Episode 47: Stay With Me

Episode 47 of The Descent Is Easy discusses Stay With Me, Episode 16 of Season 3 of Shadowhunters.
In this episode Maryse buys the bookshop and not much else happens really… Think we should definitely focus on the bookshop!!
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8th April 2019 @ 8:31 pm
This was another great episode.
The dance scene was so good. I just sat there with a big smile on my face. I listened to your comments about there seeming to be something off with Alec in that scene. That he seemed a bit worried even though it was Magnus’ dream. I like to think that on some level, Magnus was aware of Alec’s worry/distress and that the emotion kind if bled into the dream.
I don’t know how you two managed not to but I did cry. I wouldn’t say that I was sobbing but there was a shedding of tears. I mean, how can you not with Matthew’s face and those eyes… I have no defence against an emotional Alec.
The scene in the hospital where Alec is apologizing was so well done. I used to have panic attacks when I was younger and sometimes they still pop up. And what Alec was doing with his hands was so familiar to me. I used to dig my nails into my hands as a way of calming myself down. I could so identify with what Alec was doing, I loved that.
The scenes between Alec and Lorenzo are always interesting. Lorenzo might also be suffering with some kind of self esteem issues, he obviously feels threatened by Magnus, be that his power or his popularity. The fact that he agreed to help Magnus redeems him slightly in my opnion. Hopefully he won’t dissapoint me… And kudos to Alec for not being afraid of seeming weak or emotional in front of Lorenzo.
I kinda like Magnus with the flat hair. When he said that he was nothing without his magic, it reminded me so much of when Alec said that he was nothing without Jace. They obviously both have self worth issues.
The last scene in the bookstore with Maryse was so lovely. Those two are always so good together. I just love how accepting she is of Alec’s intentions. I fear for the next episode though, something is bound to go wrong with this whole proposal thing..
So was there anything else in this ep apart from Malec? 😄
It was great to see Lillith again. I have to agree with you though, there was no need to summon her now. And I really didn’t like them torturing her. I was so happy to see I Am Caîn again and then not so much. *rolls eyes* This probably won’t end well for him. Jace getting stabbed didn’t really work for me, it looked very fake.
About Asmodeus using Magnus’ magic to bound Lillith to that room, I just assumed that he used Magnus’ magic in addition to his own to get the edge over Lillith. That their combined magic was more powerful than Lillith’s, not that it was Magnus’ magic alone that made it so.
I love that Maryse bought the bookstore, it suits her. And with Scott showing up, perhaps we will finally get a look inside the Praetor Lupus.
Ruth calling Clary a moron made me laugh so much! 😂
Michelle, question. You who have studied Magnus’ apartment in great detail.. has there always been a spiral staircase inside? I noticed it when Alec came to see Lorenzo and did a double take. Has it always been there and I just never noticed?
4th April 2019 @ 3:02 am
Overall, I really liked this episode, but I’m not gonna lie the Malec scenes are pretty much all I am gonna remember from this it lol, although I actually really enjoyed the Jonathan and Lilith scenes and the Simon and Izzy scene! I am still not sure I am feeling their romantic chemistry yet but the scene was really cute!!
Jace and Clary(mostly Clary) just kinda pissed me off this episode. Like Alec stops babysitting them for two seconds because Magnus is dying and they summon and release the queen of hell who they spent ALL of 3A trying to get rid of, for literally no reason! They tried ONE thing to get the rune off, how about we don’t summon Lilith before we have exhausted EVERY other possibility, yeah!? Sorry for yelling lol I just think they need to be sent to their rooms because they were really stupid this episode. Also, Clary hasn’t been quite so selfish in a long time and I can’t say I missed that side of her too much. And Jace asking Catarina for help really did make me mad, I know we weren’t exactly sure what she was doing, but the implication we got was that she was in the institute taking care of Magnus and when Alec went to Lorenzo’s I think it was pretty obvious that Catarina was the one to stay with him since no one else was there. It was just really selfish and insensitive on Jace’s part. If I was Catarina I might have slapped him for asking that tbh.
I didn’t particularly love the big fight scene in this episode either. It had way too many cuts and switches of the camera and a little too much unnecessary slow-mo in my opinion, but Cain and Lilith just standing there and looking awkwardly at each other was quite funny and was my favorite non-Malec part of this episode😂.
