Commentary S02E02

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16th October 2019 @ 5:00 pm
sorry for the huge delay in response, things have been busy! Not nit picky at all!! I have no knowledge of agra and very little knowledge of india, so I cannot comment, but surely getting the feel of specific cities you name right, is exactly what location scouting is all about. if you wanted it to be generic indian, then don’t name a city, just say you’re going to india…
17th September 2019 @ 7:38 pm
okay this is a really nitpicky thing, but can i just say how unike agra agra is in this ep? like, as somebody who comes from an indian background, despite have living in the uk my whole life, i can tell how unlike the set is? like obv i dont expect the inside of camilles apartment to be like that, but ive been to agra multiple times, and NO part of it looks like that? like it is stereotypically indian enough to get away with it, but agra has a very specific atmosphere.
anyway, that’s just me being extra XD