Extra 8: Shag / Marry / Kill
We play Shag/Marry/Kill with the Shadowhunters characters. It’s all in the title, really!
Come talk to us on Twitter and Tumblr, or email us and please review us on iTunes.
We play Shag/Marry/Kill with the Shadowhunters characters. It’s all in the title, really!
Come talk to us on Twitter and Tumblr, or email us and please review us on iTunes.
24th July 2018 @ 12:57 pm
‘Shag’ was always the one that was left after taking out the ‘Marry’ and ‘Kill’ options (even if they were in the form of ‘one I’m least reluctant to marry/kill’) since I don’t shag – or kiss, so that wasn’t a suitable replacement. I suppose you could replace it with ‘spend a weekend staying with and sharing the company of with regular cuddles’. That would work, and the results would be the same.
Apologies for my inability to spell names. And if the formatting goes wonky; I copy/pasted from Notepad++.
In order (Shag/Marry/Kill (Agreed/Disagreed with you)):
1. Imogen/Ragnor/Seelie Queen (A)
2. Luke/Maia/Simon (D)
3. Raj/Russell/Robert (D)
4. Azazel/Jeremiah/Johnathon (A) (in 3/4 cases XD)
5. Luke/Maryse/Elaine (D)
6. Clary/Alec/Simon (D)
7. Raphael/Izzy/Meliorn (D)
8. Dot/Raphael/Jocelyn (AM/DR)
9. Johnathon/Asmodeus/Valentine (D) (non-toast)
Valentine/Asmodeus/Johnathon (D) (toast)
10. Catarina/Maryse/Elaine (A)
11. Clary/Alaric/Iris (DM/AR)
12. Simon/Magnus/Jace (D)
13. Simon/Dot/AU Valentine (D)
14. Ollie/Catarina/Sebastian (DM/AR) (actually Johnathon)
Sebastian/Catarina/Ollie (actually Sebastian)
15. Elliot/Aline/Elias (DM/AR)
16. Heidi/Raphael/Camille (AM/DR) (Heidi is a broken biscuit who needs ALL THE THERAPY (at a VERY, VERY HIGH security location), whereas Camille is just horrid.)
17. Vargas/Luke/Alaric (A)
18. Maia/Magnus/Meliorn (D)
19. Maia/Maryse/Underhill (D)
20. Lilith/Asmodeus/Azazel (D)
21. Seelie Queen/Rebecca/Iris (A)
22. Luke/Izzy/Clary (D)
23. Bat/Aline/Hodge (D)
24. Aldertree/Magnus/Camille (A)
25. Magnus/Alec/Maia (AM/DR)
26. Gretel/Dot/Kaelie (D) (I confess, I had to look up Gretel)
27. Robert/Imogen/Aldertree (D)
28. Elaine/Ithurial/Raziel (D)
29. Lydia/Izzy/Clary (D)
30. Lindsey/Underhill/Raj (A)
31. Lilith/Imogen/Iris (A)
32. Maia/Alec/Jace (DM/AR)
33. Aldertree/Imogen/Valentine (DM/AR) (Non-AU)
Imogen/Valentine/Aldertree (A) (AU)
34. Magnus/Alec/Jace (A)
35. Izzy/Alec/Jace (D)
So not much in the way of agreement. Mostly because I have a – granted, currently undeserved – soft spot for Asmodeus; don’t like Jace, Simon, Elaine, or Robert as much as you do (to differing extents); like Maryse, Izzy and Clary more (again, to differing extents) and don’t care about immortality or – shockingly enough XD – sexuality when it came to making my decisions.
25th July 2018 @ 1:09 am
I feel our answers may have been slightly different, if we’d recorded this a week later, after Jack Yang became a SaveShadowhunters Hero! hahaha
I was thinking about this on Monday, but then again, I feel I mostly managed to not let my love for Nicola influence my opinion on Maryse. I think. Always hard to tell yourself, really.
Hah! I was reading this and got to number 6 and you’d already killed Simon twice and I actually went to double check, that I was reading them in the correct S/M/K order hahaha then I got to your bit at the end and ok, fair enough. We’ve all got our favourites and less favourites. That’s fair!
Robert is a bit of a weird one, because while I wouldn’t say I like him very much at all, I mostly think that we don’t really get enough information on his character to really hate him. so most of the time he just struck me as the best (read: most mediocre) of a really really bad bunch. Also he’s always come across as terribly passive, which means that whatever arrangement you’d want to come to, he’d totally just go along with it, making your life easier I think. haha
Thanks for playing and finding a way to adjust the game, to work for you 😀