Interview with Bradley James

We are so excited to share this episode of Destiny & Chicken. With an extra chicken.
We talk Destiny & Chicken, Are You Having A Draft, the quarantine, frienship, Buffy, and of course Merlin.
We hope you enjoy! We certainly did 🙂
Live tweet using #DestinyAndChicken if that is your jam.
A transcript of this interview is now available on our website
This interview has been translated into Russian
Destiny & Chicken will return after the summer with Season 3 of Merlin.
If you have ideas for extra podcast episodes of Destiny & Chicken that we should do over the summer hiatus then please contact us and let us know!
We are starting The Descent Is Easy Bookclub back up next Tuesday, reading City of Heavenly Fire, and we will be discussing the finale season of How To Get Away With Murder on Thinky Thoughts, before launching our five episode mini series for Yuri On Ice in June, and then we are back with Conversations with Dead People, for Season 2 of Buffy in July/August.
Never a dull moment!
We love hearing from listeners! Come talk to us on Twitter and Tumblr, or email us and please review us on iTunes.
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21st July 2021 @ 4:06 am
He seems like such a Decent Guy, and both he and you guys are a pleasure in this episode. Love that he likes your show and engaging with fans, and I hope he caught up 😊
27th July 2021 @ 9:24 am
I’m so happy you liked the episode, thank you for letting us know! Absolutely agree, he’s the most decent guy out there!! <3
M Xx
1st January 2021 @ 9:47 pm
oh my god. I can’t with this episode. the voice of bradley james is in my house, (I always find podcasts so much more intimate than series or music, I can’t really explain it.) and I am grinning like a fool. I also jumped up in excitement when you guys mentioned Belgium, I am from Belgium, and now, I am giggling like a fool xD (goodness this message is a mess, I am so sorry :p)
6th January 2021 @ 5:21 pm
hahaha you’re okay, don’t worry. bradley has that kind of impact on people, you are forgiven 🙂
M Xx
23rd August 2020 @ 7:51 pm
Thank you for putting this on! So delightful and cool that you had him on the show. Man, he’s such a delight and so earnestly thoughtful. Thanks for sharing 🙂
23rd August 2020 @ 7:54 pm
Not sure why my comment duplicated except, perhaps, to emphasize the potency of my feelings 😉 Love the podcast!
8th September 2020 @ 12:41 pm
haha, thanks so much.
23rd August 2020 @ 7:50 pm
Thank you for putting this on! So delightful and cool that you had him on the show. Man, he’s such a delight and so earnestly thoughtful. Thanks for sharing 🙂
8th September 2020 @ 12:40 pm
You’re so welcome. He was sucha joy to chat to.
14th July 2020 @ 2:11 am
What a great interview! You guys asked so many interesting questions that I also wanted to know, and Bradley is just the most humble and gracious person. It’s so nice to hear an actor speak fondly of the fandom and a role from almost 10 years ago. He’s really a fantastic interviewee with his elaborate answers, and that made the whole podcast informative and wonderful to listen to.
14th July 2020 @ 11:22 am
thank you so much! Bradley was the most gracious person we could have possibly been interviewing, he really made the whole experience utterly delightful, and we’re so happy with the end result 🙂
29th May 2020 @ 1:36 am
Thank you soo much for this podcast, I really really enjoyed it! To be honest I’ve just finished to watch Merlin for the first time (just found out about it, I was very young when it appeared on tv) and loved it like no other show. And, you know, I was feeling pretty bad about the final episode, but watching all the outtakes, the videodiaries and listening to this made me so happy!! I also looked out for all the other movies and shows of the actors because they’re SO great and now I don’t wanna miss them and listening to Bradley being so grateful to the fans and having such good memories of it fills my heart with joy! I hope everyone else is well too (and also you, you did such a great job and I can’t wait to listen all of your podcasts about Merlin)
29th May 2020 @ 5:33 pm
Thank you so much for commenting Rebecca! It’s so great that people are still finding this show and falling in love with it, almost ten years after it’s ended, and yes, I would highly recommend checking out many of the projects all the cast have been in, since. Colin particularly has a very diverse filmography, so you may not like everything he’s done, but he’s unbelievably good in all of it!
