Kill Count – Now Online

We have brought the Merlin Kill Count up to speed AND made it available online!
Check it out here, and please do comment and let us know if our Death Maths is off, and we will double check and adjust accordingly!
We have brought the Merlin Kill Count up to speed AND made it available online!
Check it out here, and please do comment and let us know if our Death Maths is off, and we will double check and adjust accordingly!
25th May 2021 @ 10:13 pm
Thank you for putting this up! As I’ve said, I probably shouldn’t be disappointed when Arthur and Merlin don’t kill people — it’s better for their mental and emotional health — but it’s kind of awesome. I appreciate the 15+++ for Arthur in S4, and the 2 pigs + rat for Merlin.
Category suggestion for Arthur: Killed and resurrected (though maybe a more exciting name) because he’s pure of heart and the best and the most awesome and stuff. Lolz…mostly…
Also, Merlin’s last kill of the show deserves like all the points. And Mr. Truck Driver deserves some near kill points as well.
27th May 2021 @ 9:36 am
haha no, I completely agree! I did most of it from memory, and then skimmed back and forth through episode with 0 kills, just to double check, because sometimes there were like three episode in a row where no one died, and that just didn’t seem realistic to me!!! lol
the rat’s sacrifice shall never be forgotten!
du duu du duu du duu du… 😉
M Xx
17th May 2021 @ 6:38 am
I always forget how many people and things Merlin and Arthur kill, thanks for making this chart!
17th May 2021 @ 9:38 am
SO MUCH MURDER!!!! hahah you’re welcome 🙂
9th May 2021 @ 4:27 pm
Great job! I can’t see that you have left anything off. In fact, you have been very thorough (Merlin did indeed kill two pigs in 4×6 and although they have remained nameless, you have made sure they will not be forgotten! 🙂 (Nor the rat in 1.11!)
10th May 2021 @ 8:28 am
Hahah I take animal death VERY seriously. Also, the kill count was starting to look a bit empty. Had to beef it up. (Or pork it up, in that instance lol)