1.2: Angel (s01E07)
We are stealth itself, and are using our stealth skills to sneak an extra ‘Conversations with Dead People’ episode into Season 1 of Buffy. We are discussing episode 7, Angel.
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1st August 2021 @ 1:19 pm
I’m currently listening to the episode and you guys were wondering whether the vampire reveal took anyone by surprise. I actually started watching Buffy a few months back without knowing anything about it.
However, I knew Angel was a vampire from the start simply from his first appearance on screen. I just assumed he was a vampire. I don’t know why exactly that happened, but just the way he was portrayed on screen screamed vampire I guess. So I was surprised later in “Angel” that there was a vampire reveal, because I thought that was already known 😅
So for me, the reveal definitely wasn’t a huge moment.
10th August 2021 @ 10:48 am
hahaha that’s actually a pretty hilarious anti-reveal, cause you didn’t know it was meant to be a secret… lol But also, that makes perfect sense, especially for someone watching the show 2020 onwards, after there have been so many vampire YA television shows and movies. Like, Edward Cullen walks on screen with his extended family, and you immediately know they are vampires. The Salvatores walk on screen, and its ridiculous that Elena doesn’t immediately figure it out, cause it’s so obvious. True Blood never bothered making a secret out of the vampire bit, to pretty much anyone, at least not for very long… so yeah, it must be so crazy obvious, if you watch the show now. Thanks for that insight! Very interesting!!
M Xx
11th January 2025 @ 4:28 pm
Hello! Dont mind me listening to the podcast 5 years on (and watching Buffy…almost 30 years on?), but re: Angel as a vampire reveal – having grown up at a time when Buffy is still famous (bc duh Buffy) but not That relevant meant that in my head for some reason I thought the Angel v Spike thing was a love triangle in which Spike was a vampire and Angel a slayer????Basically all that to say before starting Buffy I thought Angel was very much Not A Vampire. However! As soon as I actually started I knew he was a vampire because…well he acts like a suspicious vampire. I dont know if it’s meant to be a shocking reveal, though? It feels foreshadowed (though maybe thats because for me, twilight came first because I was adolescent in that era not the Buffy era and…well. Edward.)
11th January 2025 @ 4:30 pm
Also I thought the frosted blue eyeshadow looked really cute 🤕 I guess I never wore it and have to look back embarrasedly at it, though!
16th February 2025 @ 10:54 am
never too late to watch buffy. never!! haha
yeah, i think Edward and… what’s his face from the Vampire Diaries both have taken their entire everything directly from Angel’s brooding and walking backwards and disappearing into shadows. Obviously, this wasn’t invented by Angel himself, but as far as modern vampire stories and *that* speicifc type of brooding suffering vampire goes… yeah, it’s pretty telegraphed these days.
Ah man. Now i wanna rewatch the first Twilight movie. damn you! haha
Michelle Xx