Episode 46: To The Night Children

Episode 46 of The Descent Is Easy discusses To The Night Children, Episode 15 of Season 3 of Shadowhunters.
This episode has logic, consequences, long awaited relationships, healthy communication and WE ARE LOVING IT!
We are running an in podcast giveaway open to all, that will close on the 8th April, winners to be announced in the podcast episode on the 10th April. Make sure you listen to find out whether you have won!
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31st March 2019 @ 11:09 pm
I have nothing to say. This was my favourite s3b ep to date!
– Responsible head of the institute Alec, hell yes!
– Magnus/Underhill, hell yes!
– Clary kicking Aline’s ass, yes please. ( don’t like her much so far)
– Raphael blessing himself with holy water, beautiful scene.
– Raphael getting arrested, hell no! At least I know he’s coming back.
– Maia is a total, brilliant badass!
– Bye bye Heidi. That was very sattisfying and smart.
– Jealous Magnus is EVERYTHING
– I finally noticed Jonathan’s earring.
– That last scene… 😭
A few last observations.
I didn’t mind the Clary/Jonathan scene. I like their dynamic. They have an interesting chemistry.
Why does Maia not have any kind of wound on her neck after Heidi bit her?
Why is Magnus’ magic suddenly blue again?
About Alec asking Magnus to move in with him… To me it’s obvious that Alec still remembers the first time they talked about moving in together. He is very nervous, like he almost expects to be rejected again. Them moving into their own place, somewhere that belongs to both of them, puts them on equal footing. I think that’s what embolded Alec to try again and what made Magnus accept. I think losing his magic and becoming mortal changed changed the way he looks at things, like he realises now that time is precious and that they both need to grab happiness where and when they can. Next weeks ep is going to be brutal!
My MVP this week is Alec’s hair. It was totally on point all through the ep. 😍
Will have to listen to the podcast again for clues about your quotes..
6th April 2019 @ 1:46 pm
I have absolutely no interest in Aline and couldn’t care less about her and Helen and whatever that storyline is going to be, mostly because I haven’t reached that part in the book yet, so I don’t care about Helen, but also we only have 6 episodes left and I don’t care about random new characters and storylines you are introducing. on top of that, yes, I don’t like Aline.
–Why does Maia not have any kind of wound on her neck after Heidi bit her?–
ooooh, I didn’t catch that! clearly we were busy with checking out her shoes! lol
–Why is Magnus’ magic suddenly blue again?–
it was clearly just a visual effects fuck up. which is a shame. I though while he was in a comma we were going to get some explanation about lorenzo’s magic reacting badly with his body, and therefore his spells drawing from magnus’ person (his spirit/soul/aura/life force) rather than lorenzo’s magic, which is why his body is giving in and why he needs to stop using magic. and that all warlocks colour of magic is different, because it comes form their different colour of aura, basically. which of course everyone has, but only in warlocks is it expressed externally, so you know. And that’s why it was blue. because Lorenzo’s is yellow, and the more he used the magic the less his body could work with Lorenzo’s magic, and start using up it’s own life force.
I dunno. I may have over thought this…
27th March 2019 @ 6:37 pm
I don’t have much to say about this episode except that this is by far my favorite episode in 3B!! I love how everyone(except Jace and Clary) were brought into the same storyline, it made everything feel more connected and smooth than any other episode in 3B.
I had way less issue with Heidi in this episode as well. Mostly because she died at the end of it, but also because most of our characters were involved in her story as well and she didn’t feel as disconnected or pointless as she has for the rest of 3B. She was still super annoying, but she was more a character that I loved to hate rather than just annoying. Super glad she died though!!👏🙌
I personally didn’t have a problem with Alec talking about how Magnus really couldn’t live in the Institute because something I personally got from the episode was that Alec thought that Magnus staying there was a little more “permanent” than Magnus was planning. I think Alec was excited that Magnus was going to be living with him and he was willing to bend the rules a little to make that happen, but to Magnus, while it’s great that he wouldn’t have to sleep in a hotel, this was a more short-term solution and he was always going to start looking elsewhere very soon. Hence Underhill not knowing that Magnus wasn’t gonna be there for long because surely Alec is the one who asked him to get Magnus all checked in and get him keys etc. I do, however, agree that the last time Alec asked this question should have been brought up. The thing is that because I cant stay away from spoilers I knew that they were going to be taking a big step in their relationship this episode, and I figured that it would be them deciding to live together somewhere other than the Institute. But what I thought was gonna happen was that Magnus was gonna be the one to ask this time and they were gonna bring up why he said no last time and why he changed his mind. That would have solved my problems. The weird thing is that I think that Alec does remember what happened last time he asked just by the way he goes about asking this time. In 3×05 he was really confident and he didn’t think for a second Magnus would say no. In this scene Alec is so so nervous. His voice is shaky, he keep taking big breaths, he is kind of forcing the words out, and you can see that he is a little afraid of Magnus’ answer. But I got no indication from Magnus that he was thinking about the last time this happened. Other than that slight issue that doesn’t take away from how much I love the scene lol, Matt and Harry did great work in that scene and this episode in general and I really need Monday to get here faster!!
