A Knight’s Tale
We’re having Thinky Thoughts about 2001’s A Knight’s Tale.
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21st July 2021 @ 4:49 pm
Hooray for A Knights Tale! So, oddly, my comments never seem to post – it might have something to do with the device I’m using? – so I keep trying and then I get worried that actually, they’re all posting and I just can’t see them and I look like a crazy person, just leaving the same comment over and over again. Yeah, soooo if that’s happened, I’m sorry!
All I want to say is this was a really fun episode! I loved the movie when I was younger and I look forward to rewatching it now that I’ve heard the FF treatment of it. The problematic portrayal of women totally went over my head, probably because I was distracted by Paul Bettany. Where has he been, by the way? I know he’s in the new Marvel films but I feel like between A Beautiful Mind and Marvel I barely saw him…
See? There I go again, distracted by Paul. This episode gave me a new perspective on the use of anachronisms in historical fiction. I’ve never made the connection to Monty Python but now that ya’ll mention it, of course it’s there! Sometimes making these situations more “modern” can be jarring (I think the The Great, on Hulu, had mixed results) and other times it makes the whole thing more accessible and understandable. Or, in the case of football chants and Queen showing up in the medieval times equivalent of a sports/rom com movie, just great fun.
Thanks for a fun episode!
10th August 2021 @ 11:02 am
sorry for the massive delay on alliviating your worries, and of course I can’t say for sure that we received all of your comments, but I can totally confirm that we’ve never received a duplicate comment from you, I don’t think. So I’m very sorry that the website is making your life difficult and making you feel like you’re crazy, but from our side all is good! 🙂
Your pondering on where Paul Bettany has been led me to look at his IMDB, and realise that a) to be fair to him, all the Marvel stuff is like 60% of his IMDB, so clearly taking up an awful lot of time, b) he’s been in a lot of movies that I am aware of, and have not seen (like the da vinci code, cause.. nope. and inkheart, where I read the book and really liked it, and utterly blanked on the fact that they made a movie out of it… Master & Commander, which I saw, but have no memory of… lol), and c) omg of course he was in Wimbledon! Again, very little memory of this movie, other than that it was a laugh. Or at least I remember it as a laugh.
really glad you enjoyed the episode!
M Xx
14th September 2021 @ 2:40 pm
Thank you for the Paul Bettany research that could have taken me two seconds to do myself 😂 I loved Master and Commander, that I do remember…I know I saw Wimbledon but don’t remember it at all.
The Marvel cinematic universe is just so intimidatingly large I might just skip all that and get my Paul fix elsewhere 😅
Cheers xo
16th July 2021 @ 8:54 pm
I haven’t finished listening to this, but OMG! You should totally do a Thinky Thoughts about the first Pirates! 🙂🙃
22nd July 2021 @ 9:31 pm
Hah! That’s definitely worth going on the ‘ideas for future episodes’ list… <3 <3