Bookclub 4.1 City of Fallen Angels: Chapters 1-3 (1/7)

Bookclub is back!
We are reading chapter 1 – 3 of City of Fallen Angels. Our characters take a bit of a step back from where we left them at the end of book 3, ready for their next rolling adventure we’re sure! Join us over the next 7 episodes, posted every other week.
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29th August 2019 @ 9:15 pm
okay, so, in regards to the malec costumes, i cant say anything about the transphobia that jace has (eff him for having it tho), BUT, the wierd poses and costumes make a teensy bit more sense in rsom. that doesnt really say much, though, seeing as rsom was written around 5 years after cofa. 🙁
also, the star. small spoilers for the infernal devices ahead- basically will herondale (jaces ancestor) got that scar bc of this one time he was having sex with tessa gray, and her necklace scarred him physically, and ever since, herondales of his lineage have had that star. yes, the story behind it is as stupid as it sounds. i have NO idea why jocelyn and clary have it though
3rd September 2019 @ 8:51 pm
That’s like being genetically afraid of ducks. ie, DUMB!! ::facepalm::
4th September 2019 @ 7:15 pm
pretty much, yeah
like i love the books but things like this make me wonder why
28th August 2019 @ 9:45 pm
i was all like, hey, this fits nicely, first day of school, got something to listen to on the bus, but i clearly cant to simple maths haha
3rd September 2019 @ 8:50 pm
Sorry for confusion but hey, there will be plenty of things to listen to for your bus journeys! 🙂
4th September 2019 @ 7:16 pm
yaaaaaaa 😀 (but also boo school is starting tomorow)