Pandemonium Con 1 – Matt Breakfast

Breakfast with Matt
Matt: “Does everyone eat? Everyone should take food if they want food! It’s important to have nutrients!”
Girl is making herself a sandwich
Matt: “You should take cheese and meat, since it’s your birthday! Do you have a candle for it? Do you want fruit on there, too? Yoghurt? Smear it on top? That’s probably gross… Let’s not do that. Instead have two pieces of cheese! And maybe mustard? Put butter on it and then toast it!”
Michelle: “So it’s actually Breakfast Making with Matt”
Matt: “Yes, absolutely! What you do is you take… What are those? Yoghurts? Oh, that’s a pretty good choice. They have pretty fruit on them.”
Fan: (to Michelle) “You don’t have any food.”
Michelle: “That’s because we’re all waiting for individual instructions. That’s how it works!”
Fan: “Can I have an apple?”
Matt: “You can have… you can have ONE.” (hand over one apple) “No, have as much fruit as you want. Everyone should have an apple. Or a plum. Just imagine if the plums are good. That would be a game changer..”
Matt: “Are we missing anybody? Do we have the right number of people?” (two people are missing) “Two people? Ok, we’ll wait for them before we get started.”
Everyone helps themselves to stuff while Matt straddles his chair, than kneels on it and starts rocking it about.
Matt: “Alright, so how is everyone doing this morning? You’re all doing well, I can tell. Which condiment do you want? You should mix them. Mayonnaise and Ketchup is a good mixture. With French fries. Throw in some tabasco. Spice it all up.” (picks up HP sauce) “What’s this?”
The non UK people explain that HP sauce is like BBQ sauce while UK people sit in the corner, shaking their heads in silent judgement, because it is NOT.
Matt: “Made in the Netherlands. So the Netherlands is making your HP sauce? What’s up with that? Now the mayonnaise… I bet you didn’t know any of this so it’s important that you know all of this. This is made in Dublin. Your mayonnaise is from Dublin. HP is from the Netherlands. The mustard is made in Germany. And the ketchup… is from the UK, from Middlesex. Well. A little world tour there of condiments.”
Matt: “So what’s going on? What are we discussing? Does anyone have any questions? Otherwise I will just ramble..”
Fan: “When did you arrive in London?”
Matt: “I arrived in London on Friday morning at exactly 09:59. At the London Gatwick airport. And I proceeded to take a vehicle that travelled me to my destination, which is the place where I’m staying. And then I went and had indian food in a place called Thai Shum. It’s very good. I went there last time I was in London. They had a special on peppered Lamb, which was excellent. I also had Roti. Do you guys like roti? I could eat it forever.”
Fan: “I don’t know what Roti is”
Matt: “It’s a flattened bread, like a Naan. Fried bread. It’s very thin and very good.”
Fan: “You should try the Gun powder potatoes”
Matt: “I saw them on there! But then I’m filling up on potatoes but I want to be eating the lamb… I mean, you can only eat so much, but you can try… you can but try…”
(last two people arrive)
Matt: “Welcome! We actually had one of the most amazing conversations while you weren’t here. It was all about condiments.”
Matt talks about Alec throwing a birthday party
Matt: “Alec doesn’t know how to throw a birthday party. He could throw a party but he might get overwhelmed. Did you ever plan someone’s birthday party?”
Fans: “No.”
Matt: “NO? never?”
Fan: “You don’t plan other people’s, you plan your own.”
Matt: “You plan your own? Yeah, actually that makes sense. You can be like ‘I want this!’ and you can make demands. I think that’s how it works in the States, too. One time someone planned a surprise party for me, and I was very upset about it, because I wanted to stay home… but I had a great time in the end, anyway.”
Fan: “In America, people take you out and pay for you, in Europe it’s the other way round”
Matt: “I’ve heard about that! I think it’s a good system that you’re paying and everyone kind of makes fun of you on your birthday and that way…”
Fan interrupts and says that it’s really expensive.
Matt: “Well let’s say you save up all year, you’re saving money on all these other birthdays. Either way it’s a wash, it’s a zero sum game.”
Fan: “Don’t buy a car for a birthday”
Matt: (slightly confused) “Don’t buy a car, no… Just don’t have friends! I see what you’re saying. It’s financially wise to not have friends!” … “Actually, that is a terrifying option. You should have friends. Just stop buying them drinks on their birthday. Any other questions.”
