Episode 52: Alliance

Episode 52 of The Descent Is Easy discusses Alliance, Episode 21 of Season 3 of Shadowhunters.
In which our gang quips their way through the apocalypse and we are in love!
Fill in our Character Questionnaires now! Part 1 is here & Part 2 is here – fill in both and that is two entries into our The Descent Is Easy goodie bag giveaway!
9th May 2019 @ 6:15 pm
Okay I have vague notes but first off I have to say: RUTH IS WRONG. WHAT IS HAPPENING? His first name isn’t Jiminiy it’s Andrew. I don’t think we can trust you on any Underhill things anymore, especially since he’s real now. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
11th May 2019 @ 11:14 pm
See, for me, the sneak peek was fine cos of a book edom thing that happens when they enter and I assumed they just had that in it, but it then ruined everything when they did arrive and that scene didn’t happen so like I do get why youre angry and youre pretty justified
Why does the warlockness make him unable to use the stele and stuff? Wouldn’t that mean that the downworlder magic doesnt work? Even if warlock does cos concentration if demonicness surely vamp and fae powers would go? Idek
I was legit wearing a leather jacket and it was surprisingly warm and I was on the bus so glass and I was like Jace how are you reading my mind
(I had also had to wait between eps cos school and I feel your pain of confusion)
I think the sword is compulsory (‘draws the truth out’) and Jace is unaware that its optional/Jace is trying it out/an idiot seelies riddle stuff. Not sure
I didn’t realise it was Luke till like 30 secs in likeee 🤣🤣
14th May 2019 @ 12:06 pm
he looks wrong without a beard and I don’t like it!!!
14th May 2019 @ 12:05 pm
I’m ok with Andrew but… it’s just not Jiminy, is it?
8th May 2019 @ 7:32 pm
I think Michelle’s quote is: “Life is too precious to waste any more time on stupid things like pinky swears” and Ruth’s quote could be anything Meliorn and Jace related or that little Izzy and Jace moment…
So for Ruth’s quote I’m either going for: “Probably a 9” or “You can’t lie, can you?”
Not really sure with Ruth’s. Great podcast episode, as always!
8th May 2019 @ 4:43 pm
Btw I feel with you with the typos (I can’t write I’m so dumb)
Oh and btw when I watched the finale with my parabatai for one second we thought Scott and Luke made out or something…
Oh , by the way what’s your twitter account?
14th May 2019 @ 12:04 pm
when in all the world did you think scott and luke made out?? Is it because they are parked up in their car, in a shady spot? hahahah
8th May 2019 @ 4:37 pm
Omg when you made my day when youmentioned me! I’m ready for the fight lol
(The best character is actually Maryse, I’m with Ruth on this one, she’s such a queeen)