Bookclub 4.6 City of Fallen Angels: Chapters 16-17 (6/7)

We are discussing chapter 16 and 17 of City of Fallen Angels – in which all the puzzle pieces are put into place for the grand finale.
Sadly many of those pieces do not fit, and some came from a different puzzle box all together. Weirdly enough it still all forms the correct picture at the end. We’re not sure how.
Join us in reading the fourth book in The Mortal Instruments series, over 7 episodes, posted every other week.
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12th November 2019 @ 7:54 pm
*i love the colour of this episode so much*
no, autocorrect, i will not spell the word colour sans-‘u’
12th November 2019 @ 4:28 pm
I guess I should preface this comment by saying thanks for doing this podcast! I’ve listened to you guys since partway through season 3B, and it has been amazing being able to listen to someone else discuss this series with as much passion as I find myself doing. I’ve wanted to comment for a while now, but I haven’t before because I am super shy on the internet, so I hope this first comment makes any coherent sense (and also puts me in the running for the autograph giveaway:)).
City of Fallen Angels is my least favorite Shadowhunter Chronicles book. That being said, my favorite part has got to be the conversation between Simon and Raphael in chapter 4, in which Simon asks to stay at the Dumort and is denied. It is not a particularly interesting conversation, but Raphael’s flippancy and one-liners always make me laugh, and I like the crystallization of the consequences of Simon’s refusal to be like other vampires. I love Raphael. He’s honestly one of my favorite characters even though he’s barely in the books.