Fan: “There’s the episode where Alec is playing pool with Underhill and he says Magnus is 800 years old. What does that mean?”
Michelle: “It means Alec was drunk.”
Fan: “Does it mean that Magnus is 800 years old?”
Matt: “No! No no no. I think we randomly throw around his age. I know there’s a certain age for Magnus but on the show, we like to play around with ‘what is it? Who knows? He’s old as all hell!’ What really is the difference between 400, 800, 900 a thousand. Everyone wants to live forever.”
Fan: “Have you ever done the maths for 800 years and 17000 lovers? It’s like one a week.”
Matt: “We did do the math, yeah. We’re on set and we have a huge amount of time on our hands. We have paper and pencil and we have phones. We were able to do the maths so we did all kind of calculations. What’s his minimum given the fact that he could only… engage with one person an hour.” (laughter) “What’s the minimum age? What’s his maximum age? What would be a normal thing, like one person a year?”
Fan: “Does he say relationships or… things?”
Matt: “Interactions.” (pauses) “Is everybody in here over 18?”
Fan: “It could be more than one at a time”
Matt: “Of course!”
Fan: “It could be two”
Fan: “It could be three”
Matt: “And some days it may have been a thousand. You just don’t know.”
(some fans look shocked at this thought)
Matt: “He’s magical, he’s got magical powers! He can do stuff.”
Fan: “Does he do stuff?”
Matt: “Does he who? Magnus? Magnus does stuff… Magnus does all kinds of stuff… Magnus… erm.. Magnus used to do stuff.”
Fan: “What was the biggest surprise for you, for Alec?”
Matt: “On the whole show? What was the time I read it and I was like whaaaaa? I don’t know actually. I don’t know. I’m trying to think. I’m not sure I ever read the script and went WHOA, what a surprise. I’m starting to lose track of what happened in season 1. What surprised you guys? What did you see and think WHOA!”
Fan: “Your face”
Matt: “Oh, I know! I murdered Jocelyn! I read that and I was like WHOA!”
Fan: “It wasn’t your fault”
Matt: “I know that, but we were definitely all surprised!”
Fan: “What about when Magnus was Valentine?”
Matt: “I liked that bit. I guess it was surprising but I was having fun with it. That was great. Working with him was a lot of fun. He kept throwing that boot against the wall. I’ve told that story but he damaged the wall and he kept throwing this boot against the wall, even when it wasn’t necessary and he did it over and over again and eventually we got the take but we had to keep fixing the wall.”
Fan: “What’s Alec’s favourite alcoholic drink?”
Matt: “He’s kind of a man of all flavours. I don’t think he drinks a lot of beer. I think he’s more into… I think he probably just high balls. Maybe Manhattans? Oh! I know! Dark & Stormies!”
Fan: “What’s that?”
Matt: “It’s dark rum and ginger ale and something else…”
Ruth: “Usually limes.”
Matt: “Yes, a little lime! It’s very nice. You ever had dark and stormies? You should have a go, it’s fun! The real place to get a D&S is down along the eastern seacoast as far down as Florida.”
Fan: “Does Alec ever find out that Magnus stole his stele to give to Jace?”
Matt: “Okay, so that was actually a point of contention because I remember it was Season 1 and I remember asking ‘Wouldn’t Alec be really pissed about that? Because it’s a pretty serious betrayal? Disobeying direct orders and all that? And I never really confront anyone about it so… I guess the answer is… nooo? I guess he never finds out. And if he ever did find out he probably wouldn’t be very happy. Water under the bridge I guess. Doesn’t matter. Life went on. No problem.”
Fan: “Kiss, Marry, Avoid – Clary, Simon, Maia”
Matt: “I don’t think he’s capable of kissing Simon…”
(fans debate about the books)
Matt: “I think he’d avoid.. I mean.. Is murder an option? I like how you made it kiss, marry, avoid. Like, the real version is far better.”
Fan: “I thought you may not want to do that”
Matt: “No, I don’t want to do that. Nor does Alec. He doesn’t want to do any of that. It’s not a fun game for him. He doesn’t really know Maia… Is it just a (demonstrates brief smooch) like that? Sorted.”
