influenced by the fact it came out right after the 2008 financial crash which is also why the goal in the finale of the last season has since the beginning be planned to be what it is). Similarly, it is insane how many of the villains are inspired by real-life events – which also might account for the way the clients are a bit random and the heists sometimes a bit ridiculous, since they would take a real-life misdeed and then try to figure out how a heist would solve it 😂
Anyway, thank you for a great episode!
23rd August 2022 @ 6:04 pm
Hi Mori!
I hope you’re getting on okay with your Merlin (re)watch, and am very happy that you found Thinky Thoughts, and enjoyed our Leverage episode.
One of the nice things about having started Thinky Thoughts is that it gives us the chance to talk about shows we enjoy and feel that we want to talk about, but without launching into a 200 episode podcast of everything that ever happened EVER haha
I actually did not know that a lot of the story lines were based around real life events, that then had to be fictionalised and heist’ed. that’s such a fun fact! and yes, does potentially explain some of the random-ness of some of the episodes/heists haha
We are very unlikely to go back and record another Leverage episode, however we are hoping to discuss Leverage:Redemption whenever we actually manage to sit down and watch everything that is out so far / whenever the new episodes come out. So that’s somewhere in the near, or maybe not so near, future 🙂
M Xx