As for Aline’s character, I honestly don’t know how I feel about her. She was just kinda there doing stuff that I knew wasn’t going to lead anywhere and other than the fact that, ‘Hey Aline is here!’ I didn’t really care that much yet. I didn’t even think about the fact that casual viewer would have no idea who the hell she was after switching actors because I have kept up with all things Shadowhunters related, but I bet that was confusing for a lot of people lol
I agree that the Jonathan/Jace/Clary thing is starting to get boring. I think that they were planning on dragging this story out into season 4 and that is why things seem to be progressing so slowly. But now that the show is cancelled it’s just a bit unfortunate that we are already halfway through 3B and nothing has really happened yet. But it is what it is and I’ve kinda excepted that I am never gonna be as invested into the supposed main storyline as I am supposed to be😕
I actually had a very different read on the Maia and Alec scenes in this episode. When I first watched it, my first thought was when did those two get so close? And I don’t think they are friends, but all of their conversations gave me sense of familiarity that felt odd seeing as we have never seen them interact in any way before. The way Alec and Maia were arguing in the basement strangely reminded me of how Luke and Maia interacted in past scenes, and I’m not sure why other than the sense of familiarity and trust and being disappointed when when they did something the other didn’t agree with. And when Alec told her she should have called him I saw that as she should have called him not that she should have called the Institute. Maybe its Matt and Alisha’s delivery, but that is is the read I got and it continued into the rest of their scenes as well. I’m just excited that Alec got to interact with people out side of his family and Magnus tho, so whatever the situation is I’ll take it lol
Finally, I am kinda disappointed that Jordan didn’t die in this episode and is apparently fine. And based on one of the sneak peeks I am really scared about where they are going with him and Maia. Maia was awesome in this episode and I hope the writers dont do stupid things with her character moving forward🙏🤞
I said at the beginning that I didn’t have a lot to say about this episode and apparently that was a lie. This might be my longest comment yet😬🙈
I just want to finish this with my favorite Jace scene from season 3 for the giveaway, which is the scene he had with Izzy in 3×11. I tried to think of a happy moment for Jace and realized we haven’t really had one since like the the first episode of season 1🙃. Dom and Em were beautiful in the 3×11 scene and that hand kiss was so sad and heartbreaking. Ok, I’m done I swear!!
6th April 2019 @ 1:40 pm
–this is by far my favorite episode in 3B!! I love how everyone(except Jace and Clary) were brought into the same storyline, it made everything feel more connected and smooth than any other episode in 3B.–
and oh how quickly we abandoned this newfound connection and smoothness of all the characters. bu they, at least we’ll always have to the night children, right? ::facepalm::
–Alec thought that Magnus staying there was a little more “permanent” than Magnus was planning. I think Alec was excited that Magnus was going to be living with him and he was willing to bend the rules a little to make that happen–
I really like this thought and I totally get where you are coming from and yes, Alec has been so desperate to live with Magnus, to pin down his man, any which way possible, I totally buy that Alec was trying to make it as smooth and simple and attractive as possible, because maybe Magnus will just stay with him, if it all works out way better than expected.
–But what I thought was gonna happen was that Magnus was gonna be the one to ask this time and they were gonna bring up why he said no last time and why he changed his mind. That would have solved my problems.–
Absolutely! I kind of love that Alec asks again. The amount of courage that took is beautiful and if they had discussed this in any way other than just ‘matthew daddario remembers it’ it would have been amazing. Any acknowledgement from magnus that ‘holy shit, he really wants to live with me, to ask again after what happened last time’ would have been great, too. Just all around, I wish that anyone had talked about Alec asking this two weeks ago and the HUGE FIGHT it led to.
And yes, I do completely agree, Matthew totally remembers everything because he realy really cares about Alec Lightwood and there’s an interesting vanity element, where he *wants* to know everything about Alec, so he can’t be caught out, on his own character. it’s kind of precious. And I think that also includes coming up with reasoning for scripts that he clearly thinks are dumb, so he can defend Alec’s decisions to people lol and the different tone that he strikes in this asking to move in is gorgeous, due to how different it is. I think it is the fact that they wrote and played Magnus’ reaction for laughs. And of course, they may have then gone ‘haha, very funny. but yes, on a serious note, I do want to live with you, because I’ve realised that time is precious and i love you’ except then magnus died…
–I didn’t even think about the fact that casual viewer would have no idea who the hell she was after switching actors because I have kept up with all things Shadowhunters related, but I bet that was confusing for a lot of people lol–
I’m not even sure that people will have had a moment of confusion in regards to ‘who is she?’ because she turned up so bloody randomly, did 3 minutes of stuff and disappeared, that I think most viewers just went ‘who is- oh. just some other shadowhunter. fine, whatever. sure’
I know a lot of people are super excited about the Aline/Helen storyline and honestly, I’m pretty sure that it’s going to be this tiny side nod to a meet cute and that’s about it. I really don’t care as I’ve not got to that bit in the book so I don’t even know who Helen is, and therefore do not care, but I worry about all the people that are super excited for it and seem to think it’s going to be this massive love story… =/
–But it is what it is and I’ve kinda excepted that I am never gonna be as invested into the supposed main storyline as I am supposed to be😕–
I think this is the BEST attitude to take with the main plot in shadowhunters!!!