I didn’t have any real issues with any of the Malec scenes this week, I thought they were great! I didn’t cry either, but Matt in particular, and Harry were so good in this episode and all of there scenes were done so well on their part. I agree that the writing was a little too….emotionally heavy, but again Matt and Harry did so well with it that I really don’t care tbh. I definitely think that for the dancing scene Matt was just playing everything up to show that it was a dream. Alec in that first scene reminded me a lot of AU Alec actually and apparently, Magnus’ dream Alec is a lot suaver than actual Alec😂 Regarding what you were talking about with Alec’s speechless line. Something I noticed in that part of the scene, and this is really nitpicky and I feel bad for saying it lol because Matt did such an amazing job, but this was the only part of the scene where Matt/Alec looked a little shakey. Almost like he didn’t have a great grip on Harry or was just scared of dropping him or something and was just concentrating really hard on the dance itself instead of the line. Which I totally get and I think I only noticed because Magnus/Harry dipping Matt was really smooth and he is obviously more practiced so that makes sense. It didn’t take away from the scene or the dip though and I will be watching it on repeat for the rest of my life!!<3
I really liked the end scene with Alec and Maryse(bookshop owner!?! Yes please!!) but I don't think things are gonna go as planned for Alec next episode, which is kinda sad because he looks so so happy, but I totally understand why it wouldn't. It's almost not even that I think things will go wrong, but that I think they should from where Magnus is at this episode. However, I am conflicted on how I think the writers are gonna handle this whole thing because they already did one rejection with Alec asking to move in and then seemed to…regret? it and then tried to fix it with 3×15 or that's what it seemed like at least. And I honestly don't know if the writers have the balls to write that scene in this episode and then have Magnus reject Alec again. So I feel like things are gonna go wrong, but at the same time, I don't because of the writers. I mean I am convinced its gonna happen sometime within the next 4 episodes anyways but I don't know about 3×17…and tbh I don't really know what the point is of writing Alec to ask these things only to get rejected over and over, that seems kinda repetitive. Which also makes me think that its actually gonna happen. I just rambled on for a long time and kinda changed my opinion halfway through as I was thinking about it more, but I think my final conclusion is that either Alec is gonna ask next week and Magnus actually says yes or Alec isn't gonna ask at all, next week at least.
I really don't even wanna talk about the Maia and Jordan thing other than to say, again, that I am scared of where the writers are taking this storyline. And the fact that Maia hasn't been in like the majority of the episodes in 3B on top of that really makes me mad. Of course, Alisha doesn't have control over the scripts and probably doesn't want to say bad things about the writers or whatever, but I really hope she isn't actually happy with Maia's storyline if it involves Jordan the way I think it might because it is really really bad and so problematic. Again fingers crossed for good things for Maia!
Finally, the goat was a nice addition to this week's podcast and I think she should guest star for the rest of the episodes because she clearly had some things to say!! Although, I heard from twitter that she doesn't like Malec and you're definitely gonna have to work on that!!😂
6th April 2019 @ 2:03 pm
–and the Simon and Izzy scene! I am still not sure I am feeling their romantic chemistry yet but the scene was really cute!!–
oh, there we are! I found my answer to how you were feeling about the Sizzy these days haha
I agree. I’m not sure I’m buying it, but that doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying the two of them in scenes together. Also as we said from the beginning, Alberto can pretty much sell us anything he wants and we’ll buy it!
–Jace and Clary(mostly Clary) just kinda pissed me off this episode. Like Alec stops babysitting them for two seconds because Magnus is dying and they summon and release the queen of hell who they spent ALL of 3A trying to get rid of, for literally no reason!–
there are many many things I will overlook in shadowhunters because it’s not very well crafted story telling, the writers aren’t very high quality, and there’s only so much actors can do, with nonsensical scripts. so yeah, I will forgive a lot but this entire clary driven storyline was just idiotic, especially because you are clearly NOT excusing it by saying ‘it’s the demonic influence over her, that’s doing it’ which is such an obvious excuse that’s RIGHT THERE.
–Cain and Lilith just standing there and looking awkwardly at each other was quite funny and was my favorite non-Malec part of this episode😂.–
that was pretty priceless!! I’m not even sure they knew that they were going to get a reaction show. they looked so insanely out of character and comical. I did love it, but mostly in a what the hell?? kind of a way hahaha
–I agree that the writing was a little too….emotionally heavy, but again Matt and Harry did so well with it that I really don’t care tbh.–
I think that’s totally fair! Very much like Alberto being able to convince me of anything he wants to convince me off, despite a heavy handed nonsense script, I feel very much the same about Matt and Harry 95% of the time.
