Good Omens S2E05 – The Ball
We’re continuing our conversation about Good Omens season 2, with Episode 5, The Ball
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20th December 2023 @ 2:35 pm
I’ve been sitting here trying to think of a way to explain why I love this episode. While listening to the podcast you were naming all these things that didn’t work for you and I was just thinking “I loved that part though”. However, I just can’t seem to be able to think of a way to express why that is. And I would love to be able to explain it to you because enjoying good omens is just such a pleasure and I want you to be able to experience that too.
Perhaps after a few rewatches I will finally find the words why I love this as much as I do. I also haven’t watched the show again in a while so my comments are all based on memories. But right now, I’m drawing a blank. All I can say is that I sit there mostly giddy and full of joy watching good omens. This episode as a whole and the single parts in them are delightful and I always look forward to it when I’m watching season 2.
(I’m also currently writing my thesis under a lot of time pressure to finish before christmas, so my brain is more mush than usual)
My favourite bit is Crowley saying “Can I watch” and then following Aziraphale around like a puppy. It just makes me very happy and he’s so adorable in this. It also highlights the dynamic they have again: Crowley being a bit chaotic, playing around with the things he sees around him and being amused by Aziraphale’s shenanigans. And then Aziraphale taking the job of talking to everyone very seriously and being fondly annoyed by Crowley.
Looking forward to what you have to say about the last episode! (and also a bit scared haha)
I’m very curious what you think about the Gabriel/Beelzebub relationship. I was sitting there in absolute shock the first time I watched it because I just knew it as a crack ship in the fandom couldn’t believe Neil actually made it canon. They are truly adorable though so I was definitely on board.
18th December 2023 @ 12:10 am
I wonder if they knew the audience wouldn’t have interests in Shax plot so they had to put Aziraphale and Crowley every once in a while to keep the audience watching. (I did start to check my phone every time the scene changed to hell…)
I haven’t had an issue with Nina, but commenting on Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship was too much. I really hate this kind of cheap device to make two people acknowledge their “feelings” toward one another and be ” together”. Worse when it’s coming from a near stranger.
Crowley offered to make hot chocolate for Gabriel, and Gabriel sat up instantly, was the best bit of this episode. So cute. Really like Crowley playing the guardian role ~ It’s also good when he later protected Aziraphale and humans. And Aziraphale enjoyed it! ” Rescuing me makes him so happy.” totally didn’t expect this line. Love it.
19th December 2023 @ 11:13 am
I have honestly *tried* to watch and listen to the Shax in hell speech, but it’s so fractured, it’s straight up impossible. I wonder if there are fans out there who are the biggest Shax fans, who were hanging on every word… I suspect not lol
–Worse when it’s coming from a near stranger.–
we watched and noted episode 6 last night and i am still fuming about the Nina and Maggie of it all… gonna need to calm down before we record cause I’ll give myself an aneurism!!
grrrr. sigh.
M Xx
19th December 2023 @ 11:14 am
also, for whatever reason, gmail marked your comment notifications as spam (eep!!) I’ve fixed that now and I saw your comment on episode 4, but please poke us if you left a comment somewhere else that gmail hid from us O_O fingers crossed it was just these two and I noticed it fast enough!!
M Xx
20th December 2023 @ 4:28 am
The only one I sent more recently was in prepare for good omens 2, but that’s not important really. I think most of the content I also mentioned elsewhere.
Also, I just watched ep6, and I gotta say I love Gabriel/Beelzebub way better than Nina/Maggie. I was a bit convinced in discord that Nina/Maggie was what they needed in the story to mirror Aziraphale and Crowley, but now I hold my opinion that Gabriel/Beelzebub is enough as the parallel couple, and a better one. Their short romance was very sweet and their situation was much more relatable for A/C. Although N/M should be giving hints to A/C about the their probable romantic relationship throughout the season, I don’t think that had large influence on them… (their arc was inconsistent anyway). Only considering ep6, I think the reaction from A & C after hearing G/B’s love story was a very nice moment of epiphany where they realised there could be more in their relationship. It was an obvious parallel, but at least it was still a ” parallel”, not straight up telling them what to do with their own relationship like what N/M later did…
Another little thing is that, Crowley said he would come back but then spent ages in heaven until Aziraphale had to use his halo… He wasn’t particularly good at planning it seemed xd