Here’s some links for your reference:
1) The freeform ‘Map The Shadows!’ web page.
2) The map that Cassandra Clare shared on (this correlates with the map in the begining of the UK Walker Books edition of the TMI series (0781406307627 – ISBN for CoB)
3) Our compiled google map with all the locations from the above maps.
Some things to bear in mind.
- The blobs on the TMI map are rather large, covering a couple of blocks that are not marked specifically.
- The points on the show map on the other hand are quite specific but on a map with most of the street markings removed. Also the markings, we strongly suspect after having done our journey, are not supposed to indicate the specific spot in terms of exact distance down exact street.
- The show map is Season 1 specific – there is new info in regards to both Magnus’s loft and the Institute provided in season 2 which are reflected in the photos but not on the maps.
- Bearing the above in mind we visited the destinations as close to the exact marking as possible, and then found the most appropriate site at that location.
- Finally we had a bit of a technical calamity with a loss of some of the photos, we have therefore supplemented with some photos from google maps.
5. Pandemonium
The locations of the show and book Pandemonium are very different, the books locate Pandemonium right in the middle of downtown Manhattan; Pandemonium on the show has been moved far closer to Magnus’s apartment in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Description from the Shadowhunter wikia:
Pandemonium is a nightclub in the Williamsburg neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York that is run by Magnus Bane.
The club caters to both mundanes and Downworlders, and is a place where demons sometimes came to victimize the mundane patrons.
The club boasts an impressive dance floor, the latest EDM music, a bar, and a VIP section for clubbers seeking a more intimate experience, which is mostly for members of the Shadow World seeking relief from the mundane clubbers. The bar’s menu includes a range of drinks and bites to suit any creature’s appetite.
We were a little disappointed not to find any clubs at all around 2nd street and Marcy avenue – the area generally seems to be mostly coffee shops and bars. It is pretty much on the Brooklyn Queens Express way, which does add a sort of industrial grittiness to the area that felt quite appropriate for a nightclub like Pandemonium. We did find a lot of graffiti-ed buildings with industrial shutters, which inspired us a little.

Description from the Shadowhunters wikia:
The Pandemonium Club is an all-ages nightclub in New York. It was a place where Downworlders and mundanes mingle. Shadowhunters also come to catch demons that sneak their way into the club. Jocelyn told Clary that she never wanted her to go there because Shadowhunters often went there to catch demons. As it happened, this was where Clary met Jace, Isabelle, and Alec Lightwood for first time, and, according to Simon, is the place that changed her.
Judging by the location, the Pandemonium of the books is a very different place to the Pandemonium of the show. Here’s a club we found at about the right spot somewhere in the vicinity of Park avenue and 14th street.

6. The Jade Wolf
The locations of the show and book Pandemonium are very different, the books locate Pandemonium right in the middle of downtown Manhattan; Pandemonium on the show has been moved far closer to Magnus’s apartment in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Description from the Shadowhunter wikia:
The Jade Wolf is a Chinese restaurant located on the remote docks of Red Hook that doubles as the New York werewolf pack’s headquarters.The location of the restaurant is obscure enough that few mundanes frequent it to dine, allowing Shadow World affairs to occur and be conducted with little risk of discovery. The bulk of their business comes from making food deliveries, with moo shu pork being their most popular item.
Confession. This was the only location we did not manage to visit. We found the spot on the map and below you see a googlemap screen grab, but time did not allow us to go so far for just the one map point.As you can see from the below shot, the show has managed to capture the look of the Red Hook docks amazingly successfully, it does look like exactly the sort of place that a dive restaurant that no one visits might somehow exist.

Description from the Shadowhunters wikia:
The Jade Wolf restaurant is the glamoured form of the New York werewolf pack’s headquarters. In fact an old, abandoned police station, specifically the Second Precinct building of the NYPD, in Chinatown, it appears like a takeout-only restaurant that serves Chinese cuisine. While it is only a cover for mundane eyes, the werewolves who reside here occasionally take calls and actually deliver Chinese food orders to customers.
The book’s jade wolf is located uin the heart of China town, where (shockingly!!) there is no shortage of Chinese restaurants. We were particularly taken with the Golden Jade jewellery store which happened to be behind a police cordon, and the Wong Kee restaurant pictured below.

7. Magnus’s Loft
While the High Warlock of Brooklyn resides, as appropriate, in Brooklyn in all versions of the story, his address changes quite dramatically, from Greenpoint in the book to Brooklyn Heights on the show.
Description from the Shadowhunter wikia:
Magnus’s apartment is the home of the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane.
In the show, Magnus’s apartment in the show is shown to be a short way down the street from High Street – Brooklyn Bridge Station. The view from Magnus’s balcony however suggests that the loft is closer to the river than that, and actaully appears to be looking at the bridge from the other side (the right side, rather than the left if you’re facing toward Manhattan). We saved this one for last – it was night-time proper when we made it to the Brooklyn Bridge, and we walked around alot before we turned a corner and found as perfect a apartment building as we could hope to find.

Description from the Shadowhunters wikia:
Magnus’s apartment is the home of the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane, and his family. It is located in Greenpoint.
Magnus’s apartment was a walk-up, in a building in an industrial neighborhood that has been converted to an apartment building. The building’s interior was poorly maintained, with its dirty and rickety staircases.His loft, however, was well-maintained and huge. It had a living room, a master bedroom, and three spare bedrooms. Magnus often redecorated drastically.

8. The Entrance to the City of Bones
The locations of the show and book Pandemonium are very different, the books locate Pandemonium right in the middle of downtown Manhattan; Pandemonium on the show has been moved far closer to Magnus’s apartment in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Description from the Shadowhunter wikia:
The City of Bones, also known as the Silent City, is the residence of the Silent Brothers. It also serves as the final resting place for some of the fallen Shadowhunters. The City can be reached through a number of entrances. One entrance in New York is found under an overpass of FDR Drive. Another in New York is considered the Downworlders entrance, and one other is found in a cemetery.
The show depicts entrance of the City of Bones under FDR Drive, it’s gritty and very industrial. We did not see that there!
Book:Description from the Shadowhunters wikia:
The Silent City is rightfully named residence of the Silent Brothers. It also serves as the final resting place for some of the fallen Shadowhunters.
There’s no specific location for the book entrance to the Silent City, but by all accounts there are entrances all over the place…