Poetry & Chicken

What do you get when you take a wonderful podcast listenership, and jokingly challenge them to a poetry competition?
Yep! More poems than you could ever even hope to read out in one episode.
Instead we have created Poetry & Chicken, which will be regularly updated and stay on our website for anyone to peruse, so please do keep creating and submitting poems. We’re loving it!
2nd May 2021 @ 4:57 am
The herald, a sign of things to come
The New Age, a world not yet arrived
But in the heart’s frail atrium
The past is painfully revived
Streaming out of haunted wells
It is not thirst this water slakes
Bloodlust and revenge compels
The tortured spirit overtakes
One must stay hardened, the warrior knows
But in this moment he must soften
Lay down his sword upon on the stones
And make a solemn promise
When to his knees the warrior’s driven
At long last he is forgiven
2nd May 2021 @ 4:59 am
Whoops, that was mean to be submitted for the herald of a new age episode, I thought I had the right page. Sorry!