Good Omens S2E03 – I Know Where I’m Going
We’re continuing our conversation about Good Omens season 2, with Episode 3, I Know Where I’m Going
As mentioned in the episode: Good Omens: Lockdown
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2nd December 2023 @ 3:00 pm
Yes please comment dear people. It’s very odd that I’m the only one commenting and being the only comment you guys are talking about in the podcast is making me a little anxious haha. I’m still used to the Merlin days with a million essays from people and everyone was chatting to each other.
The minisode:
This minisode didn’t work for me so it’s all the more interesting to listen to you talk about it. There is a lot I remember fondly about the other two minisodes, but in this one it’s just drunk Crowley. It is a brilliant scene and I thank David Tennant for this performance. But yeah, it doesn’t stick out me otherwise.
This minisode really just doubles down Aziraphale’s struggles with good and bad and that Aziraphale still has some weird morals internalised from heaven that needs to blow up in his face for him to realise it’s not true. At this point, yeah, I get it.
The episode also doesn’t make me care about Elsbeth and Morag (is that how they’re spelled?) all that much. So therefore the emotional punch is just not doing it for me.
Most of this episode is neither giving me something new or something to gush over.
I guess it is fun to see Crowley connect with humans and show how in touch he can be with them in contrast to Aziraphale. It is fun to see them in those fancy outfits. It is fun to see Crowley speak with a scottish accent. But all of that is very little compared to what good omens usually gives me.
I love Muriel. They are the light of my life. Every scene with them is just better because of it.
The scene in this episode with them as a police officer and Crowley and Aziraphale being so gentle with them is still one of my favourites of the entire season.
The odd Beelzebub scene of no consequence only gets meaning once you know what is going on. Which is, Beelzebub is in love with Gabriel and is worried about his disappearance. On second watch it is pretty cute to see them grumpy over that. Without context it’s weird and out of place.
The more you talk about it the more I see that Crowley not having a place to live doesn’t make sense. Sure, it was odd when I first watched it. But at some point I just started accepting it.
Like, I see how Crowley is more comfortable around Aziraphale in season 2 so we see that development. I understand why he doesn’t live with Aziraphale. But oh god you really made me question how him living in the car makes sense. You can definitely hypothesise about this (my first thought was that Crowley just doesn’t know where his place is yet) but none of that is actually shown on screen.
How dare you make me question how amazing good omens is xD (i say this knowing full well this would happen).
I do want to say, Crowley playing wingman is unreasonably hilarious and I love how useless his plan is. He is adorable for trying and I love him.
I got to be honest, seeing Aziraphale interact with those two is just amazing.
But about that Grindr bit: It has become very amusing to me when someone pointed out that pretty much every character in season 2 is pointed out to be queer. It’s not relevant for anything. It’s just that straight people are rare in the good omens universe. It’s very silly and I like it.
Ending notes:
I really don’t have that much to say about this episode. It’s there. I’m fine with it but I also don’t love it.