Episode I.XIII: Le Morte d’Arthur

In which the Questing Beast chooses Arthur to die, but then Merlin takes his place, but then Hunith takes his place, but then Merlin takes her place, but then Gaius take his place in taking her place… and then Merlin has no chill.
Join us, as we wrap up Season 1, by discussing Episode 13 of BBC Merlin
Check out The List of Destiny to see where we ranked this episode
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18th April 2020 @ 2:17 pm
I did find the going back and forth to the Isle of the Blessed was a bit unnecessary. Besides, how fast are they going anyway! I did love Nimueh. I wanted her to stick around and try and bring Merlin to her side for the second season at least.
11th May 2020 @ 5:03 pm
they were going at ‘last season of Game of Thrones’ travellig speed haha
18th February 2020 @ 11:53 am
to be fair, the boat is super magic, because it also gets across the lake without oars so I think the boat just appears for people that the island grants access to, and if that was 12 people turning up within 5 minutes of each other, 12 boats would magically appear, one after the other after the other… that’s my theory, anyway hahaha
sadly, that is the end of nimueh. i assume mostly because michelle ryan is busy and expensive… cause yeah, i think they could have done many more fun things with nimueh!!
16th February 2020 @ 8:00 pm
I know I’m really late but I am starting to catch up now. I’ve just finished watching this episode.
I basically cried all the way through it. Between Uther carrying Arthur and breaking down and Merlin saying goodbye to everyone, I was pretty much a mess. That little scene where Uther strokes Arthur’s cheeck and tells him to sleep… 😭 Also Merlin talking to Arthur about not being a pratt and serving him till the day he dies…. I loved that!
There were a couple of things that made me chuckle though. Nimueh striking a pose to make it rain, I really thought for a moment that she was going to dance 😁 That boat wasn’t moored to anything yet it never drifted off. BTW, how did Merlin get to the island when Gaius obviously took the boat to get there? Also those two guards suck. They see a strange, suspicious woman pass and all they do is give each other funny looks.
Please tell me Nimueh isn’t really dead. I was starting to like her. Though vengeful Merlin is a sight to behold. 😉
The dragon throwing tantrums is getting old.
I think this might have been my fave ep of s1. Now I can listen to your podcast tomorrow and your round-up. Finally!