Extra 15: Monsters & Lore: Werewolves
The second of our Monster & Lore mini series covers werewolves across a variety of TV shows, movies a books. Lunar cycle? silver? Teen wolf had were-pumas?? All this and more…
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10th July 2020 @ 5:35 pm
Hii, I know I’m a bit late to the talk, but I just found your podcast.
When talking about clothes and transformations I think it is textualised in one of the earlier episodes by Maya that the clothes stay as long as you transform controlled. Which explains why sometimes they have their clothes and sometimes they don’t.
Btw I really love your podcast :).
24th October 2018 @ 3:23 pm
Underworld had an origin story for Werewolves. I seem to remember it not making much sense, but it exists. 😀
Giggled a lot this episode. This was somewhat unfortunate as I’m still in work, but no one called me out on it, so yay! XD (Yes, I’m listening out of order currently.)
The HP wolf is described both in the books and in the film as looking very like a wolf. Snape asks how you distinguish between a wolf and transformed werewolf, Hermione answers – one aspect was a longer snout. That is not how I’d start my description of the differences between a normal wolf and that thing they showed later in the film.
I did enjoy your rewatch of S1E1, but I think it would help if the volume of the ep was just a tad louder.
30th October 2018 @ 8:09 pm
oh god, I just found these comments! technology really does hate us at the moment, I’m so sorry!!
I remember watching the first Underworld movie and having literally no idea what the hell was going on, so never felt the need to go back for any other ones hahaha though Bradley James (king arthur) is in one of them, and I do love him… but I’m pretty sure I can watch his 3 minutes on youtube haha
—Snape asks how you distinguish between a wolf and transformed werewolf, Hermione answers – one aspect was a longer snout.—
GOOD CALL! I totally remember that scene… nice one!
yeah, the episode volume was definitely wrong! Its fine on a laptop but I listened to it on my earphones the next day going into work and thought ‘ah slug, we messed that up’. we’ll definitely try harder!! Xx
17th October 2018 @ 7:45 pm
I really liked this episode. I’ve never really given much thought to werewolf lore before. I remember seeing An American werewolf in London when it came out and i found the whole transformation bit hard to watch. Mind you, I was a kid back then… I don’t think I’ve seen the film since and that scene is the only thing I remember from it. I looooved True Blood! Only ever watched one ep of Teenwolf and that was enough. Never seen any of the Twilight films. Do they really have a were budgie? I could be persuaded to sit through it for a were budgie. 😂 Kind of dissapointed that you didn’t mention the Michael J. Fox classic. I mean, is there a more iconic werewolf? 🤔😁 I’m looking forward to your live reviewing of s1. It will be interesting to see what new insight you can give to the episodes.
30th October 2018 @ 8:05 pm
oh god, I just found these comments! technology really does hate us!!! 🙁
The entire household absolutely loved True Blood for about a season and then we all just collectively stopped… it’s really sad because it was one of those shows we all watched together and I’m not even sure why I stopped watching, I just did. I really want to give it another go, because I do remember it being really good, at least at the start!
You are most definitely not missing out on anything in regards to Teenwolf! however it was on netflix and it’s so easy to just click on it and have it play 100 episodes without you doing anything about it… that’s pretty much what happened haha
I have never actually seen the actual Teen Wolf with Michael J Fox. which is nuts, because I had such a huge crush on him when I was a kid!!! I should totally watch this. maybe it’s also on netflix 😀 😀