Episode 40: Erchomai

Episode 40 of The Descent Is Easy discusses Erchomai, Episode 10 of Season 3 of Shadowhunters.
In which we culminate our long long loooong day of Shadowhunting, which consisted of watching 03×09, podcasting it, then watching the season 3a finale and podcasting that… We refrained from hitting the whiskey but god, we could have done with one of Alec’s drinks because “it’s been quite the day.”
We discuss Edom and meeting Magnus’ infamous father and we wonder how he keeps himself busy, other than by not tidying up his pile of books. We marvel at the beauty of Simon Lewis’ character arc and the combined acting talent of the wonderful actors portraying the Lewis’ family. And we argue the difference between cliff hangers and game changers, and no cookies are handed out for guessing which one is acceptable, and which one is not. Boo.
Don’t forget to get your comments, best scenes, best episodes and MVPs as well as your quote guesses to us by the 25th May, for the Season 3a Round Up out on the 29th May.
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