Commentary S02E01

We’re starting on Season 2 of our #enjoyshadowhunters commentaries, and try to remember how commentaries go and also what the hell happened at the beginning of Season 2?!? Man, it’s been a while!
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16th October 2019 @ 5:03 pm
hah! I hope you got new headphones by now??
But yes, I listen back to the occassional commentary episode while travelling and like, they still make me laugh occassionally, but I definitely agree they are much better if you are watching or have very recently watched the episode…
5th September 2019 @ 8:44 pm
okay so half-broken-headphones+commentary-eps-without-the-thing-being-commented-on+an-EXTREMELY-crowded-bus=me coming home and listening to the episode, so this is one of like, two, that i actually got to watch WITH the relevant sh eps.
10/10 would recommend watching with the relevant sh ep.
but i could have told you that anyways.