TT Episode catagories

Doctor Who

We discussed one episode for every doctor in a little TT mini series, dedicated to Unparalleled Unicorn Roz, as her Patreon Reward. We hope you enjoy!

Yuri On Ice / ユーリ!!! on ICE

We were joined for all of these episodes by our dear friend, Amelia, who has all the clever thoughts about this delightful show. Amelia can be found at the following places on the internet:
@MalecCrazedAthr on the twitter, @Maleccrazedauthor on the tumblr, and at where you can find out about her books!

Conversations with Dead People – Buffy Essentials

Check out the episodes we’ve got coming up here.

Good Omens


Thank you to our co-producers:
Allmyfantasiesarethirdperson & LunaStiles