Fan: “We’re not getting an answer?”
Matt: “No!”
Fan: “Do you have any plans after Shadowhunters?”
Matt: “I’m working on it but a lot of things aren’t filming until February/March. It’s a bit tumultuous at the moment. I wanted to extend my trip out here, but I have to go back, because I’ve got meetings on Tuesday so I’m just figuring things out for February. You never know what’s the right choice and what’s not. With TV you never know. This show looks great, but people may not respond to it. This other show looks terrible but people may hop on the show and it may be a little rewritten and it may become good. So it’s stressful. So what are you going to do because you spend a lot of months on this project and that’s months that could be wasted and if you’re not working on something that people are interested in and your value decreases and it’s less likely you’re going to get good projects in the future, so you have to make good choices and it’s stressful.”
Michelle: “What would you like to do?”
Matt: “I’ve been thinking about that a little bit and honestly, I think I’d like to stick with TV. Movies have a nice quality to them because you see beginning to end and that way you can fully develop a character and go through the full process and that way it’s easier on your mind, if you’re able to carry through the character to the end. And it makes your life a little simpler if it’s a finite completion. With a TV show it’s an ongoing process. You’d hope you’d have a full season of notes ahead of time, if you had a full 13 episodes you’d know where you start and where you end, but commonly nowadays they’re writing episodes the week before, like we did on our show, so you don’t know what’s happening, and that’s frustrating. But I think TV because you get to do more interesting things to do with your character and it’s more consistent acting.”
Fan: “What show would you be on?”
Matt: “I don’t know. I’d like to do something with a modern tone. Maybe something real world. A little comedic. That has elements of comedy. Nothing too comedy.”
Fan: “Have you ever thought of doing stand up comedy?”
Matt: “Nobody wants me to go on and on about things… I’d have fun, but the audience wouldn’t have fun”
Fan: “But they could look at your face.”
Matt: “No, no one wants to see me up there. That’s not how it works. I’d have to wear a mask!”
Fan: “Tell us a joke!”
Matt: “The jokes I would tell would be different. They would be stories!”
Fan: “About oranges?”
Matt: “Sure, why not. Look, I would bomb! Have any of you ever done stand up? It’s brutal! It’s BRUTAL! The feeling of not making people laugh. And at the same time, people will laugh, when they are ready to laugh. Sometimes a person might go out there and tell great jokes and the crowd will sit there like ‘meh’, not in the mood. And then you’ve got a guy in the corner laughing or you’ve got someone with a hilarious laugh, and the audience gets on board. Stand up is brutal! The stand up people I know, they have it rough.”
Fan: “Are we ever going to see the pigeon video”
Matt: “Didn’t I show it to? I showed it to some people! But I brought my camera… oh I never uploaded it. I was watching it the other day. It’s on my ipad. It’s at home, back in New York.”
Fan: “Are you ever going to show us?”
Matt: “I might. I do forget things. It’s been a while. You’ll be old and with a family just wondering ‘what about that perverted pigeon video’. (to everyone) The perverted pigeon video is a video of two pigeons trying to have a… you know, a nice time. And a third pigeon is very jealous of the whole thing and hops up and tries to join in. it’s really weird. I was in Barcelona and I was filming it and I’m talking through the process. Anyway. Point is. Pigeons got their business done. Because you know pigeon… oh god (deep breath) pigeon sex… bird sex is very quick. The process is that there’s this one opening, which is this little.. (miming) and they use it for a whole lot of things.. (hand movements) so then they (clap) and then they wander off. It’s a really quick action and then they’re done. It doesn’t really matter to the pigeon. It’s not about the experience or the emotion or attachment. They just want to make those fertilised eggs and then go lay them somewhere to make those hideous babies. Have you ever seen those babies? Horrifying!”
Staff member interrupts to say that the Breakfast is over.
Matt: (pouting) “But I’m talking about pigeons!”
Fan asks about taking a photo. Matt goes to get everyone together but member of sStaff says that no, the Meet & Greet group gets a photo, this group doesn’t.
Matt: “Oh. Oh. Ooookay…” (sounding unsure) “Well, I’ll see you guys for the remainder of the day and tomorrow, yeah? I hope you have a lovely time and don’t let that food go to waste. Eat it! It’s free food!!”
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