Episode I.XI: The Labyrinth of Gedref

A badly structured episode with a FANTASTIC end! Join us, as we discuss Season 1, Episode 11 of BBC Merlin
Check out The List of Destiny to see where we ranked this episode
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6th March 2022 @ 3:57 pm
This episode came out the day i was born.So therefore every year i watch it on my birthday.Definitely not my favourite Merlin episode but it will always hold a special place in my heart.
6th March 2022 @ 4:10 pm
sorry this is a bit of a random comment 2 or 3 years after you released this episode but I just remembered listening to your podcast when you first released it.I had completely forgotten about it and I am now in the process of rewatching merlin and also listening to your podcast with it.I had not realised that this episode had actually come out on my birthday until my second rewatch of merlin.I think that some shows that you watch (in this case merlin) your opinions of the characters and episodes are based around your particular connection to the characters and episodes.Many people in the fandom will have similar favourite and least favourite episodes but in different orders according to their personal preference and relation to the major characters.
8th March 2022 @ 6:11 pm
oh, absolutely! which character was your favourite when you first watched it, what were the circumstances under which you first watched it, who did you watch it with, what did youo focus on… it’s something we talk about multiple times in regards to the list of destiny. you could make dozens of different lists, depending on what you choose to focus the list around, and all of those lists would be perfectly legit!! 🙂
M Xx
8th March 2022 @ 6:09 pm
may not be the best merlin episode EVER, but it’s a pretty good birthday episode and definitely one that can be watched many many times, and most definitely annually 😀
M Xx
5th February 2020 @ 7:00 pm
Aware this is an old episode BUT I had to comment on the visual story-telling thing: primary colour-blocking as a reference to children’s books and especially to old medieval manuscripts??? Like, red and blue are common ink colours in ye olde Bibles etc (at least as far as I’ve observed from frequent visits to the British Museum) and so it totally makes sense to me that everything in the show is vivid red and blue.
18th January 2020 @ 2:16 am
Puzzlewood is unbelievably lush. I doubt they put much up in terms of foliage. I’d seen them filming there for another episode and it was just the real location and cameras.
Actually a labyrinth has only one way to go, a single route. Mazes have alternate options as to where to turn and have dead ends. Labyrinths do not. So this episode was misnamed. It should have been the Maze of Gedref.
It’s one of my favorite episodes. It has such a mythic feel about it.
19th January 2020 @ 11:28 am
I never knew that about labyrinths and mazes. That must be like my bug bear in regards to poisonous and venomous! haha I will definitely remember this now!!
17th November 2019 @ 9:40 pm
Just watched this episode but haven’t listened to your podcast yet.
Arthur was cancelled for about half this episode. I was convinced that he was going to shoot the unicorn by mistake but no.. I am not good with watching animals getting killed so this actually had me swearing out loud. And it ws so beautiful! Merlin comforting the dying horse… 😭 Arthur was just annoying making light of Merlin’s sadness over the unicorn dying, threatning to kill that sorcerer, being surly about Merlin making that rat stew when he should have been grateful for the food… (not happy about the rat being killed either) 😉
And then once he realised and accepted that it was actually his fault that his people were dying, that’s when he got be back on side and he was the Arthur I like. He let go of his stubborness and his arrogance and accepted that it was up to him to make things right. I loved it when he tricked Merlin and drank that goblet at the end, that’s just so typical for him. I love that he would sacrifice himself for Merlin and the good of his people. Arthur is no longer cancelled. 😉
Loved the guy who played the keeper of the unicorns. I recognise him from stuff but I have no idea what stuff. And thanks to you, I live to hear Gaius say Sorcery now!
Also, this watching one ep per week is hard. I saw the preview for the next ep and it looks to be Uther centric. Why does everyone want to kill him all of a sudden? 👀
Lesson for the week? Taking responsability for your own actions is part of growing up and becoming a better person? Also, never ever kill a unicorn, nothing good can come of it.