Bookclub 3.5 City of Glass: Chapter 12 – 15 (5/7)

In which many things are revealed, including all of Jace’s feeling and Sebastian not being a good guy. SURPRISE!
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8th February 2019 @ 11:22 am
i’m only like 6 chapters in, because I kept having to stop, as I needed to read city of glass, but now that shadowhunters is back and we’re going live again, podcasting is more stressful but weirdly enough takes up less of our time, because it all has to happen within 36 hours, rather than drag across the whole week lol so I should get some time to read and actually finish the book!
so not so much on the favourite characters or scenes yet, simply because I don’t really know them yet, but ask me again in march! haha
9th February 2019 @ 9:55 am
oh ok! try to keep the stress low!
30th January 2019 @ 3:02 pm
I’m low key excited for the malec trilogy… mostly because I feel like I should read all the other books first, and there’s like a thousand, so that’s not happening, but my neat freak tendencies get twitchy when I think about getting the malec book and just reading it now haha
I’m currently reading the first raven cycle book and really liking it!
I always kind of thought that no one knows latin so pft, whatever! and then I found myself in a conversation with two mutuals discussing how it drives them insane when people on television mess up latin, because they’ve both learnt latin and it pains them… so now i feel way more aware of messing up latin haha
30th January 2019 @ 7:04 pm
for the first book (which is coming on 09/04/19) you need upto CoFA (i think…you might just need finish CoG), so you’re pretty close i guess?
YES TRC YES…where are you in it? i ask my friend this at the end of every english lesson/at the end of form time cos im making her read it, and like…I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT. who’s your favourite character? favourite scene so far? (i apologise for bombarding you with questions)
oh. i really wanna learn latin (cos of tmi/sh/tid/tda and trc) and also ancient greek(cos of hoo), but like, i know the MOST random phrases, so i dont know if you get anything wrong…and i guess most people dont either? idk? but lucky them? anyway, ruth has more pressure as she has a rep for being able to pronounce things lol
29th January 2019 @ 5:53 pm
1. The malec trilogy is called the eldest curses AND I AM SO HYPED
3. I don’t think anyone minds a bonus chapter 🙂 🙂
4.but does anyone know Latin? So does anyone know if ya mess it up?