–this was the only part of the scene where Matt/Alec looked a little shakey. Almost like he didn’t have a great grip on Harry or was just scared of dropping him or something and was just concentrating really hard on the dance itself instead of the line. —
I really think that this is all it was! and yes, Matt is super buff, but he does not casually flip around, swing and dip someone of almost his own body weight, on a regular basis, so dipping someone as buff and solid as harry, despite all of the weight training and working out they’ve done for this show, can’t have been easy, so it must have been pretty hard work, and god knows how many takes they had done at that point too! so yeah, I do think it was mostly Matt falling slightly out of character.
I’m equally conflicted on the proposal and I think the only sensible way to write it to either have magnus say yes (which I think would be hugely unrealistic with where he is in himself, at the moment, but could be written as a break through in regards to ‘my life IS falling to pieces and i do have to address that, but you are the only good thing in it!!’ and that would be ok. Because I totally agree, saying no is just yet another moment of magnus rejecting alec and it’s getting repetitive and unpleasant and boring. so fingers crossed that’s not what’s happening.
but mostly I think alec won’t get a chance to propose yet. something dramatic is going to happen, and he’ll put his plans on hold. which I think would be the most sensible thing to do. and then he can propose just before magnus goes to edom, and that’s suitably dramatic for everyone rigth?? hahaha
7th April 2019 @ 4:03 am
You asked me how I felt about Sizzy now that we watched a few episodes in a comment on the 3×12 reaction and I am gonna answer and elaborate on my feelings on this one because I have more things to say even though my conclusion isn’t gonna change from what I said above lol. So never say never, but I really don’t see how the writers or even Alberto are gonna sell me on romantic Sizzy at this point. We are on episode 16 and we have had nothing that has sold me on their romance. I have almost always found the Simon and Izzy scenes cute and I was grinning at the pinky swear scene in this episode, but I just don’t feel the romance. And I am supposed to be feeling the romance at this point. The writers aren’t doing friendship Sizzy anymore, we are supposed to be shipping them together and have been since at least 3×12. And I understand that they didn’t know SH was gonna be canceled and probably had plans for season 4, but we have known since the first 3B trailer that they were gonna get together romantically this season, or at least kiss, and its kind of frustrating knowing that sometime within the next 4 episodes they are gonna become a thing when I see next to no romantic chemistry. And I don’t think that is Alberto or Emeraude’s fault, it’s just that the writers are trying to make Sizzy a thing when they have like one scene together every other episode and they are writing it too similar to how their friendship has always been for me to see any difference in their relationship. Like with Clace, they are trying to sell this romance without giving them space and time to properly develop and like with Clace that kinda means I just don’t care.
And yes I totally agree that they could write Magnus saying yes to the proposal in a way that could work and if they did it right I would be okay with that, but I also agree that the most likely outcome is Alec not getting the chance to ask next episode. And NO!! Keep the Edom angst away!!😂 I don’t handle angst well and I just want everyone to be happy!! I think the only reason I am making it through this angst is that I have so many spoilers for the finale lmao. But yes I think some sort of either pre or post-Edom proposal is a pretty good theory. Bring on the pain, I don’t need my heart anyways *sigh*
With no episode stills and a lot of extremely confusing and conflicting spoilers that I have read for this episode I seriously have no idea what is happening or how things are gonna play out, but I’m really excited(and a little scared) for Monday!
9th April 2019 @ 4:00 pm
I think one of the things that’s super difficult about Sizzy at the moment is that it’s really difficult to separate the meta from the text. We’ve had promo and teasers and marketing all about how it’s ‘finally happening’ and ‘the Sizzy is on!’ and that can’t help but taint one’s view of the Simon and Izzy scenes that have appeared so far. Because I do think with the exception of the romanticised awfulness that was the Mark of Cain removal scene, there scenes have been similar tonally to what we’ve had from them before – platonic with a hint of charge, mostly because Alberto has chemistry with doors hes acting near, and Emeraude has an incredible gentle warmth and romanticism she brings to Isabelle generally.
