Bookclub 3.4 City of Glass: Chapter 10 – 11

In which Magnus tells Alec he loves him and we are surprisingly angry about it, werewolves make less and less sense as the book goes on, and Michelle discovers the meaning of the word quixotic.
Good times!
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22nd January 2019 @ 4:03 pm
Re the fearless rune thing:
It’s canon that runes applied by your parabatai are stronger and I assume luke would know this so maybe he’s asking did ALEC apply it?
25th January 2019 @ 12:48 pm
Yeah I think that’s sort of what we concluded – which is all well and good except that’s not what Luke asks. Sloppy writing is sloppy :/
27th January 2019 @ 12:17 pm
true. oh well