Episode I.VI: A Remedy To Cure All Ills

In which we do not understand why no one seems to realise that Edwin is Creepy with a capital C.
Join us, as we discuss Season 1, Episode 6, A Remedy To Cure All Ills #DestinyAndChicken
Check out The List of Destiny to see where we ranked this episode
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7th January 2021 @ 3:24 am
I honestly completely forgot this episode
6th April 2020 @ 8:10 pm
I have no insight but I really enjoyed your take on the episode and yes, Edwin is creepy with a capital C. Why the main characters didn’t notice is really beyond be and honestly why they let him into Morgana’s room without oversight is just… ugh. Keep up the good work.
7th February 2020 @ 9:51 am
Came across something mildly interesting regarding this episode: there’s a poet from the late 1800s/early 1900s called Edwin Muir, who wrote this poem: https://allpoetry.com/poem/8496353-Merlin-by-Edwin-Muir – it is used at the start of the Crystal Cave by Mary Stewart. I thought the sounded familiar… possible namesake for Edwin Muirden in this episode?
21st October 2019 @ 8:50 pm
I’m back! I was right, you really did think that Edwin was creepy. 😁 I’m amazed that you rated this the worst ep yet, I really liked it. I hardly noticed that Merlin and Arthur were hardly in it, it obviously didn’t bother me. I just liked the story and I liked Edwin and I’m sorry he’s dead. I have to admit, the magical ring of fire was a bit rubbish.
I just wanted to leave my feedback for The Beginning of the End here. I probably won’t be able to listen to your podcast before next monday or tuesday so I just wanted to write this down because I will have forgotten everything by then. 😉
I don’t remember much about the episodes that I’ve seen. I remember the characters and while watching an ep, some things will ring a bell but that’s about it. But when this ep started and we see the little boy, I actually yelled Mordred! at my tv. I don’t remember anything specific about him, just that I loved him for some reason. Such a pretty boy with amazing eyes who later turns into Alexander Vlahos who is also – well – pretty.😁 I know he’ll have some kind of connection with Morgana in future eps.
I really liked this ep, probably my fave to date. I love how Merlin decides to help Mordred despite all evidence that he shouldn’t. I liked how he struggled with his conscience and that he almost turned his back on the boy.
I might not always agree with Uther but I liked that Arthur arrested the boy despite his own feelings on the subject because that was what his king demanded of him. Of course he went behind his back the next second. 😏
Speaking of Uther, when he was told about the boy’s escape and he threatened Morgana should he find out that she had anything to do with it, that was quite exciting. Go Uther! I find that side of him strangely attractive. 😂 Everytime someone mentioned that they didn’t know the boy’s name, I would whisper ‘Mordred’and then giggle like a madwoman. LOL.
I have a question. While I was listening to your podcast of the previous ep, something flashed in my memory. Does the dragon turn bad at some point? I just had this image of him not being very nice at all but I can’t remember the context. Am I just making this up? Also, can anyone just wander in to visit him? Is no one guarding him? Who feeds him? What does he eat? These are all very important questions!
I don’t think I liked Morgana the first time round but I am quite enjoying her character so far. I wonder if that will change once she turns to the dark side but I usually have a thing for the baddies so who knows…
Great ep!
26th October 2019 @ 5:16 pm
you always like the evil people tough! And they all always have to eventually die or be defeated in some other way. that’s always going to be your downfall when it comes to liking television characters lol
Asa Butterfield and Alexander Vlahos were fantastic castings. All around, Merlin gets through some stellar guest stars!!
— Everytime someone mentioned that they didn’t know the boy’s name, I would whisper ‘Mordred’and then giggle like a madwoman. LOL.–
hahaha the joy of having watched until the end of the episode and having knowledge that the characters don’t hahah
I’m not going to go into what happens with the dragon cause again, public comment section and I really don’t want to spoil any first time viewers who are innocently reading the comments, however I’ve always kind of pictured that the dragon is kept well well well below the castle and that the guards are guarding the prisoners and general entrance, but that most of them don’t even know that there’s a dragon in the caves underneath the castle. And honestly, I don’t know if he needs food. He has talked about being made of the old religion and stuff. Maybe he’s more… mythical than having a digestive tract? lol
20th October 2019 @ 6:52 pm
I’m way behind. Just watched this ep. I haven’t listened to the podcast yet but I can tell from your title that you think Edwin’s creepy. Awww… I liked him! Don’t ask me why, not a clue. I did find it strange that Uther was so willing to leave him alone with Morganna, I would have at least put a guard in there with her. And is it just me or did those beetles seem to get bigger all the time? And of course Merlin would go and snoop in the guys room. 😉
Why is everyone’s magic in slow motion? I was bummed that Merlin killed him, and off screen! It was nice to see the dragon again, he doesn’t seem to like Gaius much.. Does the dragon have a name btw? Oh and where was Geoffrey hiding that big book? 😄 I liked this ep, it was fun. Too bad Edwin won’t be around as a future baddy.
I have no comments on the Lancelot ep. I watched it while suffering from a severe headcold and dosed up on meds. That one mostly passed me by and I didn’t like it much.
Off to see the next ep!
26th October 2019 @ 5:10 pm
i totally read ‘too bad Edwin won’t be around as a future daddy’ and was suuuuper confused hahaha
I think that the Edwin in the TV show is a little bit like Hodge in Shadowhunters. He makes really bad choices and ultimately is a bad guy, if you go by the things he put in motion. but he has reasons for it, and you kind of understand his journey. However Edwin is also ALWAYS the uber evil psycho in fanfiction, so I feel I am just on principal freaked out by him now…
again, the magic slow motion makes me think of all the early season shadowhunters slow motion fighting hahaha I think mostly it’s to show us that it happens in the blink of an eye, which is why no one else gets suspicious, but they’ve slowed it down so they can show us, the viewers.
poor lancelot!!!