Bookclub: The Bane Chronicles – The Course of True Love (and First Dates) & The Voicemail of Magnus Bane
We are reading The Bane Chronicles.
Join us this week as we finish the book, discussing The Course of True Love (and First Dates) & The Voicemail of Magnus Bane
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12th October 2021 @ 6:14 pm
In regards to being gay in the world of the shadowhunters and the lack of clarity as to the consequences, you guys mentioned thinking that Alec might be killed over it in the first three books. I never actually got that impression reading the series. It seems like shadowhunter cultural norms move roughly in tune with the norms of the rest of society, with a few exceptions. For things like premarital sex, shadowhunters seem to be in line with the rest of society for example so I don’t see why they would punish gay shadowhunters with death. For a direct world comparison, reading the first few books I always thought being gay in shadowhunter society was like being gay in any type of military society like the US navy seals or marines. Gay shadowhunters may be subtly looked down upon or have snide comments made towards them, but I don’t think their fellow soldiers would kill them on site. So that always explained Alec’s reluctance to come out for me, and I think in the later books its explained that Alec just felt unfairly judged or ignored at times after he came out.
12th October 2021 @ 5:31 pm
I personally didn’t really have a problem with the voicemails, especially Isabelle’s one. At the end of the day she is a teenage girl and the Mortal Instrument series always highlighted to me that she can be pretty immature, so I wasn’t really bothered that she reacted so badly to her brother’s relationship ending. But I do agree that the voicemails did not add much to the story.
15th October 2021 @ 9:06 pm
I think that’s totally fair about Isabelle acting older than what she actually is, and I’m sure if I’d read the voicemails in the correct place in the story, it wouldn’t have felt quite so jarring, as I would have been more immersed in the TMI world, particularly around that time, and more immersed in Isabelle and Isabelle’s voice and age. fair shout!
M Xx