Episode I.IX: Excalibur

In which we are hella confused how no one is yelling ‘Uncle!’ – or alternatively ‘Magic!’ – when the black knight jumps his horse through a window on the second floor…
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26th June 2021 @ 3:16 pm
Not even remember Arthur’s angry reaction in the episode so I have to rewatch it.
In my opinion, Arthur is already in deep grief losing two of his knights, and quite upset about Uther’s reaction.He did not know that knight is magic creature (unlike Valient, he knew his shield has snakes, just could not prove it). I think he believes that with his skill he would eventually find a way to kill the black knight. To be fair, Merlin only pointed out the weirdness of the knight, but did not say anything about magic and the fact regular weapon cannot kill such creature.
Simply put, he was under huge mental pressure from grief, hurt and uncertainness of his fate, and was preparing a very important battle, Merlin’s nonstop negative thoughts was really something he did not want at that moment.
Actually I found the funny interaction between Arthur and Uther after Uther admitting his fondness of his son though really cute, was a bit weird. I don’t really recall Arthur ever exhibitting such playfullness towards his father.
And I also could not understand dragon’s rage on Uther used the sword just that once. Uther obviouly has no intention to keep the sword. Maybe the dragon thought by allowing Uther to do so, Merlin shown that he did not understand the seriousness of letting the sword into the wrong hand.
I felt that Uther’s unawareness of Arthur never using this sword after this event is a bug in writing too.
14th April 2020 @ 9:37 pm
I’ve been playing catch up so I don’t have much to say other than I LOVE this episode with all the information coming out about Nimueh and Uther and Igraine’s death. That was my favorite part. Am really enjoying your podcasts.
14th April 2020 @ 9:40 pm
I am amazed by the speed you are working through the episodes!! You’ll be caught up before no time 👏
5th November 2019 @ 11:21 pm
I’m just going to put this here, Uther is my Valentine. They’re both ‘bad’ and I love them! I’m sure that I will get frustrated with him in future episodes but I will still love him. Also, the scene where he tells Arthur that he loves him actually got me emotional. 😢
Can we talk about how pretty Arthur looked during that ceremony? And on his knees? (Michelle and I think alike) I love Arthur’s sense of duty and honor even in the face of certain death. And how Uther disregardes all of that when it comes to the safety of his child.
Merlin has to get rid of the sword somewhere where no one will ever find it… Is that the same lake that has the evil fairies in it? Did he forget? Are there more lakes around Camelot?
I love how Gaius just stares at Merlin to get him to talk. 😁
Another good episode, I’m really enjoying the re-watch.
Lessons learned this episode? Nimueh sucks at revenge and The Dragon is a big drama queen.