Thinky Thoughts

Thinky Thoughts about The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

We discuss The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, what worked for us, what didn’t work and whether we are going to continue watching this TV show, when it returns in 2019.

Light spoilers for the first 10 episodes, so if you have not seen Sabrina yet and want to remain completely unspoiled, please watch the show first!

Come talk to us on Twitter and Tumblr, or email us and please review us on iTunes.

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TT: Fic Bracket: Fic Recs List – Part 2

Cross fandom recommendations from our second game of Fic Brackets. We hope you enjoy and please leave all these lovely authors feedback, if you’ve enjoyed their stories! LISTEN TO THE PODCAST EPISODE HERE.

Amnesia – PTA by rotrude (Merlin/Arthur)

Amnesia – Every Day by whatiknew (Kurt/Blaine)

Angry Sex – Blood On Your Shirt by Pameluke (Maia/Jace)

Angst – The good times are killing me by minor_hue (POD Fic read by MissSnowFox) (Merlin/Arthur)

Arranged Marriage – One Easy Answer by MalecCrazedAuthor (Magnus/Alec)

Arranged Marriage – Lord Drake’s Bequest by Pennyplainknits (Merlin/Arthur)

“Canon” – Best Friends by MarysLilLamb (gen)

Character Death – Finding Normal by flaming_muse (Kurt/Blaine)

Cuddling – The Oddities of Sharing a Soul by NotEvenThat (Magnus/Alec, Parabatai, Magnus & Jace)

Established Relationship – Through Which We Look by lou_angel (Merlin/Arthur)

Established Relationship – The maddest house by busaikko (Sirius/Remus)

First Time – A Series of Steps by maniskka (Magnus/Alec)

First Time – At Our Best When It’s From the Hips by derryere (Merlin/Arthur)

Fluff –  Sleeping Beauty by notcrypticbutcoy (Magnus/Alec)

Forced Bedsharing – The Tournament of All Magicks by Cori Lannam (corilannam) (Merlin/Arthur)

Fuck or Die – Heat Wave by la_muerta (Magnus/Alec)

Huddle for Warmth – An Unnecessary Freezing of Water by Shine (Merlin/Arthur)

Married with Children – Lights Will Guide You Home by lavender_love00 (Blaine/Kurt)

Minor Characters – Deny Thy Father by lupinslittlesister (Sirius)

Move to a New Town – Little Wooden Boy and the Belly of Love by new_kate (Merlin/Arthur)

Original Character – IT’S A PENDRAGON DAY, SO YOU KNOW GOOD SHIT IS GONNA GO DOWN by sebastiansais (Merlin/Arthur)

Original Character – Lasă-mă să stau by SuperficialPeasant (Shadowhunters, Underhill/Hawkstorm)

Public sex – A knight to remember by LadyVader (Merlin/Arthur)

Return to Home Town – August by rageprufrock (Merlin/Arthur)

Sex Pollen – Trash in Space by beatperfume (Magnus/Alec)

Shower sex – Rinse, lather, repeat by leashy_bebes (Merlin/Arthur)

Smut – An Obscene Obsession (subtitled: An Exercise in Writing Oral Sex) by jitter-bug (Harry/Draco)

Threesome – Easy by thetimesinbetween (Kurt/Blain + Sebastian)

Unrequited Feelings – Pockets Full of Stones (Lay Me Down) by kianspo (Merlin & Arthur)

Voyeurism / Masturbation – Casual Win by SuperficialPeasant (Magnus/Alec)

Thinky Thoughts about Fic Brackets – Part 2

In today’s episode we are playing the Fic Bracket Game, in which well loved fanfiction tropes battle it out against each other and we see who is left standing at the end of the day, as the ultimate fanfic we want to read!

This is part 2 of 2. We hope you’ve made your way through the last list, which can be found here, and are ready for more!

You can find the second recs list here on our website!

Come talk to us on Twitter and Tumblr, or email us and please review us on iTunes.

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TT: Fic Brackets: Fic Recs List – Part 1

Cross fandom recommendations from our first game of Fic Brackets. We hope you enjoy and please leave all these lovely authors feedback, if you’ve enjoyed their stories! LISTEN TO THE PODCAST EPISODE HERE.