–When I first watched it, my first thought was when did those two get so close? And I don’t think they are friends, but all of their conversations gave me sense of familiarity that felt odd seeing as we have never seen them interact in any way before.–
oh that’s really interesting! I think they certainly tried to convey this, when Alec asks Isabelle, if Maia is among the dead, and with the conversation by the cells. While Maia obviously has no problem getting in anyone’s face, certainly Alec didn’t react to it, like he’s not entirely used to ‘her tone’. so I do think the show tried to tell us that they are familiar with each other, kind of to make up for the fact that they HAVE NEVER TALKED. Which, if you ask me, doesn’t make up for it. I wanted to see their first interactions. I wanted to see how these two characters react to each other. I wanted to see them feeling each other out. And with the end of this ep, clearly that’s not gonna happen now… 🙁
—And based on one of the sneak peeks I am really scared about where they are going with him and Maia. Maia was awesome in this episode and I hope the writers dont do stupid things with her character moving forward🙏🤞—
aren’t those always famous last words when it comes to shadowhunters…. :'( :'( :'(
Again, sorry for the huge delay!!!
7th April 2019 @ 5:19 am
What you said about Matt is so true. You can really tell how much thought and care he puts into not only Malec but into Alec as an individual. There have been quite a few times where Matt kind of acted his way around a stupid script because he obviously can’t change the actual lines, but he is gonna do everything in his power to save Alec’s character from inconsistency and stupidity. And when he can’t he probably spends so much of his time thinking up every possible way he can explain and justify the things Alec is doing, like you said, to be able to tell fans when they inevitably point out the stupidity of the script😂 We don’t deserve him!!
In the end, I do like that Alec was the one to ask again as well and I also think Magnus’ line about walk-in closets was cute, but I agree that since they did have Magnus, you know…die before he was done talking, it didn’t work. I think they could have made it work if they had extended his lines a little more and added something about changing his mind before collapsing or whatever, but they didn’t…
About Aline and Helen, I mean even after reading all of the books I am not super invested in their relationship either. I am sure that their scenes are gonna be cute and I really love Sydney Meyers so I am kinda excited to see Helen, but again mostly because of Sydney. I definitely don’t think its gonna be some epic romance like some people seem to be hoping for, but I just checked IMDB and Sydney is supposedly in 3×17 and 3×19-3×22 and Jacky is set to be in 3×17 and 3×20-3×22 so maybe they’ll get a few more moments than we were expecting. I still don’t expect to be super invested in them, but hopefully, their scenes will be good and fans will be happy.
Yeah the show, unsurprisingly, was definitely trying to convince us that Maia and Alec were familiar with each other despite having had no previous interaction. And that doesn’t make up for it for me either! I know a lot of people want Alec and Clary or Alec and Simon to be friends, but I really want Alec and Maia to be friends. I think they would have such an interesting dynamic for some reason and Alec could go hang out at the Hunters Moon while she’s working and complain about and make fun of Jace all day!😂 It would be so much fun! Plus maybe Maia could learn things from him about being a good leader…there are so many possibilities!! I guess I’ll just have to stick to fanfic 🙁
And again, no worry on the comment delay!
18th April 2019 @ 11:24 pm
–In the end, I do like that Alec was the one to ask again as well and I also think Magnus’ line about walk-in closets was cute, but I agree that since they did have Magnus, you know…die before he was done talking, it didn’t work. I think they could have made it work if they had extended his lines a little more and added something about changing his mind before collapsing or whatever, but they didn’t…–
I suppose he does start with the ‘of course I’m sure, I love you’ but what would have been nice, and kind of gutting and brutal, if they had him start to talk about why, and then collaps. even just a ‘since you last asked, I’ve realised a few things-‘ DEATH. or, if you want to be even more brutal, he could have gone ‘Since you last asked, I’ve come to realise that life is short and that’s why-‘ DEATH.
like, how cool would that have been?? hahaha
–Sydney is supposedly in 3×17 and 3×19-3×22 and Jacky is set to be in 3×17 and 3×20-3×22 —
we know they’re at the party. they were in the trailer. but that is a lot more episodes than I expected them to get… god, I just hope they’re not going to take up too much screen time. =/
–I really want Alec and Maia to be friends.–
I’m all for Malec Power Couple but really, I want Alec and Maia to run the shadow world! Not like, as a couple, but as two awesomely fierce leaders in their own right, that make each other better because they don’t let the other get away with any shit.. They are seriously my favourite fanfic friendship!!!
27th March 2019 @ 4:11 pm
Okay, I’m sorry, but I ALWAYS watch sh on my phone with headphones because I want to watch it as soon as possible and its coming earlier for some reason so I download it, watch it on my bus while feeling very self conscious incase anyone is watching.
6th April 2019 @ 1:03 pm
I tried it this week and it wasn’t out earlier than it was on laptop view. boo!!!