Episode I.VII: The Gates Of Avalon

Join us, as we discuss Season 1, Episode 7, The Gates of Avalon. An Episode that sadly does not stand up to close scrutiny, and we are left with many questions about… 90% of our characters.
Check out The List of Destiny to see where we ranked this episode
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6th April 2020 @ 8:14 pm
I thought Arthur was really light hearted with talking his best bud Merlin into covering for him. But boo on him letting Merlin get put in the stocks for it. Yes, it must have been really painful. Luckily they used the stocks less and less as the seasons went on.
I liked the episode better than you two. It had a more fairytale flavor to me plus Merlin being so cute and eager to please Arthur was really a nice touch.
9th January 2020 @ 6:49 am
I see what you’ve said about Arthur being out-of-character when he ignores his duties, but I see that as him giving in to his typical-young-dude side for once. Like, for the first time he’s got a genuine friend/wing man so that he can go on secret dates!
I really like how he defends to Merlin that his intentions with Sophia are honourable. It kind of acts as a contrast to Merlin’s earlier comment that he gets all the girls. Like he has the smooth-talking prince thing on the outside but his actual experience with girls might be quite limited or unsure. True, Merlin’s motivation isn’t well-explained, but I agree with how he might be living vicariously through Arthur: he would love to go after a princess like Sophia but can’t due to his station, so is helping his mate instead.
21st October 2019 @ 7:06 pm
I guess I must be the 8-year old in the family… Come on, my bench is on fire was really funny! 🤣🤣🤣
26th October 2019 @ 5:11 pm
I’m glad it worked for you! I’m sure it worked for many people. just not us lol
20th October 2019 @ 7:43 pm
PS Is the Lady of the lake in that lake? With those creepy fairies? I can’t really remember how that whole Arthur legend goes..
26th October 2019 @ 5:05 pm
the lady of the lake…. doesn’t exist yet. that’s all i’m going to say!! haha
20th October 2019 @ 7:41 pm
My bench is on fire, LOL!
Arthur with a crush is so cute. Sophia looks about 14 which makes it a bit weird. I loved Merlin trying to cover for him, you can just see Uther’s patience wearing more thin every second. Arthur nearly getting shot with the crossbow. 😃 Looks like Gaius is getting in on the snooping. Those fairies are scary! I loved Uther’s response to the whole marriage proposal. It made me laugh and then I went woah when he had them arrested. Sheesh! Merlin doesn’t have a problem killing people, does he?
Do you have some kind of mental afliction? 🤣🤣
I keep hearing Morgana’s Irish accent coming through. I really liked her in this ep. It will be interesting to see how she crosses over to the dark side, I can’t remember how that went…