Bookclub 3.3 City of Glass: Chapter 7 – 9

We continue with chapters 7 – 9 of City of Glass. The story suddenly races along and we are liking 90% of the character 90% of the time. YAY!
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21st January 2019 @ 11:25 am
1. Maybe I guess? I’d kinda got the impression that Jace could circumnavigate the wards by merit of having lived there rather than by way of his blood.
3. I guess cos of the irony – either that or when writing this book she hadn’t worked out who Magnus’s father was yet. But surely the ppoint of pretty much everything Jace is saying about beings with demon blood is that he’s wrong. Warlocks aren’t evil and they have demon blood. Magnus isn’t evil and he has greater demon blood. Clary doesn’t have demon blood, in fact she has the opposite and she still has awkward lusty-type feelings for her brother. Jace is just wrong. So maybe CC was using the greater demon note to underline Jace’s wrongness later?
4. I mean I guess they just didn’t have a choice but to walk – not something they’d do if they had other options maybe?
5. lol, well yeah.
6. Hmmm…. what an interesting notion…
Thanks for commenting, as ever!
27th January 2019 @ 12:14 pm
1. i guess? but she (cc) didnt specify, so it is possible?
3. probably the latter i think- as tmi was originally only meant to be the first three books and the whole thing with ‘who is your father’ is in CoLS and CoHF (at least with magnus-god knows how confused jace must have been over his heritage). and yeah, that is probably the point.
4. but if they had steles, the couldve applied stamina and speed runes before they knew about the portal thing? which they couldnt apply?
5.i mean, thats something i always wondered about…
6.its almost like…thats important…like the whole samuel thing….
15th January 2019 @ 7:40 pm
Hi! i apologise in advance for the lack of grammar and punctuation; im really tired but im worried ill forget all this if i leave it to later. also, there are spoilers ahead, but they are all things that we know from the show, but michelle might not want to read ahead
1. about the wards thing, i have some theories, but they kinda don’t work for jace AND clary. basically, seeing as the wards COULD be magically allowing (yeah, i know, shadowhunters dont do magic, but maybe he got a warlock) jace through because of his ‘morgenstern’ blood(even though hes not that a spoiler? cos yall already knew that?), it WOULD allow clary, cos yeah, she identifies as fairchild/fray, but she does have morgenstern blood. i guess valentine couldve allowed jace through to keep up the ruse of them being siblings? maybe? and i think it would be cos jace pictured them in the library, and even if normal warlock-generated portals dont work that way its entirely possible CLARYS would.
2. the bane chronicles DID have multiple hijinks and it was utterly delightful
3. this is meta and a question, but jace says that magnus isnt greater demon? and it is stated later on that his father is asmodeus, so thats not just a show thing. and its totally fine that jace wouldnt know that, but why would cc call that out? it doesnt make sense to me?
4.HOW DID THEY WALK FOR FIVE HOURS when clary couldnt make the portal on the way home. they couldnt even apply stamina runes or anything. unless im missing something as im not acc re reading the books as i know them pretty well? BUT if they COULD walk there, then why make such a bid deal about it being so far away????
4.5. the bane chronicles did have hijinks and it was utterly delightful 🙂
5. now, im no expert on the heaviness of rubble, but im prettyyyy sure that house doesnt sound like rain? that makes no sense to me, especially after she(clary) was soooo specific about the indigo and bronze thing
yes, valentine, why DONT they have the abilities of downworlders?wouldnt it be really cool if they did?what.a.good.idea.
7. yes, the bane chronicles DID have hijinks and it was utterly delightful 🙂 🙂 🙂
can you tell i love the bane chronicles?
anyway, this episode was great!