Episode I.II – Valiant

In which the snakes are rubber, and we are glue, and everything we say bounces off them and… oh, you get the gist!
Join us, as we discuss Season 1, Episode 2, Valiant

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29th January 2020 @ 1:18 pm
“the air around his face appears to slightly think about nodding” is my favourite description of an acting choice I’ve ever heard
(affectionate criticism of my childhood self’s favourite show is exactly what I needed to randomly stumble across this week!)
29th January 2020 @ 5:45 pm
hahaha I’ll make sure Ruth knows she made you happy with that random description hahaha
so glad you’re enjoying the podcast, and you’re just in time! we’re starting season 2 next week 😀 😀
9th January 2020 @ 6:44 am
Totally agree with the Arthur analysis -a lot of what he says sounds insensitive or ordinary on paper but is actually nuanced in show.
29th January 2020 @ 5:39 pm
Ruth said it in one of the episodes, it really shouldn’t be as amazing to have an actor that sits down and thinks about their character. that should be the bare minimum. but I do think, when you analyse Bradley’s performance of Arthur it just becomes so clear how many layers he’s woven into the character, from episode one, and that’s just pure joy to analyse!
22nd September 2019 @ 9:36 pm
hahaha just you wait until epsiode 4, on the loving arthur front…
i don’t know Will at all, literally only from seeing a bunch of interviews and behind the scene stuff with him, from this episode, and i remember him as funny and adorable lol
honestly, the plastic snakes are just a running joke now, but there’s no actual issue with them. like, they’re plastic, moving on. buffy werewolves had zippers. still loved them! haha
I really don’t know what the actual tournaments of medieval times were like, I just know that the show is going to have dozens of different types of tournaments, some of which are high risk of death, some of which are no death or injury, some of which death is to be expected and almost anticipated it seems… so I was just a bit confused. but I would have thought that usually, surely, it’s only to show who is best, not to actually kill all the best knights of the realm, leaving one person standing lol
I guess he had used magic in front of everyone, so was going to be executed, anyway, so arthur killing him was just a shortcut? maybe?
Pierrefonds is a real castle
22nd September 2019 @ 8:50 pm
Just watched this ep. I’m already loving Arthur, that didn’t take long at all. I loved the bit where he called to Merlin and explained to him what a cupboard was for. 😄 I likdd Will Mellor as the bad guy, i mostly know him from comedies. I didn’t mind the plastic snakes. They were funny but they looked magical enough for me. I’m sure you two will have things to say about them..
Were knights supposed to kill each other at tournaments? I don’t think anyone died except for Valiant but I was kinda suprised when everyone cheered when Arthur killed him. I thought he might have just tried to defeat him, not kill him.
Love it everytime Gaius asks Merlin if he’s using magic again. 😃
Is that a real castle or green screen? It looks impressive if it is.