Episode I.I – The Dragon’s Call

In which we discuss that Merlin really CANNOT address Arthur like *that*, and what this tells us about their relationship, even at this early stage. It’s love at first sight! At least for us…
Join us, as we watch the very first episode of Merlin

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29th November 2021 @ 11:01 am
I’ve arrived at the party late lol. I love your podcast and look forward to listening to this podcast. I agree that is very full but it always makes me smile to watch it.
29th November 2021 @ 11:04 am
I love the introduction of the characters. I am a huge Morgana fan so love everything she does. Arrogant bad boy Arthur is the best.
19th January 2020 @ 10:08 pm
It wasn’t my favorite episode but I was willing to get past it because I loved Ep. 1 so much that I knew there could be much more. I agree with some of the parts being brilliant. Bradley really grew on me in the first season.
19th January 2020 @ 9:05 pm
This was the episode where I fell in love with Merlin the character and Merlin the show. It will always have a special place in my heart (even with its flaws).
22nd September 2019 @ 9:30 pm
oh there are many things that are ridiculous or make no sense about this episode. the son not saving himself is one of many. the thing that always bugged me is that we see this witch magically portal herself away in the very first episode… a skill that Merlin will not master in the entire 10 years of the show!!!
I think they did pretty well with glass in medival times. fancy church stain glass windows and all that… though depends which exact windows you mean?
oh there are MANY classic movies, tv shows and actors that I do not know… hahaha
22nd September 2019 @ 8:30 pm
I’m very late with my comments. It’s been a week since I watched this ep so I have probably forgotten most of it…
It’s kinda nice to re-watch this show with you. I didn’t remember anything about this ep apart from the scene where Lady Helen sings and puts everyone to sleep. I’m glad that you aren’t taking this show too seriously cause some bits just made me snort. Witch Helen looked kinda rediculous. Like you I found it a bit weird that no one batted an eye at the witch dissapearing in a puff of smoke. Also, if her son was a warlock, why didn’t he just poof himself away as well? I also found myself wondering if they had those modern looking windows in the middle ages?🤔😁
I liked it. I had forgotten all about John Hurt, I would know that voice everywhere. Lovely to see Anthony Head again. Arthur was a bit of an ass but I remember really liking his character so I’m sure he’ll grow on me again. Going forward I shall pay special attention to Merlin looking pretty in sunlight. 😉
Also Michelle, shame on you on having no clue who Victor Meldrew is and never having watched One Foot In The Grave. I DO NOT BELIEVE IT! That show is a classic…