The Hunters Of Shadow Convention 3 – Anna Hopkins / Luke Baines / Will Tudor Pannel

What are your favourite hobbies outside of the performing arts?
Will: Oh, okay. I do a bit of music on the side, but now I can’t say that! I do a lot of photography which I really enjoy. And travel as well. I love travel and I haven’t been able to do it enough. So I want to do it more!
Anna: I love to write. I write a lot. I love spending time with my dog. Oh, and my boyfriend!
Luke: Dog (puts hand above head). Boyfriend (puts hand below chair)
Anna: Also be with friends and also I hide in my house a lot. I like being alone. That’s a hobby.
Luke: I also really love photography but I also like going into a dark room and developing my own photos. I started in high school and it’s a bit like meditating, cause you’re just on your own in this dark room…
Will: That’s so much cooler than what I said!
Luke: Well basically my whole aim is to just take everything you say and say it better (laughter) And then with any remaining free time – it’s really trite to say, but it’s the truth – I work on my charity stuff as much as I possibly can. It also feels like meditating in a way because it’s so far removed from the performing arts.
Anna: Luke does some amazing work with Oxfam.
Have you ever heard your French dubbing voice?
Anna: Yes! It’s so much better!
Luke: Mine sounds like a Disney villain. (pretends to speak Disney Villain French) Like, what is happening here?
Will: I haven’t heard mine! How have you heard yours?
Luke: You just go to Netflix and you change language
Will: Aaaah. Wait! Do you and me have the same one? Cause that would be amazing!
(Audience says no. Will and Luke are sad.)
Will: Oh. Okay. Is mine any good?
Everyone: NOOOO
Anna: He’s like ‘I’m here guys’. He’s probably sitting in the back, really sad!
Luke: Oh no!
Anna: Don’t be mean to him! Wherever you are, thank you for your work!
Describe your first day of shooting
Luke: Mine was hilarious because I had known for a few months that I was going to be Jonathan and I was super excited and then they flew me to Toronto and then I had to wait another two weeks and it was great, I got to work the space, and me and Kat spent time together. And the night before I went for a fitting at 8pm and I ate something bad, so I had food poisoning on my first day of shooting. I was up from 2am and I had to be at the studio at 5am and I was just being sick all day. I was trying to work and the whole time I was just like ‘Don’t vomit on Kat. Don’t vomit on Kat. Don’t vomit on Kat.’ And I remember being in this scene and looking around thinking if I had to vomit, what would I do it in. And there was this big urn… I decided I was going to vomit in that. (laughter) There was a point during shooting where I thought I was going to pass out, I just felt so bad. And then a fire alarm went off and we all got evacuated for an hour, because there was a potential gas leak. There wasn’t. Everything was fine. But I think maybe I made it happen… I think I manifested it, so I could sleep for an hour, because it was the thing I needed to actually finish the day.
Anna: Well I’m sorry you got food poisoning, that sucks! Once, on another show, the whole cast and crew got food poisoning. It was really hard. – – Anyway. My first day was just one scene, so I’m going to talk about my second day of shooting, which was my first real day on Shadowhunters. We had to do all the black Lilith in the goo and because of scheduling we had to do black Lilith, then regular Lilith, then black Lilith again. We were shooting out in the church and I’d just met Brian, the make up artist, and he said ‘We’re going to get to know each other really well today’ and I was wondering what he meant by that. So he covered me in goo, but because we’re in the church, we can’t go back to Base Camp, so we had to go to a hotel room, so I walked through the hotel lobby, covered in goo. And we all go into a room and they sent me to the bathroom, telling me to take it off, here’s some make up remover, but it wouldn’t come off, and we were on such a tight schedule, Brian and two assistants had to come into the bathtub with me, and scrub my body clean. My whole body! It was insane. And the bathtub, this gorgeous bathtub, was turned black and we couldn’t get it out…
Luke: We’ve both been covered in that goo as well! All three of us have been covered in it and it’s horrid!
Will: My last day of shooting was in the goo. And it was in a tank. The front was Perspex and there was the entire crew watching me and I was basically naked except for this tiny.. cloth they give you. And I’m having this stuff dripped on me from the top and I just thought ‘this is NOT what I signed up for’. And it stains, doesn’t it?