so its really tricky :/
10th April 2019 @ 6:36 pm
Yes, I definitely agree with you. If we hadn’t gone into this season knowing that Sizzy was gonna become a thing romantically sometime in the next 10 episodes I probably would have liked it a lot more. Not including 3×12 because…..no. But going into it and already being a little angry at how they were treating Saia in the promos and teaser and knowing that Sizzy was happening has made me put every scene they have had under a microscope trying to see any romance at all instead of just enjoying their scenes and letting their friendship evolve into a relationship naturally. Which I do think they are starting to get somewhere with(sort of) these last few episodes, but like I said I don’t feel the romance. I can see their friendship getting stronger and that they really care about each other, but I am not feeling the romantic connection like I am supposed to at this point. Now, not knowing that Sizzy was gonna happen before 3B doesn’t mean I would have been any happier with the end result because with the lack of development and the cancellation I think that Sizzy is inevitably gonna feel rushed, but I really think I would have enjoyed most of their scenes so much more if I hadn’t known that before episode 20 they were gonna start a romantic relationship. I don’t know if any of this made sense(it did in my head lol) but I am just really really trying to enjoy Sizzy and let this go and it’s not working very well.
And I agree that Alberto has great chemistry with everyone so maybe he and Emeraude, who I also thinks has nice chemistry with everyone, will be able to pull this off in the end, but I’m skeptical at this point. I just feel so bad for Em especially because she has been so so excited about Sizzy since like season 1 and I just don’t like it or, more accurately, don’t really care at this point. It’s unfortunate, but we’ll see where it goes.
14th April 2019 @ 8:31 pm
Overhyping has always been their downfall with everything though, hasn’t it? 4 sneak peeks per episode simultaneously spoiling and/or over hyping the best scenes in coming episodes and setting people up for disappointment. Todd’s indecent tweeting and teasing. The number of press outlets (legitimate and really NOT legitimate) that are given access to screeners leading to this years fan account doing pop quiz rounds on upcoming episodes, ruining most of the ep and last years “news” account that did the ‘this Episode has XXX minutes of Malec in it’ that ruined viewing figures for many episodes…
Just, stop over hyping. Let the episodes speak for themselves!!
16th April 2019 @ 11:30 am
How you doing with the whole ‘not liking angst’ thing? O_O
16th April 2019 @ 4:39 pm
IM NOT HANDLING IT WELL!!! In all seriousness, I actually really do love Magnus/Malec’s storyline this season. Of course it’s painful and makes me want to cry but, maybe because we know how the season ends, I seem to be the only person who isn’t angry about what is happening with them this season lmao. I just wish we had more time to properly flush out the story because I just don’t see how we are gonna get all of these things resolved and end with them getting married, organically, by 3×22. But I really have no idea what we have coming for us the next few episodes so maybe it will all work out.
Freeform definitely needs to make it harder for people to access their screeners. It seems like there are twice as many people who have access to it than last season and only like 3 of them actually write articles. The overabundance of quotes and the screenshots needs to stop because it doesn’t matter if you block the person, if someone shares a Malec picture, it is instantly gonna be all over Twitter. It’s getting really annoying. Thankfully, it seems like the telling of how many minutes Malec get per episode has stopped for 3B which is good because that made we want to rip my hair out during 3A. QUANTITY DOES NOT EQUAL QUALITY PEOPLE! Clace is the perfect example of that.
Anyways, can’t wait for your 3×18 episode!
3rd April 2019 @ 10:53 pm
Not a comment about the actual ep – yet. I forgot about the Jace competition.
My favourite 3b Jace is Owl Jace. Therefore my fave scene is the one at Magnus’ apartment when Owl!Jace is trapped and he tries to provoke everyone. I love Dom’s acting in that scene, the way he tries to ger under everyone’s skin, how the lighting makes him look evil… loved it!
6th April 2019 @ 1:47 pm
got it!
3rd April 2019 @ 4:42 pm
I think the original language is Batavian (CoLS)? I’m not sure
9th April 2019 @ 3:51 pm
In think you’re right! Thank you!
9th April 2019 @ 6:13 pm
Okay, so I was reading RSOM and basically it said ‘the language was an old Malay dialect, one that had fallen into disuse years ago’. Not sure if
A.batavian fit that
B.the show is even doing the same language?
ALSO if you wanted to, you could read rsom before the other books I guess (i mean for michelle) cos it only really has spoilers for qoaad (SPOILER: concerning a certain fake death) but it is a major spoiler