List of Destiny
As we are working our way through watching and podcasting about Merlin, we are attempting to put all episodes of Merlin in order, from best to worst. This list will be regularly updated, as we record new episodes.
Fell free to comment and tell us how wrong we are, and send us your lists, if you are playing along, and we’ll add it to our comparison page of Other Lists of Destiny!
The List of Destiny

- 03×08 – The Eye of the Phoenix
- 03×11 – The Sorcerer’s Shadow
- 02×13 – The Last Dragonlord
- 02×08 – The Sins of the Father
- 03×12 & 03×13 – The Coming of Arthur Part I & II
- 02×04 – Lancelot and Guinevere
- 01×10 – The Moment of Truth
- 01×04 – The Poisoned Chalice
- 02×12 – The Fires of Idirsholas
- 01×08 – The Beginning of the End
- 01×13 – Le Morte d’Arthur
- 03×04 – Gwaine
- 02×02 – The Once and Future Queen
- 04×05 – His Father’s Son
- 01×05 – Lancelot
- 04×07 – The Secret Sharer
- 04×11 – The Hunter’s Heart
- 04×03 – The Wicked Day
- 04×09 – Lancelot Du Lac
- 02×09 – The Lady of the Lake
- 01×09 – Excalibur
- 05×03 – The Death Song of Uther Pendragon
- 04×10 – A Herald of the New Age
- 01×11 – The Labyrinth of Gedref
- 03×10 – Queen of Hearts
- 05×11 – The Drawing of the Dark
- 02×10 – Sweet Dreams
- 03×07 – The Castle of Fyrien
- 05×04 – Another’s Sorrow
- 04×01 & 04×02 – The Darkest Hour
- 04×06 – A Servant of Two Masters
- 05×10 – The Kindness of Strangers
- 05×12 & 05×13 – The Diamond of the Day Part I & II
- 05×09 – With All My Heart
- 04×04 – Aithusa
- 03×06 – The Changeling
- 05×06 – The Dark Tower
- 03×01 & 03×02 – The Tears of Uther Pendragon
- 02×07 – The Witchfinder
- 04×12 & 04×13 – The Sword in the Stone
- 05×05 – The Disir
- 03×05 – The Crystal Cave
- 02×03 – The Nightmare Begins
- 01×12 – To Kill The King
- 01×02 – Valiant
- 01×03 – The Mark of Nimueh
- 01×01 – The Dragon’s Call
- 02×11 – The Witch’s Quickening
- 02×01 – The Curse of Cornelius Sigan
- 01×07 – The Gates of Avalon
- 02×05 & 02×06 – Beauty and the Beast Part I & II
- 05×08 – The Hollow Queen
- 03×09 – Love in the Time of Dragons
- 01×06 – A Remedy To Cure All Ills
- 05×07 – A Lesson in Vengeance
- 05×01 & 05×02 – Arthur’s Bane
- 03×03 – Goblin’s Gold
- 04×08 – Lamia
29th January 2020 @ 10:16 am
I totally agree with the moment of truth being first but my second it the beginning of the end, just because of how passionate Morgana is about the druid boy and we get to see her really care and act without thinking about consequences. personally, the poisoned chalice does not really show the true mindsets of the characters and it is a bit confusing at times as somethings just don’t add up but I will still watch it continuously.
29th January 2020 @ 5:37 pm
there’s just something about the poison chalice, that’s just pure guilty pleasure joy. and most of the time, I don’t want to critcially think about whether it makes sense with being that early in the arc, with what happens before and after, with where the characters’ heads are at, because it’s just so glorious hahaha but yeah, Bradley James is ultimately wrong if he thinks it should be top of the list. king or not. haha
29th January 2020 @ 10:14 am
I totally agree with the moment of truth being first but my second it the beginning of the end, just because of how passionate Morgana is about the druid boy and we get to see her really care and act without thinking about consequences.
4th December 2019 @ 2:31 pm
I feel very pressured about the messages with the amount of time we have left to leave feedback for the roundup. 🙂
I’m not sure what to say. I have yet to watch the last ep of s1, so I can’t comment on that one yet. I hope to do that one tonight.
I can’t remember having much love for this show the first time I watched it. I think it was just something that was on in the background while I waited for Strictly to start. But I’m really happy that you’ve taken me along this path again. I am really enjoying the show. Maybe getting older makes you look at things differently or you get a new appreaciation for stuff.
For character development, I think I’ve enjoyed Arthur’s the most. He was really annoying in the first couple of eps. He came across as a bit of a bully and privelaged. Now, he’s one of my favourite characters. I love how honorable he is. How he tries to what’s best for the people even if that somehow goes against his father’s wishes. I love how he always strives to do the right thing and wants to be a better king than his father. He’s still a work in progress, he can still be a bit of an ass not to mention do stupid things (cough, unicorn, cough) but I look forward to seeing his progression.
I loved the dragon in the beginning, he’s already getting on my nerves now. I can’t remember much about Morgana’s arc so that will be interesting to see.
Overall I really enjoyed s1. There were a couple of less interesting episodes but most were very entertaining. I’m terrible at remembering titles, I think my fave ep was the one with Mordred. My least fave ep was probably the first one or maybe Lancelot.
Favourite scenes are probably all the Arthur/Merlin ones, it’s hard to choose. ‘My bench is on fire’ is probably the quote I remember the best. 🙂
What I am looking forward the most in the upcoming seasons? TOM HOPPER!!