Thinky Thoughts

Doctor Who – The 11th Doctor – S05E10 Vincent and the Doctor

Join us for the third episode discussing Doctor Who.

We are discussing one episode for every doctor in a little TT mini series, dedicated to Unparalleled Unicorn Roz, as her Patreon Reward. We hope you enjoy! (Roz. And everyone else. But mostly Roz. haha)

Warning: Podcast contains discussion of suicide in line with the discussion within the episode, and discussions on mental health relating to Vincent Van Gogh’s life and death.

Check out the Thinky Thoughts Episode on (general) Doctor Who

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Doctor Who – The 10th Doctor – S04E10 Midnight

Join us for the second episode discussing Doctor Who.

We are discussing one episode for every doctor in a little TT mini series, dedicated to Unparalleled Unicorn Roz, as her Patreon Reward. We hope you enjoy! (Roz. And everyone else. But mostly Roz. haha)

Check out the Thinky Thoughts Episode on (general) Doctor Who

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Our Patreon page is here. Join us now for loads of awesome rewards including access to our discord chat, full of lovely awesome people (and us, we’re there too).

Doctor Who – The 9th Doctor – S01E09 Dalek

Join us for the first of (what will eventually be) 6 episodes, discussing Doctor Who. We are discussing one episode for every doctor in a little TT mini series, dedicated to Unparalleled Unicorn Roz, as her Patreon Reward.

We hope you enjoy!
(Roz. And everyone else. But mostly Roz. haha)

Check out the Thinky Thoughts Episode on (general) Doctor Who

James Acaster On The Absurdity Of The British Empire

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The Sandman 2/2

Join us as we discuss the long awaited Netflix adaption of Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman, in two parts. 

We are once again joined by a very special guest: Jonathan – Ruth’s best beloved brother. 

We discuss all 11 episodes of The Sandman and how it was adapted from the graphic novels, so beware of spoilers for Season 1 and Volume 1 of The Sandman. 

Come talk to us on Twitter and Tumblr, or email us and please review us on iTunes.

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Our Patreon page is here. Join us now for loads of awesome rewards including access to our discord chat, full of lovely awesome people (and us, we’re there too).

The Sandman 1/2

Join us as we discuss the long awaited Netflix adaption of Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman, in two parts. 

We are joined by a very special guest: Jonathan – Ruth’s best beloved brother. 

We discuss all 11 episodes of The Sandman and how it was adapted from the graphic novels, so beware of spoilers for Season 1 and Volume 1 of The Sandman. 

Come talk to us on Twitter and Tumblr, or email us and please review us on iTunes.

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Our Patreon page is here. Join us now for loads of awesome rewards including access to our discord chat, full of lovely awesome people (and us, we’re there too).

Pilots: Humans

Join us as we discuss the pilot episode of Channel 4’s Humans. 

We discuss the the first episode of Humans for just over one hour, and we discuss the staggering magnificence that is Will Tudor’s performance (and his fluffy jumper and his tiny little face), for about a quarter of that time. Oops? 

Pst… We love him. 

As mentioned in the episode: Inside Synth School | Humans’ Emily Berrington learns to move like a synth

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Pilots: True Blood

Join Ruth and Michelle as they discuss True Blood – a TV show that they watched for several seasons when it first aired – and it’s Pilot ‘Strange Love’, which apparently neither of them have ever seen, and, additionally, is some of the most confusing TV they’ve encountered in a very long time. 

Come talk to us on Twitter and Tumblr, or email us and please review us on iTunes.

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Pilots: Outlander

We’re discussing the pilot episode of Starz’ Outlander.

Get ready for some intense pretty pretty Scotland.

TW: This episode of Outlander does include both an instance of sexual assault and threat of sexual assault. We discuss this as well as how these topics are handled in the show generally. If you would like to skip this conversation, it goes from time stamp 00.54.20 (after Ruth says “She encounters an English officer by a stream”) to 00.59.47. Take care of yourselves!.

Come talk to us on Twitter and Tumblr, or email us and please review us on iTunes.

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Our Patreon page is here. Join us now for loads of awesome rewards including access to our discord chat, full of lovely awesome people (and us, we’re there too).

Pilots: iZombie

In the mood for an American Supernatural Procedural Crime Drama Television Series?

Yeah, us too, so let’s chat about the iZombie pilot! 

Come talk to us on Twitter and Tumblr, or email us and please review us on iTunes.

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Our Patreon page is here. Join us now for loads of awesome rewards including access to our discord chat, full of lovely awesome people (and us, we’re there too).

Daniel “Oz” Osbourne: Enneagram

We use the tried and tested method of online personality quizzes to get to the bottom of some of our beloved Buffy the Vamire Slayer characters. This week: Daniel “Oz” Osbourne

Quiz from LonerWolf

Check out the episodes we’ve got coming up here.

Our Patreon page is here. Join us now for loads of awesome rewards including access to our discord chat, full of lovely awesome people (and us, we’re there too).

Come talk to us on Twitter and Tumblr, or email us and please review us on iTunes.

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