Bookclub 4.5 City of Fallen Angels: Chapters 13-15 (5/7)

We are discussing chapter 13 to 15 of City of Fallen Angels – Things start really happening in this section! Jace and Clary finaly tackle their problems head on, Isabelle’s the bomb, and Alec is… well, difficult.
Join us in reading the fourth book in The Mortal Instruments series, over 7 episodes, posted every other week.
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26th December 2019 @ 6:14 pm
Hey! It’s been a while since I’ve commented here, but I was finally able to catch up on book club and had a few thoughts! I am commenting after I listened to all of the City of Fallen Angels book club episodes so I am not entirely sure this is the episode where you talked about Alec and Magnus and…fandom perceptions I guess, but I wanted to add a few things! As someone who has read all of the books multiple times and really liked them when I was younger, I have to say that these books definitely have more problems than little 12 year old me caught when I read them back then. I am a lot older now and after rereading the books for myself recently, my love for these books has decreased a lot. They are not awful, but I find pretty much all of the characters annoying and the over romanticized romance is very hard to read without rolling my eyes haha. Regarding the fandom and the “hate” that book Alec gets, I think that hate mostly started once the show fan vs book fan war really started. Sure what he did was not great, and it gets worse, but after the comment the author made about show Alec is when I personally think all of this hate toward book Alec really started and I do think it is dramatized. When I first listened I was really looking forward to your thoughts on that whole thing and was not surprised that Michelle thought the whole thing was a little…anticlimactic I guess. And I do think that is because the show fans made a bigger deal out of what book Alec did so that they could defend show Alec and I also think that some of it was spread and exaggerated by people who haven’t actually read the books and don’t know exactly what was said and done. Like I said Alec isn’t great in this book or the next and he for sure says and does some questionable things, but its not as bad as fandom drama makes it out to be haha. And I don’t think it because
As always I have really enjoyed hearing all of your thoughts on the books! I was actually wondering if you were planning on doing book club episodes on the Dark Artifices series, the sequel to the TMI? If not that’s totally fine, but I would be very interested in you reviewing those because I read them and I think they are all over the place and would be interested in seeing if it’s just me that doesn’t understand what is going on in the books or if the author really missed the mark on this series. It’s kind of odd to want you to review a series that I don’t like, but it was very confusing and I would love to hear your thoughts, if you are interested and have time of course! Can’t wait for City of Lost Souls in January!
30th October 2019 @ 9:00 pm
bladder infections GALORE. infact, book five is all about them raising demons, angels and travelling the world to find a cure for the bladder infection. book six is a re’telling of clary, jace and magnus in hospital, as alec, izzy and simon cry. TDA? magnus, clary and jace’s funeral, after their tragic death at a bladder infection.
it was a very long funeral.
(i should be banned from commenting XD)