Luke: I was finding black in my ears! In my hair! And I remember we had some quick changes and I was standing in the middle of the studio in this G-string that they give you, and I had three people spraying this.. I’m not even sure what it was, It was like Windex or something! It was so gross.
Will: It’s really odd. Like, when it first goes on, you think ‘oh this feels quite good. This is alright! This could be quite fun’. And I know this wasn’t quite the question you asked but that day, they called ‘And that’s a wrap on Will’ and it was my last wrap ever and I was in what felt like a zoo cage, me covered in goo going ‘aaargh’ and I had to get out, except everyone was packing up and I couldn’t get out because of the Perspex… Anyway. My first day of shooting was when I meet Izzy in the alley way and that was a nice introduction actually, because it was quite cool coming in, doing a big spin and getting a sword out and attacking people. And it set up the character of Sebastian quite well. This ideal of what he wanted to project. So that was a nice contrast to what he became later on.
What’s your Hogwarts house?
Anna: Oh shit. This is really fucked up guys. I’ve only just watched the first film!
Will: (in a hero voice) Gryffindor!
Luke: You don’t get to choose that. You’re a Huffelpuff! (laughter) I have been asked this and it’s very contentious because I chose to believe that I’m a Gryffindor. But I have been accused of manipulating the results, so I will get Gryffindor. But the hat lets you choose the house, so I can chose Gryffindor. – – – But also maybe I’m a Slytherin.
Anna: For a newcomer.. How do you choose your house?
Luke: The sorting hat is this ancient hat that you put on-
Anna: Where do you get it?
Luke: You don’t-
Anna: Can I order it?
Luke: No, it’s not on amazon
Will: We should say that this is in the fictional world of Harry Potter, there’s a sorting hat. Here you can go on a website and find it out. I’ve done this, and apparently I am a Gryffindor. But while I was answering the questions I thought ‘I’m such a Slytherin. Everything I was answering was like Slytherin. Slytherin. Slytherin. And then it came out Gryffindor and I’m like ‘hehe maybe I’ve tricked the system’
Luke: I am coming around to the idea of being in Slytherin.
Anna: From what I know you look like those people… In a good way. Like, hot and scary?
Luke: That’s just the one! Crabbe and Goyle do not look like that…
What’s your favourite French food?
Luke: Oh god, all of it! The butter! So much butter!
Will: The French butter is amazing
Luke: I just use bread as a delivery vessel for the butter. So much butter, it’s the best!
Dan: Okay, but regular butter, or salted butter, or butter with the salt crystals on top?
Luke: OH MY GOD the salt crystals? And it’s crunchy? And oh god! If I moved to Paris, which I desperately want to, I would have a heart attack I’d say within 6 weeks. But also croissants. Pain au Chocolate.
(Audience interrupts to be outraged about stuff)
Anna: It’s a controversy apparently
(Dan explains the war between part of France using ‘Pain au Chocolate’ and ‘Chocolatine’ – Luke makes audience cheer for one or the other, to see how the crowd splits.)
Anna: I’m from Quebec and we call is Chocolatine (lots of cheering)
Will: But… they’re basically the same thing, right?
Luke: It’s a potato / potahto situation
(Dan ends the fight by saying that it’s a pain au raisins, not raisintine, so there you are!)
Luke: I made the mistake this morning at breakfast there was… a croissant with chocolate – I’m not going to say it, I don’t want to take a side here – but I thought it had chocolate and I bit into it and it was raisins and I was just so sad. I just felt so.. betrayed!
Anna: I mean, I eat everything and food here is insanity. I like just a straight up jambon-beurre (ham and butter) sandwich. Tartare de boeuf. (Will starts jumping up and down on his chair) Frites. Crepes. Fuck, just everything.
Will: Yes, I just got incredibly excited at the beef tartar. It’s so good! And also steak here. Just a steak with – I know this isn’t food – but the wine! It’s so good. Steak. Wine. Butter. And a doctor to help me through that.
Dan: That was the last question
Anna: You made us so hungry!
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