27th May 2020 @ 8:30 am
Hi! This is my first time leaving a comment on your website. I fell in love with Merlin last fall while lurking around the internet, searching for “inspiration” and “research” for my role as Morgan Le Fay in a school theatre production. When I found Merlin, it reeled me in, and I’ve been hooked ever since. I love how the fandom is still so active and bits of it (such as your podcast) are so eager to dive deep into the content of the show, characters, etc. I’m so grateful for Bradley for helping foster the enthusiasm of the fans of the show, and I’m so grateful for D&C for taking part in that! What you guys do here on this podcast is what I wish I could do everyday, so your content brings me a lot of joy (I also frequently listen to another Merlin podcast, Merlisten. I’m a guest in their upcoming episode that covers a certain S2 episode with a certain iconic line… wink wink!) I’ll be looking forward to your future works!
28th May 2020 @ 10:50 am
what a fantastic way to have come across the show! I hope the play went well!!!
The Merlisten folk were kind enough to have us as guests on one of their fanfic episodes, which was a huge amount of fun!! unfortunately lockdown is really ruining my podcast listening time, as I normally listen to podcasts during commuting to and from work, and I’m really bad at listening to podcasts while stuck inside my house, but I do have them all building up in a long queue on my podcast app (including Merlisten) for when the world returns to normal and public transport becomes a thing again, so I look forward to that episode!! 🙂
26th May 2020 @ 8:15 am
This is a really excellent interview, guys! I love hearing about how actors approach their craft, and this was full of such goodies, along with many other treasures. Bradley was always a lovely bloke, but he was extra “generous with his generosity” in this, and I am so grateful to him for that – and to you for giving him the space in which to be so. Thank you! It was fascinating.
28th May 2020 @ 10:44 am
I’m so glad you liked it!! we’ve been overwhelmed with how positive the reaction has been, and it’s been wonderful to bring at least some joy to the current world situation, because small things that make us happy at definitely what we need to hang on to at the moment!
generous with his generosity will be a phrase treasured for a long time 😀
25th May 2020 @ 8:38 am
From discovering D&C from Bradley’s tweet last year, to him mentioning you guys on Instagram, to this interview, I loved the whole thing. ‘Suddenly there’s hope again’ as a certain zombie musician might have said, lol. : D
28th May 2020 @ 10:42 am
now i wnt to rewatch iZombie!!! which is a great idea, until…. hahaha 🙁
25th May 2020 @ 6:12 am
This interview was amazing! I loved it from start to finish and only wish it went longer. Kudos to all three of you for bringing some joy during an otherwise strange time in the world right now.
PS: Ditto to what everyone else has said!
28th May 2020 @ 10:08 am
Bless Bradley. I tried to give him outs throughout our chat, pointing out that we were coming up to the hour, and then again half an hour after, and he could have easily taken those and be done with it, but he just kept telling us to keep going with the questions… guess everyone is lockdown-bored haha
21st May 2020 @ 6:42 pm
Seven and a half years from that absolutely ruined Christmas, and I am in tears listening to this interview. You did an amazing job. And such thanks to Bradley for his insight on his character, the show, and the fanbase. The happiest moments of my life have been spent with fans of this show and in pursuit of Arthurian sites in Europe, BBC Merlin film locations, and excursions abroad to support the actors’ other performances. I will treasure this interview for a very long time. Thank you!
24th May 2020 @ 7:25 pm
Thank you so much for the kind words!! We have been overwhelmed by the amazing reaction we’ve had to this interview and humbled by how much it means to people, so thank you very much Xx
21st May 2020 @ 5:47 pm
Dittos to archaeologist_D – I totally agree
21st May 2020 @ 5:45 pm
Dittos dittos dittos dittos. Well stated. This was just a wonderful interview all the way around. Kudos to all involved.
21st May 2020 @ 6:49 pm
so glad you liked it!!!
21st May 2020 @ 5:24 pm
Holy cow. I was just telling my friends that that was just about the best interview with Bradley I’ve ever heard. I loved how he approached the role of Arthur, I loved him talking about fandom, I loved that he’d go off on tangents that really filled out some of the blank spots of what I’d heard from him before. He seemed so relaxed and genuine and really thoughtful. He was always funny but this was marvelous.
21st May 2020 @ 6:49 pm
I just showed Ruth this comment while she was making tea and we both got a bit emotional.
I am so glad you enjoyed the interview and thank you so much for taking the time to let us know and for your kind words!!!
21st May 2020 @ 10:20 am
this is so cool
21st May 2020 @ 11:04 am
glad you enjoyed it!