Actor – Floorshow by neaf (Kurt/Blaine)

Actor – Unscripted by rainjoy (Kurt/Blaine)

Afterlife – Gibraltar may tumble by shes_gone (Merlin/Arthur)

Afterlife – Ariel & Raphael by pherber9 – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9Part 10Part 11Part 12Part 13(Peter/Carl)

Apocalypse – Till the End of Today by lady_ragnell (Merlin/Arthur)

Assassin / Spy – World Enough and Time by alicephantomwise (Merlin/Arthur)

Assassin / Spy – Kiss with a Fist by clockworkswan (Magnus/Alec)

BDSM – Castle (the rules by which we live) by kickflaw (Merlin/Arthur)

Childhood Best Friend – Someone Like You by iconicklaine (Kurt/Blaine)

Coffee Shop – Possibly Maybe I’m Falling For You by lady_ragnell (Merlin/Arthur)

Crossover (insert) – The Room Where It Happens by FannyT, RedOrchid (Magnus/Alec)

Crossover (meet) – The Wrong Avalon by leashy_bebes (Merlin/Arthur, 11th Doctor)

Dragon – No Business Like Show Business by lady_ragnell (Merlin/Arthur)

Dragon – Set the falling night ablaze by viennajones (Merlin/Arthur)

Enemies to Lovers – World Comes Tumbling by lady_ragnell (Merlin/Arthur)

Florist – The Language of Flowers by astudyinfic (Magnus/Alec)

Florist – Invictus by Lecrit (Magnus/Alec)

Highschool – Being Kurt Hummel by flaming_muse (Kurt/Blaine)

Historical – Destiny That Darkly Hides Us by Nympha_Alba (Merlin/Arthur)

Military – Loaded March by Footloose (Merlin/Arthur)

Modern Day – Pairing Pendragon/Merlin by anonymous (POD Fic read lunchee)  (Merlin/Arthur)

Musician – Pianos are made for Falling by Fishwrites (Merlin/Arthur)

Office / CEO – A Change of Pace by kianspo (Merlin/Arthur)

Police – One Show Only by KouriArashi (Magnus/Alec)

Police – Come Alive by kianspo (Merlin/Arthur)

Pornstar – Working Hard/Hardly Working by irisadler, stupidnephilimlove WIP (Magnus/Alec)

Prison – This hole where you and I will sing by Anonymous (Merlin/Arthur)

Prison – Arcane Asylum by new_kate (Merlin/Arthur)

Rentboy – Best Laid Plans by SuperficialPeasant (Magnus/Alec)

Rentboy – A Binding Contract by eldee  (Merlin/Arthur)

Rentboy – Pretty Woman by Triddlegrl (Kurt/Blaine)

Royalty – The Student Prince by FayJay (Merlin/Arthur)

Royalty – Drastically Redefining Protocols by rageprufrock (Merlin/Arthur)

Royalty – Sympathy for the Prince by Ketz (Magnus/Alec)

Slavery – Viking’s Slave by rotrude (Merlin/Arthur)

Soulmates – I’ll Love You in a Thousand Lifetimes by notcrypticbutcoy(Magnus/Alec)

Space Travel – Candle, Cup, and Casket by Desiderii (Merlin/Arthur)

Sport AU – There Are No Gays in Football by Malu_3 (Grainne)  (Merlin/Arthur)

Sport AU – Rivalry on Ice Part 1, Part 2 & The Gala by rotrude  (Merlin/Arthur)

Sport AU – Football (American) by deleerium (Orlando/Elijah, side Dominic/Billy)

Sport AU – Skaterboy by deleerium (Orlando/Elijah, side Dominic/Billy)

Sport AU – Game, Set, Match by ingberry  (Merlin/Arthur)

Sport AU – Easy There by syllic  (Merlin/Arthur)

Starcrossed Lovers – Tributes by TheAvalonian (Merlin/Arthur)

Superpowers – All the Other Ghosts & Grey by rainjoy (POD Fic read by klb & mriaow) (Kurt/Blaine)

Teacher – Intended by new_kate (Merlin/Arthur)

Time Travel – Cartographer’s Craft by copperbadge (Remus/Nymphadora, Sirius/Harry, Hermione/Ron)

Wing Fic – Fall Without Wings by notcrypticbutcoy (Magnus/Alec)

Thinky Thoughts about Fic Brackets – Part 1

In todays episode we are playing the Fic Bracket Game, in which well loved fanfiction tropes battle it out against each other and we see who is left standing at the end of the day, as the ultimate fanfic we want to read!

This is part 1 of 2, due to a very long list of multi fandom fic recommendations! We wanted to give you time to actually read all of them, before we recommend even more fic! You can find the list here!

If you wish to play our version of Trope Brackets for yourself you can do so here!

Come talk to us on Twitter and Tumblr, or email us and please review us on iTunes.

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Thinky Thoughts about Harry Potter

In this episode we talk about the Warner Brothers Studio Harry Potter Experience, for around 10 minutes, before spending the rest of the episode discussing our Harry Potter experience, including how and when we got into the books, the madness of midnight book releases, working in bookshops during the time of the Harry Potter craze, Rowling’s writing and how we feel about Harry Potter now.

Come talk to us on Twitter and Tumblr, or email us and please review us on iTunes.

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Thinky Thoughts about Buffy, Then & Now

In our brand new podcast Thinky Thoughts, we are going to be discussing books, movies, TV shows and fandom in general. And what better way to start off this new podcast then to talk about our mutual first love, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, especially faced with the news that there’s going to be a remake of this most beloved show. Find out what we think of that!

Come talk to us on Twitter and Tumblr, or email us and please review us on iTunes.

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